"The Kat Is Out Of The Bag"

Andy Zarowny


Survivor 7

Survivor 6

Survivor 5

Survivor 4


"Survivor Review" is a private fan site and is no way affiliated with CBS or Mark Burnett Productions.  Many of the pictures and graphics are taken from the official CBS "Survivor: Pearl Islands" website, as well as other sites, such as "CBS Early Show".  This site's intent is not to infringe on any copyrighted or trademarked material, only to review and speculate on a TV series which has captured our imaginations.

Night 27 and Chaboga Mogo tribe returns from offing Lex at Tribal
Council.  It's still raining, so much so that the fire they left is now out. 
Amber is quite pleased with not being booted.  Kathy feels betrayed
and isolated now.  She is determined to derail Boston Rob's plans.
But Rob is hatching new schemes.  The day before, during his talk
with Lex and Kathy, Lex confirmed that he intended to swing Big Tom
his way against Rob.  So Rob now knows he must deal with Tom, and
soon.   Tom was ratted-out by his pal, Lex!

Day 28 and as dawn breaks, it's still raining, even harder than before.
Nobody got much sleep and everyone is miserable.  They wonder
why they agreed to go through this nonsense again.  They miss their
families.  Even when the rain stops, the sky is still gloomy. 

Tree-mail arrives and announces a challenge, and instructs them to
bring the immunity necklaces with them.  It's to be a combined
Reward-Immunity Challenge.  Kathy is shocked.  She was hoping to
have immunity for three days, long enough to shake things up.  The
tribe gathers with Jeff.  First, he takes both necklaces and only puts
one on the tree.  Today's challenge will have a team-reward and only
one immunity winner.  Players will be split into two teams of four,
and compete on the hardest obstacle course yet.  The winning team
members will each receive a letter from home and a rain poncho. 
They will also play in Round Two for Immunity, as well as for some
hot chocolate and a video from home.  Jeff teases them with a quick
peak at the videos, which makes everyone mushy with emotion.

Round One is between Team Leaders Rupert and Alicia.  Rupert leads
Jenna, Kathy, and Big Tom, Alicia leads Rob, Amber, and Shii Ann
(ASAR).  The course itself has elements from previous seasons.  At a
couple of times, the race was somewhat close, especially mid-way at
the 'Blown-Bridge' segment, but generally, ASAR was in the lead the
whole time.  Go figure.  ASAR wins Round One, along with letters and

Round Two was from Thailand, the sliding puzzle challenge.  Slide
pieces around till you can remove the one with a knife in it.  Then cut
a rope and release a flag.  The others sadly watch as ASAR battles it
out.  This was clearly set-up as one to foil Rob, but he wound up win-
ning it anyway.  Jeff serves up the hot chocolate to everyone and
hands out the prizes.  Before he can start the video, Rob makes an
offer.  He'll trade watching his brother's video if Jeff will give the rest
their letters from home.  Jeff agrees and all are happy.  At least, till
Tribal Council, that is.

We are then treated to the usual, sentimental, drippy scenes of every-
one reading their letters.  Even Rob is sobbing from reading his.  Shii
Ann admires Rob for his generosity, and game strategy.  What a nice
move by him.  Rob admits to Uncle Cameraman that strategy did play
a role in his gesture.  No kidding!  Shii Ann and Kathy go fetch water
and discuss their position.  One of them is going tonight.  They hatch
a plan to target Jenna or Amber.  Kathy talks first with Tom.  She tells
him that he must make a move when the tribe is 7 or 5 strong.  Tom
says he knows.  Shii Ann talks with Alicia and tries to convince her
that once Kathy and she are gone, the rest will target her.  Alicia tells
Rob and Amber what is being discussed.  Kathy wants Jenna out. 
But we then see Kathy talking with Rupert, and while we don't hear a
name, I can guess that she must be selling a vote against Amber,
since Rupert is tight with Jenna.  Rob is amused by all this.  He did
have a chat with Kathy and apparently made some peace with her, as
far as their friendship goes. 

Tribal Council is gathered and the main topic is Friendship versus
The Game.  Lex is on the Jury bench, sporting his new Mohawk, and
giving Rob the evil-eye.  Rob makes another lame speech about  The
Game and how it effects friendships.  Shii Ann talks about why she
may be a target, and why she'd be a great person to take along to the
Final Two.  LOL!  Jeff asks Kathy what's she's basing her vote on. 
She basically answers, revenge!  Kathy will vote against someone
who lied to her.  The camera focuses on Amber.  Oh-oh!  It's time to

Kathy and Shii Ann both vote against Amber, the rest boot off Kathy.
Jeff snuffs out her torch and she takes her walk of shame.  At the
confessional, Kathy chuckles about how she was out-played.  I think
it was Patton who said that the very thought of losing should be too
hateful to contemplate.  Oh well!  We now know just how badly she
wanted to win.

SPOILERS:  Alicia has her fur up, and is feisty with Jenna and Amber.
Rupert feels vulnerable while Tom warns Rob not to mess with him.

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