Crash and Burn
Andy Zarowny


Survivor 4


"Survivor Review" is a private fan site and is no way affiliated with CBS or Mark Burnett Productions.  Many of the pictures and graphics are taken from the official CBS "Survivor Thailand" website, as well as other sites, such as "CBS Early Show".  This site's intent is not to infringe on any copyrighted or trademarked material, only to review and speculate on a TV series which has captured our imaginations.

As we last left our happy campers, Chuay Gahn had just voted Tanya out, for her own good. She just didn't adjust to the rigors of Survivor: Thailand. The tribe had been subject to three defeats in a row. It was sink or swim time, though Clay still calls them the 'Happy Tribe'.

He didn't know that Ghandia was less than happy. Day 7 shows her depressed about Ted 'grinding' her several times during the night as they slept. She admits to liking his cuddling, but she feels he went too far. Ghandia has a private chat with Ted, who quickly apologizes. He gives a plausible excuse about just doing what he normally does with his wife when he's asleep. Ghandia accepts Ted's apology, but not for long.

Sook Jai, while on a winning streak, still has huge problems. They are still have a lousy shelter. They still have not had a good meal. Everybody is very hungry and very grumpy. Tree mail brings news of a reward challenge.

It's a Pirate Race! Each tribe has a pirate boat with baskets of loot. Two members at a time from each tribe may traverse a narrow, bamboo walk-way to capture loot from the other tribe's boat. If they fall off the walkway into the water, they must start over from the beginning. With a new twist, the two tribes may engage in physical conflict with each other on two small designated 'attack zones'. If they interfere with each other outside the zone, then the offending player is disqualified and the offending tribe must give up a basket. The prize for the challenge is a 24 hour visit with two Red Berets, Thai Special Forces soldiers, who may help the tribe with shelter, survival skills, and locating food sources. Jake and Penny sit out for Sook Jai.

The game begins with Sook Jai creaming Chuay Gahn. At one point they were up seven baskets to three for CG. But then things got nasty. Ken started things off getting disqualified, followed quickly by Robb. Stephanie was in the water when she made illegal contact and got herself disqualified. Jeff Probst was getting perturbed. Jed finally made the final blunder, which gave Chuay Gahn their tenth basket, and the win. Sook Jai trudges off, with Robb fuming about Clay and Ted. He says, "They didn't beat us, the rules beat us." Duh!

The Red Berets arrive at Chuay Gahn beach and immediately start showing the tribe where the edibles are. They also demonstrate what one with skill and a good knife can accomplish. Helen is in love. The Thai soldiers cook up a great meal, serve it on dinnerware they carved out of bamboo, and probably helped build a proper latrine, too. Evereybody is happy, except for Ghandia.

She tells Jan and Helen about the incident with Ted. Though now the story is expanded, and she deglects to mention that Ted apologized. The gals plot to evict Ted at the next Tribal Council. Helen mentions this to Brian. Day 8 and Brian hangs out with Ted in the morning. Ted tells Brian his version of the story. Brians tells Helen, who then tells Ghandia, who then stomps off and does a primal scream and beats on a fallen tree.

Ted tries to talk to Ghandia and they decide that a group meeting is needed. All are gathered (including the Red Berets) and each tells their side. Ted denies some of Ghandia's allegations, particularly fondling her hair and biting her on the shoulder. One would think the latter would be easy to prove, since there should still have been a mark. Ted seems to have won over Brian, and probably Clay. Helen and Jan don't say much. Ghandia is still unhappy.

Things aren't much better at Sook Jai. Jed and Robb take the big fishing net and decide to leave it in the water for awhile. Since their earlier efforts to use it failed, Jed figured they're doing something wrong. Duh! Jed then takes a nap and when he awakens, the net is gone. Sook Jai is very unhappy, and hungry, now.

Day 9 and it's Immunity Challenge time. It's a variation of the Hanoi Tower puzzle game. A model of a Thai temple is made of several stackable pieces, each smaller than the one below. The model must be disassembled and re-assembled using three platforms. They may only stack smaller pieces on larger ones, and they must be in a circled area around each platform to move a piece.

This is an easy one for Ted, who knows math well being a programmer. Chuay Gahn takes an early lead and never looks back. Shii Ann admits later that she knew what to do, but kept her mouth shut. She thinks it's time to get rid of some people. Sook Jai, under guidance of Jed, loses their first immunity challenge.

We get very little pre-Tribal-Council time with Sook Jai. Robb chats up Ken about getting rid of Shii Ann. Ken replies complaining about Jed. It's the She-Devil versus the Lazy Dentist for tonight. At Tribal Council, Jeff quizes the castaways about the food situation. Jed replies they'll live on snails for another couple weeks then all die. Probably not far from the truth. Erin likes food. Food good, hunger bad. Stephanie chimes in on how hunger will be making them more grumpy. Jeff's had enough small talk. It's time to vote.

Shii Ann goes first, which did not do John or Tanya much good, since they each were the first to vote on the days they were booted. But the jinx is over. While she did get three votes (from Jed, Robb, and Stephanie), the rest cast their five votes to expell Jed. Apparently, the dentist had a cavity, in the top of his head. You don't score points being lazy or losing your fishing net. Sook Jai crashes and burns this episode. Will it last?

SPOILERS - The castaways get company, in the form of some dummies. Like they needed more? Also, the Ghandia-Ted controversy continues.