We rejoin our friends as they arrive back at the Bat Cave after the last Tribal Council. It's Night 30, which is also about Clay's IQ. He goes off on Jake for his comments, all but accusing Clay of being a lazy bum. Mr. Jordan is rather pissed, and has it out with Jake, who defends himself, reminding all what was said to be the criteria for remaining. Being productive, doing work. Brian did say that at the previous Tribal Council. Clay wasn't buying it, and neither was Jan. She was none too happy as well with Jake. But Helen and Ted were sympathetic. Helen believed Jake was right, he is more help around the camp than Clay is. Ted just didn't like the friction Clay was stir- ring up, and took him off to the side to let him know.
Day 31 and the talk shifts to how tired, hungry, and homesick they all are. Clay moans and groans. Jake talks about the journal he is keeping as a letter to his wife. Funny they should talk about this. The tree mail of the morning brings news of a Reward Challenge, and it involves food. Everyone gets excited. They'd all love a good meal.
This week's episode is entitled, "The Big Surprise", and at the Re- ward Challenge, we find out why. The family of the contestants are on the island. Helen nearly jumps out of her clothes when she sees her husband. Jeff calms her down. Ted's brother, Alwan (spelling?) joins them, along with Brian's wife, Cici, Jake's wife, Jenny, Clay's wife, Linda, and Jan's son, Jeff. The reward is a 24 hour visit. The losers get nothing, not even a hug.
The competition is good, old bug eating. But in this challenge, it's the loved ones who must eat the bugs. The first course is a heaping spoonful of red and flying ants. Everybody partakes and swallows. Next on the bill-affair is a nice, big, juicy water roach. They all eat it except for CiCi, who is sent away with no desert. The third round involves being the first two people to consume three, live, squirming grubs. Helen's husband, Jim, and Jenny, succeed in advancing. The rest are dismissed. Jeff Probst then teases them with a live tarantula which he plays with. Didn't his mother teach him not to play with his food? But it was just a tease, the two finalists have to eat a dead one in under a minute. They both do. The final round is a boiled scor- pion, with the first to finish winning. Jim almost pewks, but swallows the nasty beast. Helen is elated.
Jim gets the grand tour of the Bat Cave. He thinks it sucks. He asks what does the loser get? Two days on Survivor Beach? Ha-ha-ha. The others chide him, asking if Helen is always talking, non-stop, about cooking? More laughs. Finally, the campers give Helen and Jim some privacy and all go to sleep.
Day 32 and Helen takes Jim on a water run. He can't believe they have to do this every other day. Jim is impressed with how well Helen has adapted to the daily struggle. She takes the time to dis- cuss strategy. Helen talks about how Brian is the one person she trusts the most. Jim thinks he's the one they should get rid of next. Helen defends Brian, telling Jim that Brian confided to her that he's going to take her all the way and she believes Brian. Later, while hunting for clams, a boat comes to the beach and Jim departs. Helen is sad, but happy for the visit. She's ready to play The Game, again.
Tree mail announces the Immunity Challenge. Some sort of race involving a box. The players meet Jeff on Challenge Beach, where he explains it's a race to build a big Rubix Cube. But they'll have some help. All are rejoined with their loved ones. They will be tied at the wrists and help build the cube. Everybody is happy and after some hugging, the race begins. Ted and his brother finish first. All look happy except for Jake. The loved ones depart and the players are sent back to camp.
Day 33 and Jake knows he's in big trouble. Meanwhile, Helen has a long chat with Brian about ditching Clay. She doesn't trust him at all and wants Brian to commit to dumping him soon. Brian hems and haws and Helen seems convinced that Brian agrees with her. Mark Burnett edits this to make it seem like Clay will go immediately. But we know better.
At Tribal Council, the vote goes down as expected (and just as I had predicted). Jake is voted out 5 to 1, with him voting against Jan. Jeff points out how the voting has been along original tribal lines, but now, The Game will get interesting, as there are only Chuay Gahn left. It's time for some friendly back-stabbing.
SPOILERS: Chuay Gahn turn on each other with Helen plotting the eviction of Clay. Reward Challenge prize is an SUV.