Week 13:  "And Then There
Were Four"
Andy Zarowny

This week's episode was anti-climatic.  The Guys busted up the Heidi-Jenna
alliance, which we knew was going to happen at some point.  That it took this
long is disappointing.  Had Christy not goofed before and during her last
Tribal Council (swearing loyalty to Rob and his cause, and not proclaiming
to be powerful), both Heidi and Jenna would be gone by now. 

The question now is, can Jenna survive the last two Tribal Councils?  If she
can pull an upset and win the next two immunities, or if Matthew wins the
next, and Rob convinces him to vote off Butch, and Jenna wins the last
immunity challenge, then she has a shot at the finals.  The rumor is that she
and Matthew are the two finalists. 

Since the show is tomorrow, I'll make my predictions here:

Final 3:  Butch gets booted on Day 37, leaving Rob, Matthew, and Jenna.

Final 2:  Rob gets booted.  Either Jenna wins immunity and makes the choice
     or Matthew wins and decides that he has a better shot at the grand prize
     facing off against Jenna.  We got an indicator that he will be prepared to
     do that this episode.

The Winner:  Matthew wins.  It could be anywhere from 6-1, with Heidi being
     the only pro-Jenna vote, 5-2 with Alex voting also for Jenna, or 4-3 with
     either Deena or Dave going along.  There is a slight chance that all four
     will vote for Jenna, making her the winner. 

But Matthew has the advantage of three solid votes, Christy, Butch, and Rob,
whereas Jenna only has one sure vote, Heidi.  Alex will most likely swing to-
wards Jenna, but if he is honest about who played The Game best, he'd have
to conclude that Matthew did.  Likewise the same for Dave and Deena.  Both
got smoked by Rob and Alex, so there is less animosity towards Matthew.

There's no doubt that Matthew has played a great game.  He truly does de-
serve to win.  Matteo has earned this victory with skill and effort.  He's the
'come-back-kid', having been close to being booted many times. 

Jenna, on the other hand, has played hard.  Perhaps too hard.  Her manipu-
lative games have earned her at least one enemy, Christy, and possibly
more.  Unfortunately for her, she helped shaft Dave and Deena.  Butch is
obviously tighter with his fishing partner, Matthew.  At best, she may get
the sympathy vote, which is the only way she'd win the million dollars.

PICK TO WIN:  Matthew

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