Ancient Chinese
Secret, Huh?
Andy Zarowny


Survivor 4


"Survivor Review" is a private fan site and is no way affiliated with CBS or Mark Burnett Productions.  Many of the pictures and graphics are taken from the official CBS "Survivor Thailand" website, as well as other sites, such as "CBS Early Show".  This site's intent is not to infringe on any copyrighted or trademarked material, only to review and speculate on a TV series which has captured our imaginations.

Episode 7, entitled, "Assumptions", begins with Sook Jai returning
after another meeting at Tribal Council.  Robb has been voted off and
everyone feels a tad guilty.  Erin quips about not really trusting any-
one, especially Ken and Shii Ann.  They, in turn, quietly discuss how
little they trust Penny.  While Erin and Penny are tight, Ken is only
in their orbit.  Jake is a decent moon.  Shii Ann is left alone in her
own universe.

Tree mail brings news of a meeting, to which they all must pack their
belongings, and five colors of body paint.  Each contestant per tribe
must use one paint as their primary color.  Beyond that, they can de-
corate themselves as they choose.  They gather at Challenge Beach
and are joined by that host with the most, Jeff Probst.  He explains
that this is an opportunity for the two tribes to get familiar with each

From each tribe, those with matching colors will pair up, take one of
five baskets, and go off and talk to each other.  Some get food, others
get instructions.  The pairs are Shii Ann and Clay, Ken and Helen,
Erin and Ted, Penny and Brian, and Jan and Jake.  The first two pairs
get instructions in their baskets to check out each other's encamp-
ment.  Clay gives Shii Ann a tour of Chuay Gahn's beach, as Ken
gives Helen a tour at Sook Jai beach.  While Ken gives Helen the third
degree, and offers nothing, Shii Ann readily spills her guts to Clay
about all the in-fighting at Sook Jai.

Shii Ann loves the cave.  She thinks it's much better than what they
have been sleeping in.  Oddly enough, Helen is impressed with Sook
Jai's shelter.  Of course, she didn't spend a rainy night in it.  After
the tours, everyone returns to Challenge Beach.  Jeff now lets them
know that the four were each tribe's ambassadors, and that they must
choose one beach for all to live at.  Without question, they decide on
Chuay Gahn's beach.  Jeff says this is a fresh start for them all, so
he throws in a new boat to replace Betsy. 

At Chuay Gahn beach, the ten to live as one big happy family.  Yeah,
right!  But, at least for a few hours, they all bond.  They find all sorts
of food and plenty of wine.  They call their new tribe Chuay Jai.  A
party is called for, and all but Ted are drinking.  Jan and Brian get
drunk.  She nearly falls in the fire, and Brian threw up.  But not before
Ted privately discusses what he and Clay learned and how to turn
Shii Ann over to their side. 

The next morning, Brian stumbles about, well hung over.  He does all
right, though.  He's obviously had experience.  Brian immediately
starts to work on Shii Ann.  He tells her that the remains of Chuay
Gahn have decided to mark Penny for eviction.  She had confided in
Clay and Ted on how nice Ken and Jake were, but that Penny and Erin
are allied and manipulating the rest.  Brian shares with Shii Ann that
he doesn't care for Penny either.  He tries to lure her in, offering her,
Jake, and Ken, safety, till Erin and Penny are gone.  Shii Ann is very

Ken notices Shii Ann spending a lot of time with the others, so he has
a private chat about her loyalty.  She tells him that the Chuay Gahns
are planning to vote off Penny.  She stammers and postures, but Ken
knows she's thinking of doing so as well.  He reminds her the conse-
quences of her actions.  They have to stay focused and vote off a
Chuay Gahn.  Shii Ann agrees, half-heartedly.  Ken is worried.

Day 21, and morning tree mail informs them today is Immunity Chal-
lenge Day.  They all head over to Challenge Beach and line up before
Jeff.  He asks for the tribal immunity idol back, places it on a table,
and announces that it's up for grabs again this week.  The ten players
are shocked.  They 'assumed' that this week was for individual imu-
nity, and the prize would instead be a necklace of some sort.   Jeff
reminds them that he never used the word 'merge'.  They would just
be two tribes sharing a common home.  Their 'assumptions' were
wrong!   Mark Burnett has done it again.

Each tribe will be locked in their own jail cell, and each player will be
shackled with three locked restraints.  Hooked on a series of poles
well outside the cells hang the keys for the locks.  They have to get
them using whatever they can find in the cells.  Also, they can only
use one key per lock.  After getting all fifteen keys, they then must
dig themselves a hole and escape from the jail.  First tribe with all
five members out, and the fifteen keys, wins.

It's a close race.  Each tribe ties sticks together with shoe strings, and
tries to reach their keys.  Jeff told them that they must always have
one foot inside the jail during the key phase.  Chuay Gahn gets the
first, and stays in the lead, but Sook Jai is running a close second.
They finally tie at fourteen each, and then each tribe drops it's last
key when unhooking it from a pole.  But Chuay Gahn gets theirs first
and then proceeds to escape first as well.  Chuay Gahn wins!  They
return to their beach, and talk about the new twist.  Also, how happy
they are that Sook Jai lost.

Sook Jai goes to Tribal Council immediately.  Jeff tells them that for
those who survive tonight, they will remain in the game till the end.
So, there will still be a jury of seven to judge the final two.  Jeff asks
Erin about the new twist.  She babbles on about how shocked she
was, and how she was looking forward to wearing the individual
immunity necklace.  Jeff points out that a storm has approached,
right on queue, as the wind and rain rush in, another fury arises.

Erin fires a volley at Shii Ann, though not naming her, on her loyalty
and being distrustful.  Someone has betrayed the tribe, and we know
who.  Penny chimes in and makes her feels known about the betrayal.
Shii Ann then counters, and she does not use innuendos.  She tells
Penny, point-blank in her face, how Penny has mistreated her and
why she can never trust her.  She also lets Ken and Jake know that
she has covered their backs in her talks with Chuay Gahn.  She tries
to convince the others that voting Penny off now would be the more
strategic move.

Shii Ann is voted off, four to one.  She cast the only vote against
Penny.  Jeff snuffs out her torch, and she takes the walk of shame.
Jeff chides them that this vote will either make them stronger for a
rebound, or fracture them completely. 

SPOILERS:  The tribes begin to adjust to their new curcumstance,
but not without some discord.  Ken is not happy with Chuay Gahn's
bathroom habits of peeing inside the cave.  Magilla the Monkey
doesn't mind a little urine.  He's busy stealing all of the food.