Penny's VISA ®
Card Is

Andy Zarowny


Survivor 4


"Survivor Review" is a private fan site and is no way affiliated with CBS or Mark Burnett Productions.  Many of the pictures and graphics are taken from the official CBS "Survivor Thailand" website, as well as other sites, such as "CBS Early Show".  This site's intent is not to infringe on any copyrighted or trademarked material, only to review and speculate on a TV series which has captured our imaginations.

I must say that this week's episode was quite boring.  Even an en-
dorsement from
VISA ®, could not save it.  It's Day 28, and life goes
on at camp Chuay Jai.  Ted ponders on who voted for him last even-
ing at Tribal Council.  The ex-Sook Jai, perhaps?  Hmmm, three of
them, and he got three votes.  Coincidence?  Fortunately, Jake puts
the matter to rest, admitting to the vote.  But 'Jake the Snake' also
tells Ted that three of the ex-Chuay Gahns told him THEY were going
to vote off Ted, too.  Ted runs back to his pals, Brian and Clay, and
relates all. 

Brian and Clay, of course, don't know anything.  They chuckle and
play it cool.  Naturally, they are guilty, but Ted is convinced other-
wise.  Ted thinks his buds are true to him.  That changes shortly.

The tide is too high to forage for clams, and food is getting scarce.
Nerves are getting frayed, tension building, will the contestants re-
sort to cannibalism?  No!  Jeff to the rescue with a Reward Challenge
that has a food prize!  More than that, it includes a day away from the
game.  This moment of excitement is brought to you by,

The challenge is one of obstacles, and multi-part, as well.  First, pairs
of players work together to traverse a series of towers using two
planks.  Probably the funniest moment of the episode was at the be-
ginning, when the players paired-up, all expect for Jake.  Nobody
wanted to be his partner.  Poor Jake, Jeff told him he was out of the
challenge immediately.

Brian and Clay are the first the advance to Round Two.  Penny and
Ted do so as well, after Jan and Helen's team loses when Jan takes
a nasty fall off the planks.  The four now struggle individually along
on their bellies, under a bamboo grid.  The first three advance to
Round Three.  Penny loses and 'The Boys' advance to the next ob-
stacle, a high, bamboo wall.  They must work together on this one,
but only two can advance to the final round.  Brian and Ted help
Clay get over the wall.  Who will Clay help?  He tries to help Brian,
but Ted also grabs at Clay's arm to hoist himself up.  Jeff reminds
Clay he can only help one, so Clay shrugs off Ted and gets Brian
over the wall.  Ted grumbles to himself that he could've made it with-
out any help.  Umm, yeah, right Ted!  I don't think so.

Anyway, the final round was a foot race along some narrow logs,
making a long, jagged balancing beam.  It's close till Clay slips and
has to restart at the beginning.  Brian pauses to regain his balance,
but still defeats Clay.  Jeff hands over that beautiful, lovely,
card, and tells Brian he can take a friend along.  Ted looks excited,
but is quickly deflated when Brian chooses Clay.  After all, it was he
who helped Brian over the wall. 

Day 29, and Ted is still bumming about Brian taking Clay instead of
him.  He now questions just how strong his bond is with Brian.  Clay
is tickled pink that he gets a day off from the game.  A boat arrives
and the two are taken to a strip of beach to meet a helicopter.  After
a 45 minute flight, they land on mainland Thailand, board a bus, and
are driven in-country.  They are greeted at the elephant-ride station
with some cool drinks.  But before they board the elephant, Brian
must pay for the ride.  We are treated to another close-up of the all-
VISA ®.   Hurray for capitalism!

The ride itself is pretty uneventful.  For two hours, they wander about
the countryside.  Brian is nervous the whole time, hanging on to his
seat for dear-life.  Clay is having a ball.  They take in the scenery and
discuss strategy.  The episode is entitled, "While The Cat's Away",
and they ponder that Jake is trying to rule the roost back at camp.
He sure is!

Back at camp, Jake and Helen take the boat for a fresh water-run.  He
tries to convince Helen that she cannot trust Brian or Clay.  They
have told Jake their pecking order and she has no chance at being
in the Finals.  Helen takes it all in, but isn't biting.  She can see thru
Jake's plan like a sheet of glass.  Nice try, Tex.

Brian and Clay return to the station and a huge meal awaits them. 
They chow down on and drink plenty of beer. But they have so much
they decide to sneak some back to camp.  The canteens are loaded
with shrimp, soup, and beer.  The rucksacks with fruit and bread.
Upon returning to Camp Chuay Jai, they do a rendition of "Here
Comes Santa Claus".  The others are excited, and grateful, for the
treats Brian and Clay brought back.  Even Ted is pleased that he
wasn't completely forgotten. 

Day 30 and its back to The Game.  Jake and Penny don't have a clue
as to what the Chewies are up to.  Penny tries to distance herself
from Jake.  Clay tells her that Jake is the next to go.  If she plays
along, then Brian and he will include her in the Final Four.  Penny is
excited.  She sharpens her knife and looks for Jake's back.

Immunity Challenge time, and it's a quiz on Thailand.  Each player
has three torches.  A correct answer to each question allows a player
to snuff out somebody else's torch.  When all three torches are out,
that player is eliminated from the challenge. 

Penny proves her new loyalty to 'The Boys' by snuffing out a torch of
Jake's.  But it does her no good.  She is the first one eliminated.  Oh
well, we can see where this is leading.  The others go, one by one,
leaving Jan, Helen, and Ted with a single torch each.  Helen answers
the next question correctly.  Who does she snuff?  Jan!  So much for
'Girl Power'.  She answers correctly again and wins Immunity.

It's late, so they have to rush to Tribal Council.  The Chewies hang
out by the fire discussing their vote, and Jake looks worried.  At
the TC, Jeff goes through the usual motions, asking more banal and
insipid questions.  But then he gives everyone an opportunity to say
their peace.  Jake takes the offer and makes one last pitch to save
himself.  Either it works, or he (and I) were wrong about the Chewies'
pecking order.  In fact, the vote was rather confusing.

Jake voted for Jan to get the boot.  Penny and Clay voted for Jake.
But the rest cast their votes against Penny.  Looks like Clay wasn't
in on the final decision.  That was interesting! 

So sweet Penny goes bye-bye.  Oh well, now she can get a meal and
a shower and hang out with her old pals, Erin and Ken at the Jury
Camp.  Jake will join them shortly, I'm sure.  But not next week!

Yep, you guessed it.  It's the dreaded 're-cap' episode.  You know,
the one where they promise to show new and never-before-seen
footage, but rarely do.  This time we may also be treated to inter-
views with those booted off.  Yawn!  Good thing it's on Wednesday,
I can watch "Enterprise" instead.

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