Driving Into The

Andy Zarowny


Survivor 4


"Survivor Review" is a private fan site and is no way affiliated with CBS or Mark Burnett Productions.  Many of the pictures and graphics are taken from the official CBS "Survivor Thailand" website, as well as other sites, such as "CBS Early Show".  This site's intent is not to infringe on any copyrighted or trademarked material, only to review and speculate on a TV series which has captured our imaginations.

Day 34 and we begin with scenes of animals eating each other.  A
herd of ants drag off a wasp, squids attack fish, lizards fight to the
death.  Metaphors?  Omens of things to come?  You bet.  Helen and
Brian pontificate on The Game.  Helen goes on about how Chuay
Gahn had been the loser tribe in the beginning, but rallied after the
departure of Ghandia, and has not had to vote anyone off since Day 12
Brian talks about how it's all a question of skating, now.  He is the
best skater, in his opinion.

Tree mail offers a full length mirror and pictures of themselves prior
to the start of The Game.  They've all lost weight, though Helen still
thinks she's fat.  Clay, Ted, and Brian all marvel at how lean and
mean they are now.  They hog the mirror.  Jan, who's lost over thirty
pounds, complains, but probably doesn't really want to look much
at herself anyway.

Ted chats with Brian about alliances.  Ted's worried and wants reas-
surance that Brian and he are still tight.  Brian gives vague responses.
Brian pretty much says it's every man for himself now.  Ted gets more
nervous.  He begins to consider that Brian may be playing him.  He
then secretly chats with Helen, spelling names in the sand with a
stick on who the final three should be.

It's time for the last Reward Challenge.  Jeff drives up in a Chevy
Trailblazer, which is the main prize.  The castaways pile in, with Ted
riding shotgun and the rest in the back.  Jeff takes them for a spin,
then quips, "C'mon guys, we've got a show to do."  He then explains
that along with the SUV, the winner also gets a day at a spa, complete
with food, wine, a shower, a massage, and a soft bed.  The Super
Challenge is a complex race to gather tiles with letters, acquiring one
letter at each station of the race.  Once they get all eight letters, they
then must spell a two word activity with the letters.  Survivors Ready!

Helen takes a quick lead with the others close behind.  Jeff had to
remind them all that the first letter was under their starting places. 
Jan has trouble at one station and falls behind.  Clay then gets the
lead with Brian close on his tail.  They arrive at the final station, and
begin unscrambling their tiles.  Brian almost won, but misspelled
RAOD TRIP.  Ted hears what the words are and quickly spells it
correctly and wins.  He then chooses Helen to join him for the spa.

The others return to camp and are dejected.  Clay hates losing any-
time, and really wanted a good meal.  Brian was agitated that Ted
won thanks to him saying the words out loud, but then didn't repay
the favor by taking him on the ROAD TRIP.  They then discuss how
Ted and Helen seem to have been spending a lot of time together
lately.  Jan has noticed them whispering often.  Clay saw the also
when the two were writing in the sand earlier.  They grow suspicious.

Meanwhile, Ted drives Helen to the spa.  They talk strategy along the
way.  Both agree that they should go after Clay first, then Brian.
Arriving at the spa, they chow down first.  The two tea-totellers par-
take of some wine and get drunk.  Ted gets very loud and obnoxious.
Helen just wants to enjoy the moment and get some sleep.  Ted has
other plans, but then finally crashes.

Day 35 and they return to camp bearing gifts.  A bottle of wine for each
and they also snuck some food back in their canteens.  Helen and
Ted are worried about what happened while they were away.  She
goes on a water run with Brian and talks strategy.  Helen doesn't
trust anybody at this point, but seems confident that Brian isn't out
to get her yet.

Immunity Challenge is a ten step staircase, but each step is incomplete,
requiring a jigsaw puzzle-like piece, with each step being unique.  It's
a race to find the right pieces and complete the steps.  Brian and Clay
are neck-and-neck the whole race till the seventh step.  Clay has pro-
blems finding the right piece.  Brian excels and wins in a walk. 

Day 34 and Ted is now really worried.  He talks with Brian and asks
him flat out if he's the target for tonight.  Brian answers (lies) that
he hasn't decided yet, but is leaning towards Clay or Jan.  Speaking
of Jan, she knows she a swing vote.  Helen had earlier chatted with
her about dumping Clay.  But now she is suspicious of the Helen and
Ted alliance.  Jan doesn't think any of the alliances are strong and
decides to do what is best for herself.

Brian explains to the camera how he's holding all the aces.  He has
three people in his pocket.  Jan is the expendable one.  Helen is his
loyal soldier.  Clay is his friend.  He is already thinking about how to
play them off each other.  And what about Ted?  Hmmmm!

Tribal Council has it's usual question period.  Jeff prods for insights
about how any of the ex-Chuay Gahn intend to win since most of the
jury is comprised of ex-Sook Jai?  They gotta vote for one of the
Final Two is the general answer, so what difference does it make. 
You'd think Jeff would know this by now.

The vote goes down with Ted getting booted by all.  He cast his vote
against Jan, probably because Brian told him that's who he was
voting for.  Ted is not remorseful.  He won a car and made it very far
in The Game. 

SPOILERS:  Next week is it.  The Grand Finale.  Three hour show that
covers the last three days, two immunity challenges, and three tribal
councils.  And, oh yes, ONE MILLION DOLLARS!!!  The final hour will
be void of singing and dancing, unless Tom from "Survivor:  Africa"
is around.  Jeff promises answers to questions.  Sounds exciting,
doesn't it?  Be there, Aloha.