Week 6:
"Where's the Beef?"

Andy Zarowny

Night 15:  After the Tribal Council, Christy was shocked by Jeanne being
voted off.  She talked with the rest after returning to camp about why the
others booted off someone who was a hard worker?  Roger explains that
he and Butch considered Jeanne unnecessary.  What she brought to the
tribe, in terms of strength, was redundant.  Roger then goes on to say that
what Christy adds to the tribal structure, her positive attitude, was deemed
more important.  It's clear that Christy has charmed Roger and Butch, much
to the chagrin of Dave, who had promised Heidi a free ride to The Merge.  It
now appears that such is no longer the case, and nobody bothered to tell
him about the change in strategy. 

Day 16 and morning comes to both tribes.  At Tambaqui, after a warm, fuzzy
campfire the night before, The Guys start acting like guys again.  When
Dave asks Roger about what the work schedule is, Roger says one group
will go fishing, the other stays at the camp and digs a new latrine.   Of
course, it's The Guys who go fishing while Christy and Heidi do all the dirty
work.  Heidi now questions her strategy of sided with them. 

Over at Jaburu, The Boys get to brush their teeth for the first time since The
Game began.  Rob's breath is so fresh, he feels he needs to be kissed. 
Deena smirks.  At first, she admits to Uncle Cameraman, that she didn't
think much of the lads.  But now she's changed her mind.  She likes having
The Boys around.  Matthew tells Uncle that he's very comfortable here,
unlike at Tambaqui.  Shawna likes Alex, and really likes playing with his
hair.  Jenna feels like the third wheel at a drive-in. 

Reward Challenge time and all gather to a mud pit spanned by a suspended
log.  A rolling log, at that!  Jeff tells them they will be facing each other off
in pairs, boy-boy, girl-girl, and who ever dumps the other into the mud wins
their round.  First team with 5 wins gets the reward of fresh fruit and spices.
Deena, the odd-girl, sits out.  Jabruru wins the first two rounds, with Mat-
thew beating Roger and Shawna beating Heidi.  Tambaqui swings back with
three straight victorys, with Dave, Butch and Christy beating Alex, Rob, and
Jenna.  Things stay tied with Shawna dumping Heidi again, but Butch de-
feats Matthew, making it 4-3.  Christy then rolls Jenna into the pit for a se-
cond coating of mud.  Tambaqui wins!

Jaburu takes a tribal bath.  The Boys enjoy this.  Jenna and Shawna don the
bikinis and scrub themselves.  Rob really likes Jenna's bikini.  Deena sits
back and watches in utter amazement how easily the lads are manipulated.
She hatches a plan.

Back at Tambaqui, they strut and gloat over their victory.  Christy is very
happy she beat Jenna twice.  Heidi doesn't look pleased that she was fell
twice by Shawna, but she is impressed with her new tribe.  Butch, always
looking for a chance to give a pep talk, tells all about his 'defining moments'
in life.  Christy has become the newest, first with her conversation last night
and then during the challenge.  She has impressed him. 

Day 17:  Rob is not impressed with Alex.  He's disappointed with Alex being
so easily swayed by the likes of Shawna.  Rob sense's that his alliance with
Alex is not worth much anymore.  He has a talk with Deena.  She tells Rob
she has Jenna, and Heidi locked up.  With The Merge looming large, he
would be welcome to join them as a foursome.  Rob would love a foursome
with the ladies.  Alex is Deena's target.  She wants him gone.  Rob was
trashing Matthew, but Deena said as long as Matthew keeps catching fish,
he stays.  Rob sees the writing and goes to Matthew.  Matthew is quick to
join the fun.  Alex is a marked man.  At night, they play 'The Dating Game'
with all The Boys trying to win a date with Shawna.  She likes Rob's plan for
Broadway and skating-in-the-Plaza best.

Day 18:  Alex gets green as he notices Matthew flirting with Shawna.  Deena
becomes more certain he is a threat.  No time to plot, as tree-mail brings
news of Immunity Challenge.  It's 'Shred-The-Slab-Of-Meat'.  Using only their
mouths, contestants must tear chunks of meat off a swinging slab.  The
tribe who can put the most weight on their scale wins.  Tambaqui starts off
with a better strategy, as Dave steadies the slab while others tear at it.  But
Jaburu catches up, though it does them little good as Tambaqui wins.

Alex shows his cards at a group chat, and tells all he's voting against Mat-
thew.  Matthew returns the favor.  Shawna sides with Alex.  At Tribal Council
Jeff senses that Jaburu is uneasy.  Each member talks about their role in
the tribe.  It's time to vote.  Jaburu boots Shawna, 4-2, with the happy couple
casting against Matthew as promised.  I don't think Alex will have long to
wait in rejoining her.  Jeff warns of more to come.  Huh-uh!

SPOILERS:  Alex is dismayed by Shawna's expulsion.  The locked boxes are
opened, and it looks like both tribes scramble to gather belongings.  The
Merge takes place with a new campsite and red buffs for all.  Speaking of
buffs, during a challenge, Jenna strips all.  Another Wednesday episode,
war permitting. 

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