Week 8:
"Rocket Science"

Andy Zarowny

Day 22:  The victors of the new Jacaré Tribe hang a left-over pair of Roger's
underwear on a tree, a symbol of liberation.  Not exactly the fall of the Berlin
Wall, more like the recent image of an Iraqi Shiite slapping a portrait of
Saddam Hussein with the sole of his shoe.  Considered the ultimate insult in
that part of the world. 

Deena is pretty pleased with herself.  The Game is hers, she quips.  Dave, on
the other hand, knows he's in big trouble.  The Fall of Roger means that his
number is up next.  He and Butch build a boat deck to curry favor.  Uh, yeah.
That will win a lot of support.  Rob absolutely hates Dave.  We'll learn more
as to why later, but needless to say, there's women involved.  Rob is very
smug about being part of the main alliance along with Deena, Alex, Jenna,
and Heidi.  They have the power.  They are also growing concerned with
Matthew, who is spending a lot of time sharpening the machetes.  They won-
der what, or who, he plans to use them on?

Reward Challenge time.  Two rounds of retrieving 3 sets of flags from a pool
of muddy water.  In the first round, they are bungied together into 3 teams
of 3 on one end of the pool.  Each set of flags is progressively harder to
reach.  The team of Dave, Deena, and Alex win Round One easily.  Round
Two has them squaring off against each other.  Dave wins hands down.  Jeff
tells Dave he may bring one person with him on a one-day holiday of hot
baths and ice cream goodies.  Deena correctly guesses Dave is holding two
fingers behind his back, so she is his guest.

Day 23?  Fun time as Jeff leads Dave and Deena to their bungalow.  There is
ice cream galore in the way of banana splits, strawberries and cream, and a
fudge brownie sundae.  Two bath tubs await them as well, with plenty of
soap and brushes.  A pitcher of ice tea tops off the reward.  After gorging on
the goodies, Dave and Deena bathe, separately, and discuss strategy.  Dave
wants three more days.  Deena says she'll consider offing Matthew next.

Back at camp, the rest moan and groan, first about Dave's second reward.
Then as Jenna and Heidi bath and wash each other.  As they get catty about
not winning the ice cream, Rob watches.  He is aroused, and admits that
The Girls are manipulating him with their wiles. 

Dave and Deena return, oddly enough, they are hungry.  The others fume as
both demand food.  At night, Rob notices Dave sleeping with his arms about
Heidi, and hers around him.  If anybody is going to sleep with her, Rob is
to be the one.  Rob thinks that Heidi is "Sleeping With The Enemy", hence
this episode's title.  Duh!

Day 24 and the gnats are out in force, buzzing about everyone's filthy hair.
Rob is amused by this spectacle.  He goes off with Matthew and discusses
strategy.  Rob promises Matthew a place in the Final Three with him and
Alex.  In reality, Rob is just scared that Matthew will kill him.

Immunity Challenge.  The group gets clay masks to personalize.  Jeff is im-
pressed with the artwork.  The contest consists of Jeff posing questions on
Amazonian factoids.  Each correct answer gets a swing at ropes holding
logs which are positioned by each mask.  3 chops and the log is loose to
smash the mask. 

Dave and Matthew are eliminated first.  Alex and Rob go next.  Then Butch
goes.  Christy and Deena get whacked.  Jenna then eliminates Heidi and
wins immunity.  Could this be the true pecking order?  Back at camp, Dave
tries one last time to secure some support and pitches that Matthew should
go next. 

At Tribal Council, Jeff asks Matthew if he feels he fits in to the new tribe?  Of
course, Matthew says he has.  Rob smirks and Jeff catches him.  Rob says
that Matthew has truly become part of the new tribe.  Jeff then turns towards
Dave.  Admitting he feels vulnerable, Dave pleas for a stay of execution.  But
it is all for not.  Dave gets blown away, 8 to 1.  Even Butch voted against
him.  Matthew got Dave's vote. 

For those of you old enough, or weird enough, you may recall the M.I.T.
Professor of Mathematics, Tom Lehr, who made comedy albums in the early
1960s.  "When the rocket goes up, I don't care where it comes down.  That's
not my department, says Werner von Braun."  Too bad, I liked Dave.  Oh
well, time to find a new favorite.

SPOILERS:  Butch gets bitten by a piranha.  Deena and Alex both think they
are running the tribe, but Rob thinks he is. 

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