Week 2:
"I Got 'Kelled'"

Andy Zarowny

DAY 4:  Jaburu Tribe still has no shelter, so they spend another night  out
in the open.  No shelter, no roof, no leadership, no organization.  They are
having enough trouble just trying to keep a fire going and boil drinking
water.  The Tam-bozo Tribe has all of the above.  Except for women, of
course.  The men also have no fish, despite a team effort to catch some.  It
is cut short as a nasty storm rolls in.  They retreat to their shelter and stay
nice and dry.  The women get soaked.  They struggle to keep their fire going.
Just another day at Camp Jaburu.

It's Reward Challenge time, and another version of 'Blind-folded-puzzle-
building.  The reward is a batch of fish bait.  Christy sits out for the ladies.
Butch guides the men to their puzzle pieces, JoAnna guides the women. 
Since Butch apparently doesn't know all the men's names after spending
3+ days with them, they lose miserably.  The women cheer as they win.  The
men return depressed.  Just another day at Camp Tam-Bozo. 

DAY 5:  A bit of food helps.  The men figure out how to cook with the grain
they were given.  It looks yummy and they all rave about the flavor.  The
women burn their grain, which is probably a good thing, since it's ridden
with maggots.  Janet nearly pewks.  The bait they won doesn't help with

Speaking of bait, Roger and Alex square off on the subject of sexuality.  Rob
watches as they argue about if homosexual men disgust them.  They do
Roger, they don't Alex.  YAWN!  Rob carefully records all for later use.  He
wants Roger gone soon.  Meanwhile, back at Jaburu, the ladies bed down.
JoAnna does not want the Immunity Idol around the camp.  She's 'Old
Testament' bible-believin', and wants no part of the worship of  idols.

DAY 6:  Christy complains more about being left out of the night chats. 
Jeanne clues her in on JoAnna's attitude about the idol.  Christy says it's
stupid to think that way.  I think so, too.  But JoAnna, who overhears the
remark jumps all over Christy.  They argue.  JoAnna gives Christy 'The
Hand'!  Shades of Alicia and Kimmi!  But that isn't the only problem at Camp
Jaburu, as the women find half a granola bar in the supply box.  All their
personal belongings were stored there, so somebody snuck food with them.
Nobody confesses, but thanks to Jeanne, who seems to be busy this morn-
ing stirring up trouble, all suspect Janet as the culprit.

Immunity Challenge is a memory game.  Each tribe gets 2 minutes to look
over a traditional Amazonian dwelling.  Jeff then asks 10 questions.  They
pair-square-off, one member from each tribe.  Shawna sits out for the ladies.
The men get off to an early lead and never look back.  Their losing ways are
now over.  They win with 6 right to the women's four correct answers.

Jaburu returns depressed.  They lay about on their half-finished floor of
their unfinished shelter.  Christy decides that she will build a roof.  The rest
grumble.  Christy criticizes all for being lazy.  That really endears her to the
Ja-bore-us Tribe!  When a few return with palm fronds for a roof, Christy
changes her mind.  Now she wants to go fishing.  Meanwhile, Janet tries to
talk herself out from being booted by denying the granola incident.  She
confides to the cameraman (woman?) that she's voting for Jeanne, her arch

Tribal Council results in Christy putting her foot in her mouth some more.
She declares that the others exclude her from all activities because of her
handicap.  Jenna denies this.  They vote.  Janet is booted with 5 votes.
Christy, Jeanne, and Jenna each get one.  Janet is 'Kelled', referring to the
Kel-incident in "Survivor: Outback" when Jeri accused him of sneaking
beef jerky with him. 

SPOILERS:  Ja-bore-us Tribe gets more pathetic as they continue to
struggle with shelter, fire, and water.  But they do have time to take a bath
before their dream dates with the boys of Tam-bozo. 

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