The Finale: I'm rolling my commentary of this week's episode into my prediction, since time is short and the end is near. So, we last left watching Burton getting booted. Hurrah! It's about time! Even Burton admitted on his post-boot appearance on "CBS Morning Show" that the ladies should've booted him long before. They did not play a wise game. But, better late than never.
Another important revelation from this past Thursday's show, and Burton's interview, was that he does not think highly of Lil. This is very important, now that he is a member of the Jury. He was very critical of her, which makes me believe that she will not get his vote for the grand prize. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
So, we are now left with our four finalists. The question is, how will they be whittled down to two? My hunch is that Sandra will go next. However, there is a rumor floating around that there is one more new twist this season, a double boot on Day 37. In which case, both Jon and Sandra will go, leaving Darrah and Lil to face the Jury. Should we go through a normal schedule of two more Immunity Challenges, and Tribal Councils, then I'm going with Sandra leaving first, then followed by Jon.
I say this because I do not believe that the Ladies Alliance is all that strong. Had it been so, they would have acted sooner. There is sufficient friction between Sandra and Lil to rock the boat. We must also keep in mind the Jon-E-Rotten factor. The others must realize that Jon would be the perfect foil to go against in the Finale. Also, Sandra betrayed Darrah earlier, when Tijuana got booted, so Darrah can't be all that certain of Sandra's loyalty. So this is why I'm picking Sandra to be the 6th member of the Jury.
Jon will go next, if not together with Sandra. Lil will be suspicious of how many votes he may get, not to mention her general irritation with him. Likewise for Darrah, who will see Lil as a better choice for being against in the Final Two.
So this takes us to the Jury's Vote. I have total confidence that the majority will vote for Darrah. RyanO, Tijuana, and now Burton, are sure to vote for Darrah. In Burton's case, it was Darrah who tipped him off prior to the last Reward Challenge that Lil was talking about booting him. Rupert seems also more likely to vote for Darrah for two reasons. One is that Lil betrayed him and two, he admires achievement, which Darrah has earned through her recent victories at Immunity Challenges. So that makes four votes for Darrah. My guess is that the others will also vote for Darrah, making it a clean sweep, only the second time that has happened. The reason being simply, if nothing else, for spite's sake as Lil was an Outcast and they will feel that she never belonged in the Finals in the first place. Sandra and Christa will look at Lil as someone who road Burton and Jon's coattails. Jon will view Lil as a weakling who simply doesn't deserve any honors.
So that's my take on the Finale. 7-0 for Darrah. She has earned the title through her efforts. Sure, she flew under the radar for a long time, but that is good strategy. So my hat's off to her, I hope she wins this season.
PICK OF THE SEASON: Darrah to win big! Sorry Lil, but you just don't cut the mustard. Go read some Ayn Rand and develop a set of cajones.