Week 7:
"What?  Me Worry?"

Andy Zarowny

Night 18:  Jaburu returns to camp after Tribal Council.  They are exhausted
and depressed having booted Shawna.  Especially Alex.  But Rob tries to
get the team refocused by discussing strategy.  Should there be a merge,
he suggests that they all stick together, recruit Heidi and Christy, and then
target Dave first, followed by Roger and finally, Butch.  Rob doesn't have
long to wait.

Day 19:  Tree-mail delivers the key to the locked boxes which came with
each tribe's supply crate.  Inside are instructions to gather belongings and
head for a new location.  Both tribes arrive on a small island, where Jeff
awaits them, with new, red buffs, a map, and a red canoe.  It's a standard
merge, for real.  No funny twists. 

Arriving at the new beach, the ten remaining players find a feast of hotdogs,
chicken, cookies, and plenty of Coor's Light beer.  Oddly enough, the very
first commercial break is for Coor's Light.  The new tribe decides to call
themselves Jacaré, Portuguese for crocodile.  They paint a new flag.  Then
the fun begins.

Roger swings into Boss-mode.  He starts issuing orders for dividing the
work force.  The left-over food, and beer, must be packed in ice and saved.
A new shelter must be built.  A new latrine dug.  He and Deena go at it imme-
diately over where to set-up camp.  Roger gets his way and the building be-
gins.  The Men are going to work on the shelter while the The Ladies, whom
include Rob, fetch palm frowns.  Eventually, The Guys let Christy help a bit,
but Deena and the rest are minimized in their roles. 

Day 20:  As the new camp takes shape, so does the new political dynamics.
Deena talks with Heidi about the plan to target Dave.  Heidi balks.  She has a
better idea, get rid of Roger, first.  Deena is concerned, but after 24 hours of
Roger, she's had enough.  They are also concerned about him being on The
Jury.  They doubt if Roger would vote for a woman.  His fate is sealed.

That night, the gang has a party, drinking the last of the beer and engaging
in sex-talk.  Dave recounts his wildest moments, involving an ice cube.  It's
then Christy's turn who tells of doing it at the Washington Monument.  Rob
is irritated with Dave schmoozing The Girls.  He does his usual comic rou-
tine and degrades himself on his lousy sex-life.  Heidi and Jenna scold him
for being a loser, then go on to describe their eagerness for a threesome.
Woo-Hoo!  Girls Gone Wilder!?!  You ain't seen nothing yet.

Day 21:  Roger, who crashed early and missed the sex-chat, rises early and
wakes up everybody with his activities.  He just has to be himself.  No half-
measures.  Rob and Deena meet and she clues him in on the new plan.  It
is decided to go after Roger first, and then Dave and Butch.  Alex and Mat-
thew later, and then Christy and Heidi.  It will be Rob, Deena, and Jenna for
the Final Three.  Rob is happy, though he'd rather be alone with Jenna and
Heidi at the end.  Yeah, right!  Like he's going to score with them!

Immunity Challenge is the old 'Endurance-Perch', with each standing on
small platforms out on the river.  Roger is having trouble keeping with his
balance from the start.  A half hour into the challenge and Jeff tempts them
with food.  Jenna shouts that she'll strip for chocolate and peanut butter.
It just so happens Jeff has plenty of both.  Heidi wants in on this, so both
se and Jenna disrobe.  They take the dive and head for the goodies.  Good
thing they brought their bikinis.  I wonder…

Roger lasts a few more minutes then dives off his perch, but gets no food.
A strong rain storm hits and drenches everyone.  An hour into the challenge
and Jeff tempts the remainder with a piping-hot pizza.  Alex, Dave, and
Butch jump at the offer.  At the two-hour mark, Buffalo-wings and blue
cheese are offered, which Rob and Matthew accept.  It's down to Christy and
Deena.  At two-hours and 30 minutes, Jeff offers a big plate of spaghetti.
Christy asks for garlic bread, but Jeff has none.  Christy and Deena bargain
with each other.  They decide to share the meal and play rock-paper-scis-
sors to decide who wins Immunity.  Deena's rock beats Christy's scissors.

Tribal Council comes quick.  Everyone discusses the new tribe and their
roles.  Roger has a big grin on his face.  He thinks Christy is a goner.  He
thinks that Dave, Butch, and he are in control and have The Game all locked
up.  Roger quips about the rest being Indians and he being the Chief. 
WRONG!!!!  It's time to vote.  Roger goes down in flames 7-3, with The Guys
casting their votes against Christy.  Roger tells the confessional that he
beat himself.  The others are fools and he won't be sending them Christmas

SPOILERS:  Matthew gets weird, or should I say weirder, playing with his
machete.  He likes to keep it nice and sharp, and very handy.  The others
are concerned with his behavior.  Rob gets irritated as Alex makes moves
on Heidi.  What's worse is that Heidi seems to like Alex.  Certainly more so
than Rob.  When will Rob learn?  Probably not next week.

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