The Finale:


    Andy Zarowny

Day 39, the last day of The Game.  Jenna and Matthew hang out at camp.  On
the 'calendar pole', where they've been keeping track of the time, they paint
their names on top.  On the side of an old crate, they then paint the names
of the other 14 contestants, in the order of their dismissal.  I wonder if they
had help from Big Daddy Mark Burnett?  We're treated with flashbacks of
each.  How touching.

Matthew goes off fishing one more time.  He admits to throwing last night's
challenge.  Meanwhile, Jenna gathers some fallen fruit, or coconuts.  She
tells Uncle Cameraman about how she's learned to push herself.  Matthew
finds their old canoe adrift, and brings it back to camp.  He loads up all the
props and much firewood.  Being the pyro that he is, Mateo ignites the boat
and gives it a Viking funeral.  (Actually, Vikings were more prone to drag-
ging their boats ashore, then covering them with earth, forming a burial
mound.  But that's another story.)

We are then treated to comments from each of the jurors as we watch the
two finalists paddle their way to the last Tribal Council.  Arriving there, Jeff
goes into his usual, 'the-power-has-shifted-to-the-jury' speech.  Each then
makes their opening statements.  Jenna doesn't have much to say, other
than she thinks she's played a morally correct game.  Matthew waxes long
on how hard he's worked around the camps, being a good tribe member,
making sacrifices, competing hard, and playing with integrity.  Too bad he
didn't find that cure for the common cold, or he could've added that, too.
On to the Question Phase.

Butch, first, almost gets knocked silly from a stage prop.  He asks what each
if they had lied, and both admit to doing so at some point in The Game.  Rob
asks why the other doesn't deserve to win.  Matt says that Jenna didn't con-
tribute as much to the tribe as he did.  Jenna says that Mateo just rode on
Rob's coat-tails.  Meow!!!  She also alluded to Matt not needing the money
since he is already rich.  Alex says he's fed up with both about how honest
they were.  He queries each on their regrets.  Jenna regrets voting against
Deena.  Matt regrets siding with Ryan. 

Heidi asks who each thinks from the Jury deserves to be in the Final Two?
She seemed dismayed that both answered Rob instead of her.  Deena then
leaps and attacks Jenna for saying that Matt didn't deserve to win because
of his personal wealth.  She then dumps on Matthew for some sexist remark.
Christy asks Matthew what his initial reaction was when he learned she was
deaf.  He answered that it didn't matter effect his opinion of her.  Christy
then slams Jenna for an earlier remark Jenna made about how her good
looks is a handicap for her.  Jenna apologizes, sort of. 

Dave, the resident rocket scientist, asks an intellectual question.  What
modern, influential, world leader did each try to emulate?  Matthew answers
Colin Powell.  Jenna answers her mother.  With that, each makes their
closing remarks.  Matthew confesses to lying and betraying others.  Maybe
he wasn't playing with much integrity, after all?  Jenna says that she's
worked hard and deserves to win.  The Jury then votes.  We see that Butch
has voted for Matthew, and Heidi voted for Jenna.  The rest are unknown.

Jeff Probst then grabs the voting urn, hops on a jetski, and departs.  We
watch him as he flies across the water.  Watch out for that freighter, Jeff!  As
the camera pans back, we see him in New York's harbor.  He pauses just
long enough in front of the Statue of Liberty for the Kodak Moment.  Dock-
ing the jetski, Jeff grabs a subway and rides it to the Ed Sullivan Theater,
home of the David Letterman Show.  On stage, the cast is assembled for
the final vote tally.  It's a landslide!  Jenna wins with six votes! 

The Reunion Show then begins in earnest.  The most poignant learned was
that Rob probably would've beat them both if he were in the Final Two. 
Beyond that, the most important revelation was the location for the next
season, off the coast of Panama on the Pearl Islands.  Here, each tribe will
have their own island.  Also, the contestants will be "stranded" in a new

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