"The Grand Finale"
Andy Zarowny


Survivor 4


"Survivor Review" is a private fan site and is no way affiliated with CBS or Mark Burnett Productions.  Many of the pictures and graphics are taken from the official CBS "Survivor Thailand" website, as well as other sites, such as "CBS Early Show".  This site's intent is not to infringe on any copyrighted or trademarked material, only to review and speculate on a TV series which has captured our imaginations.

Thursday marks the end of "Survivor:  Thailand".  This fifth installment
of the best of the Reality TV genre, concludes in a three hour extrava-
ganza.  The First two hours cover the last three days of game-play. 
On each of those days, there is a Tribal Council.  The first and second
of which will still be in the hands of the remaining players.  The third
and final Tribal Council is when the jury of seven former players pick
one of the two finalists to be the winner of The Game, and one million
dollars.  The final third hour of the evening will reveal the winner, and
get commentary and answers from all sixteen contestants. 

That is what is in store for us.  The details of the Finale are shaping up.
We know that there will be two immunity challenges, one most likely
the standard 'Fallen Comrades' one, where contestants are quizzed
on their past teammates.  The other most likely a test of endurance. 
At this point, anybody can win either of these.  So, who of the Final
Four:  Helen, Brian, Jan, or Clay, will get booted, stay, and win The Game?

DAY 37:  The Immunity Challenge will most likely be the memory game.
Jan and Helen seem to me to have an edge in this one.  They've done
well in past quiz challenges.  Brian stands a decent chance, since he
was connected to everybody, and probably spent a good deal of time
listening to the others talk about themselves.  Clay is probably least
likely to win this event, since few people really liked him, but he just
may surprise us all.  Clay is very determined to win everything.   

I'm going to go with Jan winning this one.  It may come down to her
and Helen, or Brian, and the other throwing the last question to let
Jan have one victory.  Also, it makes good strategy to let somebody
else do the dirty work for you.  Look for Jan to stick with Brian and
help vote Helen off.  I said last week she would be voted off, but Ted
was, instead.  I think I'll be just one day off the mark.  Helen goes on
Day 37 no matter who wins immunity (except if she does, in which
case, Jan goes).

DAY 38:  Assuming it's Brian, Clay, and Jan (or Helen instead of Jan),
this last Immunity Challenge will be the endurance one.  The old,
"Stand-on-a-perch-while-holding-the-immunity-idol" trick, as Maxwell
Smart would say.  I see Clay winning this one.  He wants it bad.  Brian
has no doubt Clay will take him to the finals, so he'll bail out when
necessary.   Brian would also prefer having clean hands at that last
Tribal Council.  Most of the past runners-up were he/she who won the
last Immunity Challenge.  So, Brian and Clay advance to the finals.

DAY 39:  It's face the music time with the Jury.  I can't think of one juror
who would vote for Clay over Brian (or anyone else, for that matter).
Maybe Ted, just due to the fact that he realized how much Brian played
him.  Helen, too, for the same reason, but less likely.  She'll probably
vote for Brian to win.  None of the former Sook Jai like Clay at all.  Jan
doesn't care much for him, either.  Brian wins against Clay, with a
vote of at least 6-1, maybe even a clean sweep of all 7.  I tend to think
the latter.

PICK FOR WINNER:  Brian by a comfortable margin.  He's got an alliance
with everyone and will easily make it to the Final Two.  Against Helen
or Jan, he would possibly lose to the Jury, but my hunch is, he faces Clay and wins easily.

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