"Baby Got Back-Stabbed"
Andy Zarowny


Survivor 4


"Survivor Review" is a private fan site and is no way affiliated with CBS or Mark Burnett Productions.  Many of the pictures and graphics are taken from the official CBS "Survivor Thailand" website, as well as other sites, such as "CBS Early Show".  This site's intent is not to infringe on any copyrighted or trademarked material, only to review and speculate on a TV series which has captured our imaginations.

This week's episode began after last week's Tribal Council.  Sook
Jai strolled home smarting.  Especially Robb and Stephanie.  Their
leader, Jed, had been voted off.  They now knew that the other five
were not impressed with Jed, or with them.  Shii Ann now knows who
is on her boot-list.  Like she didn't before.  The tribe decide that they
have to pull together in order to avoid another Tribal Council.

Another rainy night and Stephanie still refuses to sleep in the tribe's
shelter.  She's also still disgusted with the rest.  While she gathers
up some squid that washed up on the beach, the others tend to the
fire.  Steph complains to Robb, "It takes five people to build a fire?"
Shii Ann suggests that they use their large pot for only boiling water
and not put any seafood in it.  Steph walks by and drops off a squid
and tells Shii Ann to "stick it where ever she wants."  Grumpy aren't

Day 10 at Chuay Gahn isn't much better.  The campers are moody
there as well.  Ghandia and Ted are still feuding.  This has split the
tribe along gender lines.  Ghandia taunts them, talking loud about
how they are the "Love Tribe".  Jan and Helen are supportive, but
nervous.  The men are clearly disgusted.

Day 11 brings tree mail and a 250 pound dummy to be used for the
reward challenge.  Instructions are for each tribe to decorate their
dummy.  Chuay Gahn dresses theirs up like a woman, Sook Jai gives
theirs a masculine appearance.  Stephanie does all the painting on
the dummy.  The others kick back and watch.

The Reward Challenge is the first for food, with the prize being a
goodly quantity of bananas and a 'surprise'.  The game is to carry
their dummies around the coast of a small, nearby island.  Sook Jai
sits out Shii Ann.  This race was obviously going to be won by Sook
Jai.  They have the physical strength to do the job.  Chuay Gahn
never had a chance.  After winning, Jeff invites Sook Jai to feast on
their prize, right in front of Chuay Gahn.  The losers didn't seem very
pleased at all. 

Returning to camp, the boys of Chuay Gahn discuss the loss.  They
clearly blame Jan and Ghandia.  Jan just isn't up to physical challenges.
Ghandia, they claim, was actually pulling backwards at times, and
lost one of her sandals during the race.  Why didn't she wear her
sneakers, they wonder?  The battle-lines are defined.

Back at Sook Jai, everybody is happy for a change.  They feast on
more bananas and discover that the surprise prize are some chickens.
Robb tells the chickens they better lay lots of eggs.  I guess he has
experience doing that.  But at least they have meat now, and for once
some of the in-fighting has ceased.

That's not the case at Chuay Gahn.  The men go off to fish (and chill
out in the water) while the women do everything else at the camp.
The gals complain how lazy the men are.  Helen seems most disgusted
with Ted and Clay, sizing them both up as being degrading towards
women.  But, she's determined to play the game and try to get along.
Ghandia does not.  She continues her splitting ways.

Day 12 and it's Immunity Challenge time.  It's another puzzle, the
famous Tangran Puzzle, where a square is cut into seven different
sized shapes and must be arranged to form a picture.  Two sets are
provided, one to form a lamp, representing fire, the other a temple,
representing Tribal Council.  Penny and Jake go against Ted and
Clay in the first round, and it's close.  Sook Jai completes their first,
but not by much.  Round Two has Shii Ann and Ken against Jan and
Ghandia.  It's no contest.  Sook Jai wins easily over the Bobsy-Twins.

The long walk back to camp gives Chuay Gahn plenty to think about.
Ghandia figures the men will all vote against her, so she tries to get
Jan and Helen to focus their votes against either Ted or Clay.  She
admits not being very good at challenges, but tries to explain that the
game is not about winning them, but about winning the money.  Umm,
it seems to me that you have to win some of those challenges in order
to have a chance at winning the money?  Jan recognizes this and
steers the gals against Clay.  Jan says he just sleeps all day and they
need Ted for the challenges.  Ghandia tells Helen this.  Helen would
rather vote of Ted, and privately tells the camera that she has to do
what is in her own best interest. Dum-De-Dum-Dum!

Tribal Council has the usual questions by the Jeff-ster.  Clay is
quizzed about how tough things are.  Clay explains that he didn't
realize just how hungry he would be, or depleted from the heat. 
Helen tells Jeff how she worries about everything, food, water, and
the challenges.  Then she has to worry more about voting.  Ghandia
is asked if everyone is pulling their weight.  She says no and looks
at Clay as she disses him and the men in general.  Clay says that
everybody is doing what they should be doing.  It's time to vote.

For the first time, Jeff has to ask the gang about a vote.  Clay did not
write Ghandia's name, instead calling her the "Denver Diva".  I'm
sure Ghandia knew he was going to vote for her anyway.  Jeff continues
the count.  It's four to two against Ghandia.  Helen was the swing
vote.  She back-stabbed Ghandia.  Not that there was any love lost
between them.  They hadn't gotten along very well to begin with. 
Helen did sympathize with Ghandia, as Helen had done volunteer
work as a rape consoler.  But in the end, Helen chose to save herself
instead.  A wise move indeed.  Jan is now in serious trouble.

SPOILERS:  Next week, Sook Jai has an unfortunate run-in with
something that stings, and Jeff makes everybody an offer they can't