Night 36, and the Final Four (Butch, Rob, Matthew, and Jenna), return to the Jacaré camp. They all talk about how happy they are to be in the finals. Of course, Rob is planning the next boot, which is now meant for Jenna. She knows she's in trouble, but is glad to have made it this far, anyway.
Day 37 and the tribe goes about their daily chores. Enough firewood is ga- thered to last the remainder of The Game. Didn't they do that last week, and wound up burning the camp down? Oh well, some people never learn. We see Rob chatting up The Guys on booting Jenna next.
Immunity Challenge is a maze which has four stations, each with a trophy representing Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water. The trophies and guides are all engraved with different shapes, as the contestants must navigate the maze blindfolded. First to gather all four and return to the starting point wins. At first, Matthew gets into the lead, and holds on to it for a while. Butch and Rob are having problems. Jenna, however, is determined. She catches up with Matthew by the third trophy, and then snags the 4th before him. He's close behind, but Jenna succeeds and wins.
Back at camp, Rob is worried. With Jenna winning immunity, all his well- made plans of the morning are worthless. So he and Matthew take a walk to chat strategy. Butch uses this time to cut a deal with Jenna. Meanwhile, Rob and Mateo decide to boot Butch, or so Rob thinks. Later, Matthew talks with Jenna, and the cards against Rob are looking much worse. If they vote together as a block, and try to boot Rob, then each agree to take the other into The Finals.
At Tribal Council, Jeff asks each why they think they deserve making it this far in The Game. Butch answers honesty and hard work. Matthew answers integrity and trust. Rob, more realistic, quips Luck and Strategy. Jenna answers a specific question from Jeff about having so much power tonight. Jenna likes having power. She really does! Unfortunately for Butch, she decides to vote with Matthew and Rob and Butch gets the boot.
Day 38, and after a miserable night of being attacked by moths, the Final Three make themselves a huge breakfast. A good thing, too, for the morn- ing tree-mail brings them a scale. A metric one, at that. Luckily, Matthew knows the metric system and they all weigh themselves. Mateo lost about 28 pounds, Rob about 38, and Jenna lost over 20 pounds. Jeff then arrives to describe their day. First, a ride on board a float plane and a chance to take in the sites and wonders of the Amazon. Afterwards, they then paddle to a hut where they'll find head-dresses and decorations. They are to paint and make themselves Amazon warriors.
After this activity, they head for Tribal Council and the last Immunity Chal- lenge. It's the old will-power game, this time, perched on a narrow stand, they must hold their head-dresses above the heads. Last one standing wins. Mateo takes a dive. He's got deals with both, so he's not worried. At one point, Rob tries to cut a deal with Jenna. Jenna, however, is deter- mined. She wins, and chooses to boot Rob.
Read Part 2, The Finale