Week 4:
"Fishin' Time"

Andy Zarowny

Day 10 finds the ladies of Jaburu sound asleep.  Well, most of them.  The
Dynamic Dou of JoAnna and Jeanne are up early making noise.  Sharpening
machetes, replenishing the fire, and getting the fishing tackle ready.  The J-
Team are on the move.  Of course, the remaining ladies are trying to snooze.
They are not impressed, in fact, they are annoyed.  Especially with JoAnna's
martyrdom complex.

The men are hungry.  Despite constant attempts at fishing, they have failed
to catch much more than a few minnows.  A light bulb goes off and they
decide that maybe using worms might help.  DUH!  Maybe there's plenty of
worms around?  DUH!  The Tam-Bozo tribe goes on a worm safari.  Matthew
is excluded.  He knows he's next.  His early alliance with Ryan and Dan is
costing him.  What to do?

Meanwhile, back at Camp Jaburu, the gals are split over the work ethic.  The
young'uns are especially tired of JoAnna's running commentary.  She warns
the Girls Club that their good-looks will fail them.  Time for them to Fear the
Lord.  Actually, it's time for the Girls to organize.  They strategize and deter-
mine to enlist Deena as an ally.  Deena accepts.  She sees what Jeanna and
JoAnna are up to.  Their new den-mother plans the agenda for working on
their 'Boot' Merit Badges.

Day 11 and the men are off fishing with their worms.  Amazingly, Matthew
catches a large spotted-bass.  He knows his fish.  It's a nice sized one, looks
like a five-pounder.  The rest of the Bozos are impressed.  Matthew may
have just bought himself an exemption.

It's Reward Challenge time.  A new twist on the 'Quest for Fire' theme.  Each
tribe has a banner, divided into four sections.  Each section is rolled up and
held in place by a rope.  Build a fire high enough to burn all four ropes and
unroll all four sections of the banners to win.  The prize is a working fridge
full of this season's soda sponsor  -  Coca-Cola.  Jaburu gets off on an early
lead, burning two ropes before the men get their first.  But the men come
back and stage an upset.  They triumph and win!

Jaburu returns to camp upset.  They are depressed.  Shawna feels very bad.
She can't go on any further.  She wants to go home, or at least to the com-
fort of the Loser Lounge.  Deena tries to get her to re-hydrate, it's obvious
that Shawna is just exhausted and needs fluids.  But Shawna is too far gone.
She wants out now and tells the others that if they lose immunity, she will be
tempted to ask to be voted off.  This causes concern within the new Alliance.

The men of Tam-Bozo are happy.  They return to camp and find their new
refrigerator full of Coke.  It's the Real Thing, after all.  Matthew prepares and
cooks up the bass he caught.  The boys feast.  It's been a good day.  Rob
leads the evening sing-song.  Everybody likes Rob, even Roger.  Well, he
likes him a little, which says a lot.  Seems that Roger thinks Rob's parents
should have spent more for Rob's singing lessons.

Day 12 and Immunity Challenge comes early.  It's a fishing tournament. 
They all gather at Lake Piranha to see which tribe can catch the most, you
guessed it, piranhas!  Jeff demonstrates that safety must be observed.  He
shows all a couple sample fish, and their nasty teeth.  Each tribe is given
fishing tackle and bait.  They'll have one hour to catch as many as possible.
Afterwards, the tribe with the most fish by weight wins both the fish an Im-
munity.  The men win this one.  The ladies spend much of the time trying
to stun the fish they catch so they can remove them from the hook.  The
boys have a system.  Some fish and the others deal with the catch.  Division
of labor triumphs!  Frederick Taylor is avenged!

The ladies sulk back to camp.  Two losses in a row sinks morale further. 
Shawna is now having trouble just staying on her feet.  She wants out now,
but her friends recruit Christy to join the Girls Club.  They still want JoAnna
gone.   Shawna feels trapped by her alliance.  She has her own agenda now.

Tribal Council and Jeff discusses the leadership factor with the ladies.  Jo-
Anna thinks she's their spiritual leader.  Yeah, Right!  Deena tells Jeff she is
concerned for Shawna's health.  She also praises Christy as 'Most Improved
Tribe Member'.  It's time to vote.

JoAnna gets four votes and the boot.  She and Jeanne voted for Shawna,
who voted for Christy.  Huh?  I guess she had to be mad at somebody.  Jo-
Anna takes the walk of shame, and Jeff tells all not to get comfortable.  You
never know what's going to happen next.  Oh really?

SPOILERS:  Shawna continues to sink physically and emotionally.  She feels
trapped in a world she didn't create.  Meanwhile, Dave and Jenna get to-
gether for a dream-date.  It even includes a shower!  The thought of a naked
Jenna showering drives Dave's imagination.  Mine, too!  Hehehe!

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