Week 9:
"Tried & Convicted"

Andy Zarowny

Day 25:  Rob and Matthew wake up early and meet to have a chat.  Rob tells
Matt that the men must focus on voting off Deena, and that he, Matthew is
Rob's "link in the chain" to Butch.  Rob can't be seen talking directly with
Butch, so Matthew must be the go-between.  So while Matthew goes fishing
later with Butch, and tells Butch about 'the Chain', Rob boasts to the rest
about how he's snowing Matthew.  The others decide that Matthew must go.

Reward Challenge time, and the contestants test their proficiency with bow
and arrows, blowguns, and spears.  Matthew is clearly the best at this when
they practice.  He talks with Rob about possibly throwing the competition.
Rob thinks that's a great idea.  Blowguns are first, and Matthew scores a
bulls-eye.  He does so again with a spear.  Alex and Matt square off in the
final round with bows and arrows.  Matthew makes it look good, putting an
arrow on the cusp in the 3-point ring.  Alex scores in the 5-point ring and
wins reward. 

The reward this week is coffee and snacks for two at the Survivor Café.  Alex
invites Jenna, not Matthew.  Good move, Alex.  They get cranked on ice-
coffees and donuts.  As the sugar and caffeine flows, Deena strategizes with
the rest of her gang about how Alex is a bigger threat and should Matthew
win immunity, Alex should go next.  Christy and Rob seem to agree, Heidi
just nods.  Meanwhile, Jenna and Alex talk about how Deena is getting on
their nerves.  Hmmmm, a plot is forming.  They return to the camp and bring
cookies for everyone.  Well, almost everyone.  As Butch and Matthew are
away fishing, they just get some crumbs.  Butch doesn't care, he's more
concerned about being bitten by a piranha.

That night, Heidi tells Jenna about Deena's new scheme.  Jenna is pissed
and tells Alex.  Alex confronts Rob.  Rob is aghast, but confirms.  Alex is
now hatching a scheme of his own.  Meanwhile, Heidi gets bitten by a spider
on her left knee, which quickly balloons and turns black and blue.  She can
barely walk, so Alex carries her back to camp.  How cute is that?

Day 26 brings tree-mail and Immunity Challenge.  This week it's our favorite,
the eat-the-gross-insect challenge.  Grasshoppers are first on the menu.
Jenna bails out, refusing to participate.  Heidi loses to Christy.  Round two
is a plate of grubs.  Rob and Butch lose.  The third course are beetles.  Poor
Christy, who almost pewked before, finally does so and is eliminated.  Alex
then loses to Deena.  As predicted, Matthew is smoking everyone.  The final
plate is served and has a large, live, beetle larva.  Deena is grossed out and
lets Matthew win.  Jeff razzes Matthew, who swallowed his larva whole.

Day 27 and Deena has her strategy chat with Jenna about offing Alex.  But
Jenna then runs to Alex and tells him.  Meanwhile, Deena tells Rob and
Christy that Jenna is on her side.  Rob tells the Uncle Cameraman that both
Deena and Alex think they have the same players on their side.  One of the
two is going home tonight.

At Tribal Council, Jeff asks his usual batch of boring questions.  The only
one which rated a chuckle was when Matthew said he has nothing to worry
about even if he didn't have immunity.  Alex admitted that his number may
be up.  Deena is mildly concerned, but feels she's safe.  Uh-huh!  It's time to

Christy and Deena vote against Alex.  The rest gang-up on Deena.  The tribe
has spoken.  Deena gets her flame snuffed out and takes the walk of shame.
She will join Dave on the jury. 

SPOILERS:  The Youthful Four (Rob, Alex, Heidi, and Jenna) decide to flex
the power and slack off while the others do all the work around the camp. 
Heidi and Jenna share an emotional moment. 

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