Week 3:
"Attack of the
Andy Zarowny

When Francisco de Orellana  led his band of conquistadors down the river
in 1541-'42, he told the world about being attacked by a tribe of warrior
women, the Amazons.  He named the river after them.  Nobody believed him.
I don't blame them, it was a fantastic tale.  What is verifiable about his incre-
dible journey is unbelievable.  But a race of savage, women warriors?  Well,
obviously, one would have a hard time accepting that, unless they saw this
week's episode.

DAY 7:  We rejoin our intrepid contestants.  The men are hard at work.  Their
shelter did not prove as rain-resistant as needed.  The roof leaked a lot in
the big storm the other day.  All are busy improving the roof.  Roger then
asks Dan if he could fetch some water.  Dan looks puzzled.  Him, do work?
Roger gets frustrated and stomps off for the water himself.  He later com-
plains to others about Dan's laziness.  Dan is busy chatting Mandarin with
Matthew, whom we learn was born and raised in Hong Kong.  They discuss
the vulnerability of Roger.

Shift to Camp Jaburu.  The women have been struggling to survive.  The
camp is a mess.  Hygiene is bad.  They smell, pots are cleaned, food is left
exposed, and it's attracting bugs.  There's still no decent shelter.  Nothing
is getting done.  Jaburu holds their own Tribal Council.  Jeanne and JoAnna
scheme and get Deena appointed Den Mother.  She is reluctant, but accepts.

Reward Challenge for this week is a guessing-game.  The prize are toiletries,
a variety of items like soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, etc.  Each contestant
gets a bag of assorted items.  The object is to ask someone from the other
tribe if they have an item you have.  If you get a match, a point is scored. 
There are 35 matched pairs of items.  Whoever gets 18 pairs wins.

This is the first time the Guys and Dolls get to really chat with one another.
During the course of play, they flirt with each other.  Jenna, Shawna, and
Heidi quickly become the favorites of the Boys, who somehow know their
names.  They've been paying attention.  The Girls are impressed and use
this to toy with the Tambaqui men.  The guys began with a lead, but the
ladies catch up.  It's all even-up at the end with 17 matched pairs apiece,
then the women win the last pair.  They are excited! 

The boys are excited, too.  The idea of clean, fresh-looking women appeals
to them.  That night they discuss the day's events.  Rob is happy as he
thinks he made a good impression on Heidi, whom he has a crush for.  Dan,
likewise, has a thing for Shawna.  Alex is hot for Jenna.  Dave is hot for
Jenna.  Even Butch likes Jenna. 

DAY 8:  The women bathe, and do they ever!  Christy comments on the
activity of communal bathing.  She is definitely jealous of the Girl's Club.
They sense the angst of the 'older women', so Heidi, Shawna, and Jenna
go off on their own.  Dressed in bikinis, they provide the eye candy the show
desperately needs.   They go topless while bathing.  Ratings explode!

Back at Tambaqui, the men begin to play 'The Game'.  Matt and Dan work
on Dave, Rob, and Alex to boot Roger.  Dave is led to believe by Matt that
Alex wants Roger out.  Rob tells Alex he'll vote any way Alex does.  Alex
thinks he is the swing vote.  The fate of Roger or Dan rests on his shoulders.

DAY 9:  The women are organized.  Deena assigns duties to each.  The camp
gets cleaned up, water is boiled, a roof takes shape.  The fish are biting, too.
The women break out in song.  Tree mail informs them of Immunity Chal-
lenge.  They prepare, donning machetes, outfitting themselves with water,
dressing for battle.  Back at Tambaqui, the men get ready, too.  They play
Magic 8 Ball, asking the orb which woman likes each.  Dan seems annoyed
that Dave inquires about Shawna.

The two tribes are gathered by Jeff.  The Boys are happy to see the Girls
again.  They return the Immunity Idol to Jeff, graced with blue feathers in a
lame attempt to be cute.  The Challenge this week is a variation of the Jail
Game.  Each team is caged and must perform several tasks in order to get
out and win.  The Boys are disorganized, the Women are not.  The Ladies
win this one easily.  The men return to camp sulking, and begin the back-
stabbing.  The Roger vs Dan battle is on. 

At Tribal Council, Jeff chides the Boys on losing 4 out of 5 Challenges.  He
then abuses them about their lack of fishing skills.  Only three minnows
were caught this episode.  I then experienced an audio problem, I'm assum-
ing it was either local or nation-wide.  Fortunately, I used Closed-Caption to
see that Roger and Dan went at it with each other.  It's time to vote.  Dan
gets the boot.   Looks like 6-1 against.

SPOILERS:  Due to audio problems, couldn't get much, but it seems that
next week's Reward Challenge involves tangling with some piranhas.   We
also see something about one of the women have had enough and want to
go home.  She can't see lasting another 30 days.

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