Week 4:
"Betraying the

Andy Zarowny


Survivor 6

Survivor 5

Survivor 4


"Survivor Review" is a private fan site and is no way affiliated with CBS or Mark Burnett Productions.  Many of the pictures and graphics are taken from the official CBS "Survivor: Pearl islands" website, as well as other sites, such as "CBS Early Show".  This site's intent is not to infringe on any copyrighted or trademarked material, only to review and speculate on a TV series which has captured our imaginations.

Day Ten brings high tides to the Morgan Camp, destroying their sea wall.
The camp is flooded.  It's not much of a sea wall.  One has to ask why they
would actually think that their puny sea wall would hold back the ocean?
But then we must remember whom we are talking about, …. the Morons!
Morale is low, as usual.  Life is one big struggle.  Now that Lil is gone, they
must all do more work.  Everything sucks, especially the food, or lack of it.

Things are not much better at Drake Island.  True, they have been winning
everything, but personalities are wearing on each other.  Jon throws a fit
when accused of not working enough.  He thinks he's doing too much as it
is.  Burton is picking on Rupert.  Shawn and Burton have essentially alien-
ated the rest of the gang, except for Michelle.  Morale is mixed.

It's time for Reward Challenge.  Each tribe must assemble a puzzle of 16
pieces.  Half are buried in the beach, the other half lay on the bottom of the
cove.  The prize is an old fashion sewing machine and material.  Also, a
treasure clue and the chance to raid the other tribe.  The Drakes build a
huge lead, as all the Morons, except for RyanO and Darrah have trouble in
the water.  Osten nearly drowns until Der Fuerher and RyanO rescue him.
It looks like a slam dunk for the Drakes till Trish has trouble finding a piece
buried in the beach.  The Morons close the gap, but not enough.  Drake wins!

Day 11 and the sewing machine is delivered.  Christa helps take measure-
ments for Rupert.  He makes himself a new skirt.  Is there nothing he does
not excel in?  Rupert impresses all with his skills and talents.  All except
Burton who continues to pick on Black Beard.  Not a wise thing to do.  With
the last piece of the treasure clues, the Drakes set off to find their prize.  For
days they have dreamed of what the treasure chest may contain.  When they
finally locate and open it, they are met with a foul odor.  Most of the contents
are rancid and smelly.  There are some canned foods, some sugar and coffee
beans, mosquito netting and other odds and ends.  The most valuable prizes
are a bottle of whiskey and a jar of chocolates.  The reaction to the contents
is mixed.  Most like the chocolate, but the rest of the goodies suck. 

Over at Camp Moron, Der Fueher and RyanO decide that since all the fish
hooks are gone, they will take a stab at the speargun.  Hehehe, get it?  Need-
less to say, these two bozos don't get it.  For some strange reason, they
believe that the other side of the island would be better.  They leave on their
cross-island trek and get lost almost immediately in the dense jungle.  In the
meanwhile, Trish arrives to raid the Morons.  Being nice, Trish only takes
a lantern.  The Drakes feel bad about winning all the time.  Der Fueher and
RyanO finally find the farside of the island.  But the map was wrong.  The
little pictures of happy whales and sharks, which led them to believe that
the coast on the farside was calmer, turned out to be just artwork.  Hmmmm!
In fact, the other coast was much rockier and choppy.  No fish again today!

That night, the Drakes are restless.  Burton approaches Rupert off to the
side and tries to convince him that they need to throw an Immunity Challenge
In order to vote off some threats.  Namely, Christa and Trish.  Rupert pre-
tends to agree.  The next morning, he tells all to Christa, Trish and Sandra.
Rupert draws the battle plan.  They will throw the next challenge so they can
dispose of the traitor, Burton.

Day 12 and the Immunity Challenge is a physical contact game.  Each tribe
must move along a course of platforms connected by planks out in the bay.
Along the way, they will wrestle with opposing tribe members on the planks.
Those tossed in the water first must return to the starting point.  The first
tribe with all members on the opposing starting platform wins.  The Drakes
sit out Trish, Burton, and Rupert.  Jeff is puzzled as to why the strongest
members are not participating.  The Drakes offer an excuse of a rotation
schedule.  Uh-huh, is Jeff's response.  The Morons are handed victory.  But
wait, there is a surprise bonus prize with this Immunity.  The evil sky-god,
Mark Burnett, who knows all since he watches the dailys, throws the Drakes
a curveball.  The Morons may select one Drake member to live with them
for a few days, and participate and share in the next reward challenge.  The
Morons obviously select Rupert the Mighty.  The Drakes are stunned!  At
least Rupert cannot be voted off. 

That afternoon, Shawn, Burton and Michelle try to recruit Jon into their clique. 
They have been nipping at the whiskey and Jon is getting drunk.  He tells
the others about the plan.  Jon then tells Uncle Cameraman about what a
puppetmaster he is.  He has a two-way alliance with Shawn, a four-way with
Shawn, Burton, and Michelle, and a five-way with the others, including the
Mighty, but absent, Rupert.  At Tribal Council, Jeff scolds Jon for being both
drunk and flippant with his vote.  Jon claims he will use astrology for choos-
ing his bootee.  The vote comes down to two for Christa (Burton and Michelle)
and the rest for Burton.  Even Shawn betrayed the traitor. 

SPOILERS:  The vote causes an argument back at Drake Island, while they
also worry about what Rupert may be revealing to the Morons.  Meanwhile,
it's 'Happy Time' at Camp Moron, as Rupert shows them how to fish with
the speargun.  The Morgans love Rupert and want to adopt him permanently.

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