Week 10:

Andy Zarowny

Day 28 finds a new power structure at Jacaré.  Alex, Jenna, Heidi, and Rob
now find themselves in complete control of the tribe, and The Game.  They
feel they can slack off and take it easy, letting Matthew, Butch, and Christy
to do all the work, like gathering food and firewood.  Needless to say, the
Three Non-Amigos are very unhappy.  They are little more than slaves to
the Youthful Four, and face certain elimination.

We learn today about Jenna's family situation.  Her mother has cancer and
Jenna is very worried about her.  This sets us up for the Reward Challenge.
It's the classic Survivor Food Auction.  Each contestant has $500 to use
to bid on various goodies.  Heidi and Jenna spend their money on nutritious
items like cheesecake and peanut butter and chocolate.  Matthew buys him-
self a cheese burger and fries for $400.  I wonder what the John Travolta
character from "Pulp Fiction" would say about that?  Butch buys a break-
fast of bacon, eggs, and pancakes, as well as a bonus of some bedding.
Alex got skunked on one surprise, then won another of a steak and potato
dinner.  Rob bought a protein bar.

Poor Christy won no food, but then Jeff Probst pulls out a packet of letters
from home to be auctioned.  Whoever won gets theirs.  Christy, still with
plenty of cash, outbid Jenna and won.  This prompted Jenna to start crying.
She completely lost it, dampening everyone's spirit.  Jeff felt sorry and with
Christy's 'ok', he offered a second auction for letters.  Everyone stayed
quiet and allowed Jenna to win hers.

Back at camp, Jenna and Heidi get catty and trash Christy for being so mean
and selfish.  How dare she spoil their fun!  They obviously forgot that she
permitted Jeff to allow Jenna to get her letters.  Matthew tells Uncle Camera-
man that he thinks Jenna is absolutely horrid and selfish.  He and Butch go
fishing and decide that they have to stir up some trouble.  They reason that
if they can turn Rob to their side, they can give Alex the boot.

Day 29 and after Matthew and Butch head off for more fishing, Alex wakes
up Rob and they go off for a strategy chat.  Alex tells Rob that it is obvious
that Heidi and Jenna will never vote against each other.  He then goes on
to explain that when they reach the Final Four, he will vote against Rob.  If
Rob wins immunity, then he expects Rob to vote him off.  Rob nods and
agrees, sort of.  Rob finds Uncle and tells him how pissed he is at Alex. 

Tree mail brings questionaires which each must complete secretly.  The list
are all 'slam' questions, like who is the most this and the most that.  Rob
and Matthew have a talk afterwards.  Rob spills the beans on everything
that has been going on behind Matthew's back.  Matthew is shocked at the
arrogance of his fellow tribe mates.  They plan to ditch Alex.  Rob then tells
Christy of the plan.  She agrees to go along, though she's not sure how far
she can trust Rob.

Night 29 and this week's Immunity Challenge is more like the Biggest Stink
than the Weakest Link.  First to guess correctly how the tribe answered
the questionaires five times wins.  Rob wins, though it's obvious that Matt
threw the challenge to him.  The next morning, Alex, Jenna and Heidi are
very pleased that Rob won.  Matthew will be their target.  He is toast, or so
they think.  At Tribal Council, Jeff chides Jenna and Heidi, whom have
painted tatoos on their cheeks (facial), clearly showing that they have an
alliance.  The vote goes to the wire with Matthew getting 3 ballots and Alex
getting 4.  You are the Biggest Stink, Goodbye! 

SPOILERS:  Jenna confronts Rob for betraying Alex.  Reward Challenge is
for a visit with a loved one from home.

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