The 6-Pack Shake-Up

Andy Zarowny


Survivor 7

Survivor 6

Survivor 5

Survivor 4


"Survivor Review" is a private fan site and is no way affiliated with CBS or Mark Burnett Productions.  Many of the pictures and graphics are taken from the official CBS "Survivor: Pearl Islands" website, as well as other sites, such as "CBS Early Show".  This site's intent is not to infringe on any copyrighted or trademarked material, only to review and speculate on a TV series which has captured

Day 29 and it's still raining!  Shii Ann is boo-hooing over Kathy's de-
parture.  She knew Kat would be pagonged, there was no changing
that fact.  Shii Ann also knows that she is next.  She talks with Rob to
see if there is any chance for a deal.  Rob turns her down.  So Shii
Ann then tries to out flank him by working Rupert.  Rob watches this
and fumes, "Look at her strategizing!"  LOL!

Tree-mail arrives with a large, clay mask. It's time for a Reward Chal-
lenge!  The prize is of a food nature, which get's everyone excited.
With all the rain, they have not been able to fish nor cook.  The tribe
gathers and Jeff explains the rules.  A questionnaire is given to each
to be filled out separately.  Once the answers are compiled, Jeff will
ask them to guess which answer is the most popular.  Like, "Who is
the most honest?"  Answer:  Rupert.  A clay mask of each is mounted
with a wood ram suspended by three ropes.  For each correct answer,
a contestant may machete a rope of one mask.  On the third cut, the
ram falls and smashes the mask, and that player is out.  The reward
is a night off the island at a five-star restaurant.  Seven different meals
will be served, ranging from a bowl of rice to a steak with all the trim-
mings.  The winner will decide who eats what and meals cannot be

The contest begins with who is the most honest, and as we all know,
Rupert is the correct answer.  The rope cutting begins with Tom, Shii
Ann, and Alicia getting targeted.  The questions get catty.  Who is the
least deserving to be on "Survivor:  All Stars".  It's a tie between Shii
Ann and Alicia.  Alicia takes great offense at this.  Tom is the first to
be eliminated, by Rob of all people.  Amber knocks Jenna out.  Shii
Ann and Alicia go the next round.  Rupert finishes off Rob.  It's be-
tween Amber, with two ropes cut, and Rupert, with all intact.  Both
answer the next question correctly, and Amber is automatically elimi-
nated.  Rupert wins!

Back at camp, Alicia is angry.  Very angry!  One might even say, ex-
tremely angry!!!  Not only do folks think she doesn't deserve to be an
All-Star, but they also think she's not so smart.  Alicia doesn't want to
talk about it.  Most give her a wide berth, but not Jenna.  Momma is
there to console her children.  Alicia wants no part of Jenna's com-
passion.  Failing at this, Momma Jenna has a chat with her boy,
Rupert.  She advises him not to be too generous with tonight's food
reward.  Take the steak for yourself, she tells him.  Give Shii Ann the
bowl of rice.  Rupert reluctantly agrees.

It's dinner time and the gang arrives at the restaurant.  Jeff greets
them and shows the bill-a-faire.  Rupert selects the top prize, steak
with all the trimmings, plus unlimited access to the open bar.  He then
lets Rob choose next.  Rob takes a cheese burger and fries with pop.
Jenna takes a hot dog with sauerkraut and OJ.  Amber grabs the ham
and cheese sandwich with bottled water.  Alicia gets a salad with cold
tap water.  Tom gets a plate of potatoes with luke-warm water, and
Shii Ann gets the bowl of rice with a glass of water from camp.  She
asks Jeff if it was boiled.  LOL!  As per Jeff's instructions, they may
not share food with each other. 

Dinner is awkward.  Rupert pounds down the beers while devouring
his steak.  Shii Ann is openly obnoxious, making many a rude remark
and generally annoying everyone.  Tom and Alicia are not happy at
all.  Rupert, by his selections, has established the pecking order.  Rob
observes how unhappy they are.  Tom looks especially pissed.  Not
sure if it's because of the food, the pecking order, or the torture of
watching Rupert drink glass after glass of ice-cold beer.  Rob and
Amber encourage him to keep it up.  It's nicer at the restaurant than at
camp.  The girls make pillows out of their soft napkins and rest their
heads on the table.  Not exactly your typical customers at a swanky
restaurant, even for one in Panama!

Day 30 and it's back to business.  The gang gets cleaned up as Rob
rallies the 6-Pack to win immunity and boot Shii Ann.  But she has
other ideas.  Chaboga Mogo gathers for the challenge.  It's to be an
endurance contest.  Stand on a stump with your raised-arm chained
to a tub of water, pivoted on top of a tower.  Move your arm more than
two inches and you get soaked, and lose.  A sheer test of will power!
Amber is the first to fail.  Jenna is next.  They barely lasted 5 minutes.
Tom goes after 10.  The rest hang tough for 30 minutes till Alicia takes
a seat.  Rob goes next after an hour.  It's between Rupert and Shii
Ann. Jeff comments on how Shii Ann has not moved a single muscle
at the 2 hour mark.  Rupert is showing strain and shakes his head to
Jenna and Rob.  He knows he can't do it, but keeps trying.  At the 2
hour and 20 minute mark, Rupert finally loses.  Shii Ann lets out a
yell and points defiantly at the rest.  Alicia warns her not to get too
cocky.  The gang slinks back to camp, Rob patting Rupert on the back
for his good effort.

Shii Ann apologizes to the rest for her joyous outburst, but it brings
little comfort.  The 6-Pack must eat one of their own.  The first time
since Rob C weeks ago.  Shii Ann plays everyone, advising Amber
that Rob or Rupert must go.  Amber answers that she trusts Rob more
and hints that she is playing him like a violin.  Shii Ann is impressed!
Shii then talks with Rupert, advising Rob or Amber should be voted
out.  She next works on Alicia, who slams the door in Shii's face. 
Alicia will remain loyal to her solitary alliance with Rob.  Tom reminds
Rob that Rupert is their most dangerous threat.  Rob is very
worried about tonight.  He thinks he has a good alliance with Rupert
and Jenna.  He also concedes that Amber may be playing him like a
violin.  But he has made up his mind, Alicia is getting his vote.

Tribal Council and Jeff first talks with Shii Ann about the importance
of her winning immunity.  She reveals how she was told ahead of time
that she was to be voted out tonight.  When Jeff remarks that there
must not be any secrets in the tribe, Shii Ann answers that there are
plenty.  Jenna takes offense to this, saying that Shii Ann is not privy
to all their strategy.  Rupert is worried that he may be a target after
the food reward.  Alicia is confident that the original Chapera Tribe
will stick together.  Rob says that he's nervous since he doesn't have
immunity.  It's time to vote.

None of the votes are shown till the last, as Rob tells the camera that
it's payback time for when Alicia told him to zip his lip on Day 3.  Jeff
counts the votes.  Alicia voted for Rupert to be booted, the rest voted
to boot Alicia.  She was blind-sided and warns about finding out who
turned on her. 

SPOILERS:  Jenna gets on everyone's nerves.  Shii Ann and her have
a fight.  Even Rupert is tired of Jenna.

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