Divide & Conquer
Andy Zarowny


Survivor 4


"Survivor Review" is a private fan site and is no way affiliated with CBS or Mark Burnett Productions.  Many of the pictures and graphics are taken from the official CBS "Survivor Thailand" website, as well as other sites, such as "CBS Early Show".  This site's intent is not to infringe on any copyrighted or trademarked material, only to review and speculate on a TV series which has captured our imaginations.

This week's episode was named by Mark Burnett as "The Great Divide" There was plenty of division on both tribes to take note of. Chuay Gahn is split right down the middle. Sook Jai is nearly as bad.

Day 4 begins at Chuay Gahn with them still smarting after the previous night's tribal council. Also with Clay's snoring. Jan and Helen get down to business, taking their retched fishing boat to fetch water. Unfortunately, they forgot the map. Oh well! Clay, Ted, and Brian set up the Chuay Gahn Golf Course and play a round. Needless to say, while they enjoy themselves, Helen and Jan get lost. They take 5 hours or more to do what should've taken 3 hours or less. They return exhausted and disgusted. Especially Helen with Jan.

Over at Sook Jai, the fourth morning begins yet another day of shelter building. No, they don't get it finished. Jed and Stephanie have no interest in working on the shelter, which is noticed by the rest. But they busy themselves with getting food and water for the rest, which was almost noticed. The final insult is when the rest, minus Robb, go off foraging for food and the threesome don't eat what the rest found. They also don't sleep in the shelter, that is, till it began raining. Jed and Robb scurry to the shelter, but Stephanie stays on the beach, sleeping near the fire. Needless to say, she catches a cold.

Day 5 brings tree-mail and news of a reward challenge. Six members from each team are blind-folded and carry a seventh in a Palanquin. That person must direct the others around a figure-eight course, gathering bags along the way. Penny guides for Sook Jai, and Tanya for Chuay Gahn. The ill Stephanie sits out. The prize is an extra latern and a bunch of fishing equipment.

Both teams are fairly even throoughout the race. Tanya kicks back and enjoys the ride, while Penny stands at the front, being quicker to untie the bags suspended from poles at various stations. She is also more agressive in guiding her teammates, who often brush and bump obstacles and trees. At one point, they even tripped, but strength and youth win the day. Sook Jai narrowly defeats Chuay Gahn.

Back at the loser camp, folks are depressed, but it's Helen's wedding anniversary, and they surprise her with a song and party. Helen is amazed and nearly starts to cry. Tanya doesn't cry but almost wretches at the dinner. She is having a tough time, first being dehydrated, now, unable to eat shellfish. Things are not going well for her. Day 6 may not be any better for Tanya as the tribe awakes to find some squid washed up on the beach. Helen prepares and cooks it, since she's the only one who knows how, but the others are skeptical.

Tree-mail brings word of the Immunity Challenge. Erin of Sook Jai shows that she's not just a pretty (plastic) chest as she reads the message. Both tribes gather at Challenge Beach and Jeff explains the Floating Lotus Flower challenge. It's a large puzzle floating off shore with six pieces, about 6-8 square feet in size, anchored nearby. One at a time, in relay fashion, a player from each team swims out to a piece and dives ten feet to unhook their puzzle piece. They then must bring it to their flower and fit it in the correct place, as each piece is unique. First team to complete their puzzle and have all members on the flower wins. Shii Ann sits out for Sook Jai. Survivors Ready!!!

This one looks like a natural for Sook Jai to win. Both were even till Jan took too long, throwing Chuay Gahn behind. But then they get a break, as Penny fails after two tries to unhook her piece. The rules allow for a player to pass, but they must touch the piece, then tag a teammate to do their piece for them. Penny returns and tags Jed, who swims like mad. All the while, Ghandia is doing her piece. Jed still beats her back, despite the fact it took two Sook Jai to do what one Ghandia does. After that, it's between the sick but athletic Stephanie and Clay, who loses by about a minute. Sook Jai wins again!

Now, one would think that Chuay Gahn would figure out they need to ditch Ghandia if they hope to win any of these competitions. Or perhaps Jan? But the focus is placed on Helen, because she doesn't blend well with the others, and Tanya, who despite her illness, has still managed to do well. Afterall, she's an old track and field star from her not so long ago college days. But strength is not what Chuay Gahn is all about.

At tribal council, Jeff quizes the tribe about their attitude. Ted replies that they may be staring to become discouraged, but they are still a family. A rather dysfunctional family, in my opinion. It's time to vote, and the tribe nearly splits down the middle with 3 votes against Helen and the remaining four against Tanya. And so Chuay Gahn gets rid of strong player for the second week in a row, and seems to have a target on a third for next week. And they will be back next week, take that to the bank!

SPOILERS: Is it Survivor or Smackdown as we are treated to clips of a brawl between the two tribes. Also, it seems that Ghandia may be accusing Ted of being a tad too familiar with her.