Don't Cry For Me,
Koh Tarutao,
Andy Zarowny


Survivor 4


"Survivor Review" is a private fan site and is no way affiliated with CBS or Mark Burnett Productions.  Many of the pictures and graphics are taken from the official CBS "Survivor Thailand" website, as well as other sites, such as "CBS Early Show".  This site's intent is not to infringe on any copyrighted or trademarked material, only to review and speculate on a TV series which has captured our imaginations.

Episode 5 begins with Chuay Gahn returning from Tribal Council.  It
seems that everybody knows that Jan cast her vote against Clay.  He
is very unhappy about that.  Clay begins whining about how Ghandia
convinced Jan to vote against him.  He says he'll remember that.  Jan
knows that she's in trouble.  She figures she'll be the next one voted
off (as did I).  Helen is very practical about the whole thing.  While she
doesn't care for Clay, and probably really hates Ted, Helen did what
she felt she had to do to stay in The Game. 

It's the crack of dawn of Day 13 at Sook Jai Beach, and we find Jake
and Stephanie engaged in murder.  The tribe decided to have them-
selves a chicken for breakfast.  Looks like they grabbed Mr. Rooster.
Jake gives him a quick twist of the neck and after the two Southeners
pluck him, into the pot he goes.  Sook Jai feasts on boiled rooster
and bananas, the first decent meal they've had since arriving.  Shii
Ann is so hungry, she eats every tear of meat she can.  Including
the heart, gizzards, and whatever else is left by the rest.  Robb, to
whom cooking is probably a matter of tossing something frozen into
a microwave, is disgusted by her eating habits. 

Stomachs are growling at Chuay Gahn.   Clay goes on a clam hunt
and returns with just one.  Now, I had thought that the Red Berets had
shown them all the local food sources, so why are they starving?  Me
thinks that they've gotten lazy and decided that if nothing washes up
on the beach, or if nobody else gathers food for them, then they
might as well starve.  Brian and Ted decide to go fishing and take the
boat out, dragging their net along side.  Ted uses this opportunity to
discuss strategy with Brian about their alliance.  They apparently
catch no fish, and, upon returning, do a lousy job of beaching the
boat, as we shall soon see.

Sook Jai, with full bellies, decides to take the day off and have some
fun.  They hit the beach and frolic in the waves.  Robb gets fresh with
a stingray, who stings his foot.  Robb screams and yells, but nobody
pays much attention to him, for he is always screaming and yelling.
They finally notice him as Robb limps up on shore with a bleeding
foot.  Jake and Penny fly into action to save Robb from certain death.
Well, that's what Robb thinks, anyway.  Actually, they don't think he's
hurt all that bad.  Especially Shii Ann, who tells Robb stingrays are
no big deal.  She was once stung by a jellyfish, potentially much more
deadly.  Robb's pain and tears get no sympathy.

Chuay Gahn decide to get their mind off food by having a late-night
sing-a-long, featuring Helen's renditions of Christmas carols.  They
all have a jolly time as the tide rolls in and carries their fishing boat,
and net, away to sea.  Next morning, Ted notices the boat missing.
After crooning his neck a bit in hopes of seeing the boat, he grabs
a seat on a nearby log.  The ocean has beaten him.  Brian and the rest
soon learn of this new disaster.  Helen goes really ape over it.  The
boat is essential in their getting fresh drinking water.  Ted questions
the local monkey about the where abouts of the boat, but to no avail.
Clay is really happy he wasn't involved in this fiasco.

Jan does find tree mail, $1000(USD) in $20s and a note inviting them
to the Survivor food auction.  But before the auction begins, Jeff,
the host with the most, Probst, makes them the switch tribes offer.
If anybody wants to, they can do so.  Nobody does, they are all too
scared or settled at this point.  The auction begins with a cheese bur-
ger, fries, and all the trimmings.  Sook Jai buys that for $120.  Chuay
Gahn quenches their thirst with a $20 pitcher of lime-aide.  Sook Jai
then wins the 'Mystery Plate' for $80, which turns out to be a bowl of
grubs.  Stephanie doesn't care, she'll eat anything.  There's serious
bidding on the next item at Jeff's Diner, spaghetti and meatballs with
a side order of garlic toast.  Chuay Gahn wins that one for $400.  Jeff
brings out another mystery plate, which Sook Jai wins for $200.  It
turns out to be a feast of hot fudge sundae!  The last item is a bowl of
cheese nachos, with a surprise bonus.  Chuay Gahn wins that for one
$320.  The bonus turns out to be a pitcher of Margaritas. 

Day 15 at Sook Jai Beach is a happy one.  Everybody had a good
night of sleep from their full bellies.  Even Stephanie is acting nice to
all, passing out their morning bananas.  Penny comments on this to
the camera.  Stephanie also talks to Mr. Cameraman, but her slant is
more realistic.  She hasn't gotten a fuzzy-feeling, she recognizes that
tempers are quelled by the fact they've finally had some decent food.

Over at Chuay Gahn, things are less pleasant.  They know they have
a challenge today, but Helen thinks they need to go get water first. 
She and Brian decide to make the mile-plus swim to fetch it.  Ted tries
to argue that they have enough water and that they shouldn't be
expending their energy like that before a challenge.  Helen, the Voice
of Realism, thinks otherwise, and she and Brian depart.  It turns out
they really didn't have to worry too much, the immunity challenge was
some lame-game of sorting fish.  Four types of seafood were mixed
in a large pen.  The tribes had to separate them into four marked
baskets.  Erin and Ken sat this one out.  Chuay Gahn won this, the
most unexciting challenge to date. 

After the commercial break, we find ourselves at Sook Jai Beach,
where the fish-knives are being drawn out.  Stephanie figures she's
a target for being booted.  No kidding.  But Mark Burnett makes us
wonder, as Erin tells Cam-Bot that everyone is getting along except
for Shii Ann.  She's just too different.  Shii Ann has a chat with Jake
when she notices others off talking about her.  Jake tells her not to
worry.  But she does, thinking that since she's the only minority left
on the island, she's a target for the culture-purists.  She obviously
forgot that Ted is over on the other side of the island. 

Arriving at Tribal Council, Jeff asks his usual, insipid questions.  He
quizzes Robb about his impressions of the other tribe.  Robb doesn't
think much of them.  Jeff then turns to Stephanie, who admits that
she felt the other's priorities were misdirected when they first arrived.
Shii Ann is Jeff's next target, about how everyone is getting along. 
She answers that they all are, to which Stephanie and Robb exchange
smirks.  It's time to vote.

The editing makes us believe that this one may be close between
Stephanie and Shii Ann, but it's not the case.  Stephanie goes with
five votes.  Only she and Robb voted for Shii Ann.  But Steph takes it
like a pro.  She knew she screwed up and has no ill feelings. 

SPOILERS:  At Chuay Gahn, the boys decide to search for their lost
boat.  Meanwhile, at Sook Jai, Robb and Ken have a heated argument.
Could we finally be seeing the end of SkateBoy?