Poor Little Lambs,
Andy Zarowny


Survivor 4


"Survivor Review" is a private fan site and is no way affiliated with CBS or Mark Burnett Productions.  Many of the pictures and graphics are taken from the official CBS "Survivor Thailand" website, as well as other sites, such as "CBS Early Show".  This site's intent is not to infringe on any copyrighted or trademarked material, only to review and speculate on a TV series which has captured our imaginations.

Episode 8 begins with the night of Day 21, and Chuay Gahn is discus-
sing the day's events.  Including whom Sook Jai will vote off.  They
figure, and correctly so, that Shii Ann will be booted.  Cut to Sook Jai
stumbling home in the dark.  They stop to have a pow-wow on how to
behave around the enemy.  Penny also tries to rally the gang back to
victory.  And to cover her own butt. 

Upon returning to camp, Sook Jai finds that the Chewies have stayed
up for them, keeping the fire going, and some hot food as well.  The
losers are grateful, and touched.  They clue in Chuay Gahn that all
remaining contestants will stay till the end, making up the finalists
and the jury.  Ted asks why they voted Shii Ann off.  Ken answers that
she was deemed to be a threat, having cut a deal with Chuay Gahn.

Day 22 and the morning brings out the sweetness in Penny.  She's
busy schmoozing with Chuay Gahn.  But Ted and the others aren't
buying it.  Helen remarks how everyone is playing everybody now.
Everybody but Ken.  He's complaining about Chuay Gahn's bathroom
habits.  Somebody's been peein' in the cave!  Nobody owns up, and
the camera cuts to Magilla the Monkey.  Could he be the culprit?

Helen begins to bore everyone with talk of food and recipes for baked
desserts.  Cookies, cakes, brownies, caramel bars, you name it, she
has a recipe for it.  The girls go off and take notes, as well as do the
various domestic chores of the camp.  Brian comments on how things
have not changed in thousands of years.  The sexes revert to their
natural roles.  Good thing none of the women heard that.  He and Jake
have had enough of 'Baking with Helen', and go off fishing.  They
chew the fat and probe for information, but neither says much.  It gets
late and they return, only to find Helen STILL talking about food! 

Day 23 and the morning tree mail brings news of today's immunity
competition.  They head for Challenge Beach, and Magilla makes a
move on all the food.  Guess he got hungry listening to Helen yester-
day.  The survivors swim out to a platform to meet Jeff.  It's another
tribal competition.  The platform is divided into two pools with a pole
intersecting the middle of each.  Attached to the pole are four bamboo
snorkels for each team. 

Jeff explains that they must take a deep breath, dive, blow water out
of their snorkels, and then remain below for as long as they can.  The
amount of time each member stays under will be cumulative.  The
tribe with the most combined time underwater wins.  For some odd
reason, Chuay Gahn sits out Helen.  I would've thought that this is
one she would be a natural for.  Oh well, she's probably winded from
talking all day long.

Penny lasts all of nine seconds.  Ken bails out after 15.  Clay pops up
after 20 seconds.  Ted quits at 21 seconds, followed by Jan at 23 and
Erin at 25.  Jeff announces that Chuay Gahn has a 16 second advan-
tage over Sook Jai as Brian and Jake battle it out.  Brian looks like
he's taking a nap and can stay under all day.  Jake finally gives up.
Jeff tells Clay to tap Brian and let him know he may surface.  Chuay
Gahn wins again, their fourth Immunity Challenge in a row! 

Returning to camp, they find that they've been raided.  Magilla ate the
bananas they were saving for today, and he also got into the rice
noodles and chicken feed.  Helen vows revenge.  I'll bet she has a
recipe for baked monkey with almonds and wine sauce.  Jake is
nearly in tears, feeling that he cost Sook Jai the win.  Ummm, how
about Penny and Ken?  Even Erin lasted longer the everyone except
the finalists.  Erin consoles Jake and shows him kindness. 

Brian is also bummed out, disappointed that Chuay Gahn can't gloat
and celebrate his, I mean 'their', triumph.  Clay and Ted also wanted
to do a war dance or something.  The Sookies go off by themselves
and decide that they'll cook their last chicken.  Since tonight will be
the last night that all four are together, Penny suggests they all sleep
together.  Jake is aroused.

Day 24 and morning brings the chicken-killing ceremony.  Jake goes
into a long speech, quoting Buddhist philosophy.  Jan gets teary.  Ted
goes off to avoid the whole thing.  I'm sure he'll be back to eat.  Jake
breaks Lucky's neck and for about a minute, the bird flaps it's wings
as it's life bleeds away.  Jan takes the head and feet and buries them
next to Oscar the Baby Bat in her pet cemetery.  Helen cooks up the
chicken to everyone's satisfaction.  Clay is so happy he gives Helen
a peck on the cheek. 

After eating, Jake and the Sookies go off on another pow-wow.  He
asks if they should reveal and discuss their vote now, before Tribal
Council.  Penny says she'd rather know now than at TC.  Erin would
rather wait.  Ken says only if it's unanimous.  I think he was expecting
Jake to sacrifice himself.  They decide to wait and have a final group
hug.  The Sookies return to camp and pack their belongings.  Chuay
Gahn is sad to see them go, but glad it's not themselves making the
trek to Tribal Council. 

Jeff asks about what life is like at camp, since they're sleeping with
the enemy.  Ken is happy, the Chewies have made them feel at home.
Penny also chimes in that maybe for the first few days they felt like
guests, but now they've adapted.  Erin knows the numbers are now
against them, but she's okay with it.

Jeff then asks each why the others shouldn't vote them off.  Erin says
she's an asset and has never caused any trouble.  Penny says that
she's a competitor and give it her all.  For at least nine seconds, any-
way.  Jake declares himself the strongest player, especially when it
comes to water sports.  Ken says he's most strongest over all.  Jeff
tells them it's time to vote.  As he tallies the votes, all the Sookies
hold hands with each other.

Erin gets three votes, and she cast hers against Ken.  She looks sur-
prised.  But she takes it in stride and takes her torch to Jeff.  After
he snuffs out her flame, Erin gives everyone a final hug and wishes
them well.  Jeff tells the rest to remain hopeful.  Anything is possible.

SPOILERS:  The contestants are treated to messages from home, but
Helen seems upset.  The others all have nice cars in their driveways,
so she is the only one who deserves to win the money.  Meanwhile,
Jake and Ken decide it's time to stir up some friction within Chuay
Gahn's ranks.