The Finale, Part 2:
"Show Me My Money!"
Andy Zarowny


Survivor 6

Survivor 5

Survivor 4


"Survivor Review" is a private fan site and is no way affiliated with CBS or Mark Burnett Productions.  Many of the pictures and graphics are taken from the official CBS "Survivor: Pearl islands" website, as well as other sites, such as "CBS Early Show".  This site's intent is not to infringe on any copyrighted or trademarked material, only to review and speculate on a TV series which has captured our imaginations.

The last Tribal Council begins with Jeff's standard speech about how the
power has now shifted to the Jury.  He tells Lil and Sandra to make their
Opening Statements.  Sandra says that she deserves to win because she
was a team player, always giving 100%.  Lil talks about herself in the third
person, claiming that her strategy was to just be 'Lil'.  Oooookay!?!?  The
Jury then begins it's questioning.

RyanO asks Lil why he should pick her over Sandra, since Lil did not play
the entire 39 days.  Lil answers that the 8 days she was an Outcast were
still very hard.  She babbles on with more but RyanO seems disinterested. 
He then asks Sandra about riding the coattails of others.  Sandra shoots
back that she didn't.  She made an alliance early on with Rupert and Christa
which she honored.  She added that since Rupert was booted soon after the
Merge, she got where is on her own accord.  RyanO smiles and is satisfied.

Rupert begins by telling them how impressed he is with both of them, then
goes on the offensive against Lil for betraying him and dishonoring the
Boy Scout uniform.  Lil contends that she was honest with him but fails to
persuade him.  Rupert then asks Sandra if she knew ahead of time about his
being booted off.  Sandra says she didn't, which is why she voted for Jon,
since she thought the rest were booting Darrah.

Tijuana asks the standard question about why the other doesn't deserve to
win.  Lil says that Sandra disrespected others.  Sandra reminds the Jury
that Lil voted each one off, whereas she did not vote off Rupert or Christa.

Christa trashes Lil some more about being dishonest.  Lil again makes ex-
cuses for her actions.  Christa tosses Sandra a softball about what her
craziest scheme was?  Sandra describes how when she and Tijuana eaves-
dropped on Jon and Burton, and how Sandra then learned that Tijuana had
an alliance with them.

Burton asks each to rate their survival skills.  Sandra admits that while she
may last a few days living on fruits and such, she doesn't know enough to
survive for more than a few days.  Lil brags about all she knows. 

Darrah asks each to explain how they got to the Final Two.  Sandra says it's
mostly because others had different agendas and she was able to fly below
the radar.  Plus, due to her lack of athletic skills and her big mouth, nobody
saw her as a threat.  Lil tries again to explain her strategy of just being Lil.

Finally, Jon tries to be funny and asks Jeff if he can vote for neither.  He
then asks each if they think they represented themselves well, Sandra as a
Puerto Rican and Lil as a Scout Master.  Sandra doesn't see much of a con-
nection between her strategy and being Puerto Rican, aside from looking
out for herself.  Lil finally admits that had she had it all to do over again, she
would not have worn her scout uniform.  Lil now knows that others expected
her to always be honest when she couldn't.

During Final Statements, Sandra says she played honestly and has no re-
grets for being 'lippy' to others.  Lil tries once more to distance herself from
other, at-home self.  She says she is not like this in real life.  It's time to vote.
We get to see Rupert voting for Sandra and Tijuana voting for Lil.  Jeff then
takes the votes and walks off to the beach.  There is no elongated nonsense
as the scene shifts to CBS Studios in Hollywood.  Jeff walks on stage and
reads the votes.  It's 6-1 for Sandra!

After the congratulations, the Reunion Show begins in earnest.  We learn
little new information.  Rupert is the most popular, Jon the least.  Jeff does
introduce us to Jon's 'dead' Granny.  It seems that Jon's act was so con-
vincing that the producers called Jon's home to offer help only to have
Granny answer the phone.  Jon then lets it slip that maybe the dead Granny
gambit will work in "Survivor:  All Stars".  Rumor has it that Rupert was a
player, could Jon be one, too?   The only other interesting tidbit we glean
from the program is that there may be some romance between Sean and
Nicole and between Burton and Michelle.  Beyond that there a few other
insights.  I was disappointed that Osten was allowed on, but gratified to
hear that he is still a dufuss and generally trashed by the public, as many in
the audience booed him.  Even less was revealed during the check presen-
tation the following morning. 

And so ends another season of "Survivor".  I must say that this one was
very good, full of surprises and, of course, a new legend, Rupert.  The All
Star game of season 8 begins following the Superbowl February 1st, 2004.
See you again, out there!

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