"What's a Mother
To do?"
Andy Zarowny


Survivor 7

Survivor 6

Survivor 5

Survivor 4


"Survivor Review" is a private fan site and is no way affiliated with CBS or Mark Burnett Productions.  Many of the pictures and graphics are taken from the official CBS "Survivor: Pearl Islands" website, as well as other sites, such as "CBS Early Show".  This site's intent is not to infringe on any copyrighted or trademarked material, only to review and speculate on a TV series which has captured our imaginations.

"Once more into the breach, dear friends!"  Yes, they're back.  A special
collection of 18 previous contestants, including winners of four earlier sea-
sons, are gathered into three tribes, Chapera, Saboga, and Mogo Mogo. 
Each tribe is taken separately to their beaches, so none knows who they are
facing, or how many.  They all have canteens, and each tribe gets one
machete, one pot, and a map to their water source.  That's it, nothing else!

Immediately, the players locate their water and start their shelters.  Chapera
is the more energetic, and highest in testosterone.  Rob M, Sue, and Alicia
all bark orders.  Rob C, Tom, and Amber, stay out of the way of the egos. 
Saboga is the happy tribe.  Nice folks like Rupert, Rudy, Ethan, and Tina,
ballanced by the J-girls, Jenna L and Jerri.  But Jerri stays quiet and plays
nice, too.  Rupert hangs back and lets others lead.  Mogo Mogo is paranoid.
Lex and Colby direct the shelter construction.  Kathy, Shii Ann, and Jenna M
feel second-class and discuss girls vs boys.  Richard over hears them and
tells Kathy that he did.  They all decide to chat about it and Lex suggests
they put aside mistrust and The Game till after the shelter is built and fire is

But this turns out to be harder than expected.  None of the tribes have any
luck starting a fire.  Of course, nobody thinks of using eyeglasses to start
one, but that's besides the point.  The main problem is that the water is not
very clean, teeming with parasites.  Sue at Chapera doesn't care.  She
drinks several coconuts full of water.  She's more worried about being de-
hydrated.  This decision will haunt her.  Meanwhile, Rupert and Rudy form
the first alliance.

Day Two and still no fire, or drinkable water.  Rob M complains about getting
no sleep.  Amber sounds off, too.  Alicia tries to argue that fire and water is
more important than rebuilding the shelter.  Rob M and Amber sulk off and
form an alliance.  At Mogo Mogo (MM), they struggle some more to make
fire, except for Richard.  He doesn't feel like helping at all.  Claims he can
start a fire easily.  He also doesn't mind being hungry or thirsty.  Or naked.
Despite this, Shii Ann attempts to bond with him.

Immunity Challenge time, and the three tribes now learn whom they are up
against.  After some chuckles, Jeff begins a repeat of the very first chal-
lenge, Quest for Fire.  Starting from platforms off shore, each tribe must un-
tie a raft carrying a flaming wok and a torch.  They then must get the raft
ashore, lighting two floating woks along the way.  Once on shore, carry the
raft inland, under an obstacle, lighting two more woks and then cross the
Finish Line.  The Immunity Idol is in two parts, so only the last tribe across
will face Tribal Council.  Chapera and MM are dead even at first.  About half
way to shore, Sagoba begins to close the gap, but is still behind.  MM is 1st
ashore, but Chapera is 1st through it's obstacle and wins immunity.  Saboga
make a valiant effort but MM is too far ahead.  MM wins immunity. 

Day 3 at Saboga Beach and all are very depressed.  The J-Girls work the R-
Boys to convince them to vote off the previous winners first.  Tina and
Ethan discuss how to stay survive Tribal Council and attempt to recruit the
Mighty Rupert into an alliance.  But Rupert does not commit.  He leaves the
matter up to his partner, Rudy.

Tribal Council is a tree house.  It's pouring rain, which is good, since no-
body has any water.  Jeff talks with them about how hard this season is so
far.  He then raises the issue of boot selection.  Jenna L disses the previous
winners, saying she has no intention of supporting them.  Ethan tries to
defend his, and Tina's, presence.  It's time to vote.  Ethan and Tina vote to
boot Jenna L, the rest vote against Tina.    Tina Wesson, the winner of
"Survivor: Australian Outback", is the first All-Star voted off.  Jeff tells the
remainder that they may not take their torches with them till they have made
fire by themselves.

SPOILERS:  Everyone is feeling the effects of dehydration.  Even Rupert
complains about his body failing him. 

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