Week 11:
"Hear No Evil"

Andy Zarowny

Night #30 and the gang returns from Tribal Council.  Rob had stabbed Alex
in the back, betraying him as well as Heidi and Jenna.  Needless to say, the
two were quite upset at Rob.  Rubbing salt in the wounds, Rob makes a lame
speech about why he did what he did.  Interestingly, Matthew also threw in
his two-cents, and assured Jenna and Heidi that it was not personal.  He
also told them that his vote against Alex did not mean he opposed them.  All
this was too much for Heidi, who broke down and cried.

Jenna and Heidi sleep in while the others busily repair damage to the shelter
from an over-night rain storm.  The roof is leaking and they were all wet. 
Matthew complains to Uncle Cameraman that the roof was never very good.
I seem to recall that Matt, Rob, and the Ladies were responsible for the roof.
Good thing Roger didn't let them help with the rest or the whole thing would
have collapsed by now.

Another rain storm hits the camp, ceasing all work.  Well, sort of.  Heidi and
Jenna begin working on Christy, attempting to recruit her to taking out Rob.
Later, Rob talks with Christy about sticking with The Guys.  Christy tells
Uncle that she's not sure what to do, though she likes The Guys more.

It's Reward Challenge time.  Jacaré gathers as Jeff explains the game.  First
the six contestants must find four buried paddles, thus eliminating two. 
Then the remaining four must paddle a canoe, or swim, out to a platform
which has four sets of puzzle pieces.  Each in a different colored bag.  There
is a question about Amazonian wildlife with four answers, only two of which
are correct.  This eliminates two others.  It's then a race back to shore and
to assemble the puzzle.  Reward is a visit with a loved one from home.

Matthew smokes the rest.  Rob was trailing, but didn't have a chance.  Jeff
then offers Matthew an option.  If he gives up a visit with his mom, the rest
of the tribe may have a short visit with their loved ones.  Matthew agrees,
and the others are elated.  For ten minutes they hug and picnic.  Once the
other loved ones leave, Jeff then brings out Matthew's mother.  They will
still get to spend an evening together at an Amazonian feast.

There was plenty of food and drink.  Matt and his mom have a great visit.
They are even treated to some local entertainment.  Meanwhile, back at the
camp, the rest split five bottles of wine and get hammered.  Butch looses
his cookies and passes out.  Rob tries schmoozing Heidi and Jenna. 

Day 32 finds Rob bummed out that everybody loves Matthew.  Rob had con-
sidered taking Matt to the Finals, figuring the Jury would not vote for Matt
to win the million.  But Matthew is just too nice a guy now, so Rob plots to
eliminate him.  He tries to cut a deal with Jenna, to take her to the Finals
instead.  Jenna is outraged and spills the beans to everyone.  Rob makes
more lame excuses.

Day 33 and Rob continues to scheme.  Heidi continues to work Christy. 
Nobody works on the roof.  It's Immunity Challenge time and this one is a
variation of the break-the-plate-with-a-slingshot game.  This time, the goal
is to break your own and for each plate destroyed, you earn a puck.  The
pucks are then used on a shuffle-board map of South America.  Whoever
can slide their puck closest to a star marking their location wins.  Jenna
is the victor.    With help from Matthew, she earned five pucks and had the
last shot at the shuffle-board.  Jenna displaced Heidi's puck, which was
dead on the mark. 

After the challenge, Rob works on Christy, trying to make sure she'll vote
against the Heidi-Jenna two-some.  But Christy is non-committal.  She tells
Rob she won't decide till she picks up the pen.  This launches Rob into more
paranoia.  He then schemes with Heidi about targeting Christy.  Heidi seems
to agree, but will she?

At Tribal Council, Jeff gets Rob to admit that he is playing hard to win the
million dollars.  Jenna tells Jeff she'd like to win, but she has morals and
ethics, and won't betray people.  ZING!  Rob squirms.  Christy tells Jeff that
she feels powerful, thinking that she has the deciding vote.  She does not.
Jenna makes Survivor history, giving up her immunity to protect Heidi.  We
then watch the voting as Christy and Butch cast ballots against Jenna.  But
the rest ganged up on Christy.  She gets the boot, 4-2.  At the confessional,
Christy is nearly in tears, and swears that she will not let either girl win the
big money.

SPOILERS:  A fire does serious damage to the camp site.  Plus, next week
is a double-show, with Episode 12 on Thursday and then the big finale on
Sunday.  We're down to the wire.  Who will be the sole survivor???

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