Day Four, well, actually we get a taste of the post-tribal council evening at Camp Morgan. They all feel bad. Awww! Yes, they should feel bad. In- stead of voting off the worst member of the tribe, Osten, they got rid of poor Nicole. Her only crime was trying to play The Game strategically. Andrew is worried now about the lack of sleep and how it is effecting them all. Even RyanS admits to only getting a few hours since they arrived and feeling weak. Oh-oh!
The morning sun breaks at Drake Island. Rupert is feeling great. He's so much stronger than any of the others. He is in his element. While the rest struggle at even simple chores, Rupert dominates. He is also the provider of food. Rupert is catching so much fish that the tribe begins to complain of eating too much. Am I watching "Survivor" or "Paradise Hotel"?
It's time for the first Reward Challenge. RyanS is pumped up, he knows he must excel today to avoid further criticism. At Shark Beach, Jeff gathers them and explains the event. Each tribe has five treasure items lying below off shore, plus a treasure chest. All are marked with buoys. The object is to swim and dive, retrieve an item, then swim and dive again to place it in the chest. Once all five items are in the chest, the entire tribe swims out and carries the chest to shore. The prize is one of three clues to a real buried treasure loaded with goodies. Jeff gives each tribe a shovel and a key. To make life interesting, Jeff also tells them that the winning tribe can send one member to the losing tribe's camp and capture one item from them. The challenge itself was dull. Drake took an early lead and won easily.
The clue itself is not much and all agree they should wait till they another piece of the puzzle before wasting time treasure hunting. Now there is the matter of the pirate raid. Sandra is nominated to go to Morgan. Rupert suggest she takes a water jug, since they could use another. Jon says take the tarp and really hurt the Morgans. Sandra leans towards the first sugges- tion and when she arrives she looks around, but sees no water jugs. In fact, she doesn't see very much of anything. Either Morgan has hid all their stuff or they did not do a good job of buying things. Sandra brags about all the cool stuff Drake tribe has. The Morgans are getting irritated by her, then outright hostile when Sandra declares she's taking the tarp. They offer no help, which gives her a free hand to completely trash their crummy shelter. When Sandra leaves, Andrew gathers the tribe to organize rebuilding the shelter. But Osten refuses. He's spent, tired, and depressed. Poor baby! Tijuana scolds him but to no effect. Osten takes a walk while the rest do all the work.
Day 5 and there is trouble at Drake Island. Burton's lame attempt at proving his manhood (catching fish) is wasted and he winds up losing the tip of the spear. Rupert explodes. Burton lists his excuses but Rupert isn't buying. Instead, Rupert begins a systematic search of the sea bed in their cove. He eventually recovers the spear tip.
Everyone returns to Shark Beach for Immunity Challenge. Each tribe must select three members to be prisoners of the other. They have their hands tied with rope and are placed on a raft. The rest of the capturing tribe then moves the raft further from shore. On each raft is a mast with a clue to where a flag is buried. The prisoners must free themselves, then grab the clue and their ropes and swim back to shore to rejoin their own tribe. They then use the clue and the ropes to find the flag. Once dug up, they place the flag on a pole and all members carry it to a hole across the finish line. First tribe with the pole and flag up and all members across the line wins.
This challenge was actually very close. They were both even for the first leg as Rupert of Drake and Andrew of Morgan untied themselves, then their teammates. Andrew was quicker and Morgan got an early lead, swimming back to shore first with the clue and ropes. But they had trouble opening their clue, which was tied inside a shoot of bamboo. Drake caught up and was first to begin digging for their flag. They find it and eventually win.
Day 6 and it's a hard, cold rain at Camp Morgan. Osten, who has no shirt, is complaining about how depleted he is. He is afraid of getting sick and developing pneumonia. Osten tells RyanS to vote him off. Osten has had enough and wants to go home. RyanS tells the others and Andrew tries to rally Osten. Tijuana then tries also. But it is clear that Osten has no heart and has given up.
At Tribal Council, Jeff scolds them all for being such losers. He is trying to provoke some honesty and self-examination. Lillian gives some rah-rah snow-job speech which might work on eight-year olds, but not on Jeff. RyanS comes close when he tells Jeff that one member has asked to be voted off. Jeff wants names but RyanS isn't ratting. It's time to vote.
RyanS and Lil vote for booting Osten, the rest gang up on "Skinny Ryan". How cruel is that? Oh well, I guess if you're not going to vote intelligently you may as well sink to deeper lows and get personal, too. These guys are such losers, I hope there is no switch just to get rid of them all as quickly as possible. I now dub them the Moron tribe.
SPOILERS: News-Flash! Next week on "Survivor: Pearl Islands", Osten continues to moan and groan about his depleted body mass. Meanwhile, over at Drake, instead of Rupert and Burton arguing, it's time for Sandra and Jon to deflect our attention.