The 'Shii-Devil'!

by Andy Zarowny


Survivor 7

Survivor 6

Survivor 5

Survivor 4


"Survivor Review" is a private fan site and is no way affiliated with CBS or Mark Burnett Productions.  Many of the pictures and graphics are taken from the official CBS "Survivor: Pearl Islands" website, as well as other sites, such as "CBS Early Show".  This site's intent is not to infringe on any copyrighted or trademarked material, only to review and speculate on a TV series which has captured

Day 31 and it's finally a beautiful, sunny morning.  All welcome it,
even Shii Ann, but it gives her no comfort.  She's alone.  No allies. 
Everyone hates and mistrusts her.  Boo-hoo!  She doesn't care much
for Jenna.  Considers her to be bossy.  We watch video of Jenna lay-
ing down the law on cooking privileges.  Smart move.  You wouldn't
want to run out of food, now would you?  But Shii Ann isn't the only
one irritated with Jenna.

Rupert returns from catching a bunch of fish.  The gang is sort of im-
pressed as they sit around eating what Jenna cooked.  After telling
his fish stories, Rupert sulks off by himself.  Nobody offers to help
clean the fish.  He cleans one for himself and throws it on the fire. 
The rest watch and wonder where theirs are.  Jenna talks with  Rupert
about his behavior.  She correctly advises that it's not good strategy.
Rupert doesn't care much as he chews his fish.  He eventually ex-
plains himself to the others.  Shii Ann hopes to use this incident to
her advantage.

The gang gathers for a Reward Challenge.  Jeff first shows them what
the reward is.  Amber's mom comes out from the jungle.  She's fol-
lowed by Tom's son, Jenna and Rob's brothers, Shii Ann's mom, and
finally, Rupert's wife, Laura.  There is a lot of hugging and crying. 
There's also a lot of smooching between Rupert and Laura.  Jeff has
to break them up.  It's the Gross Food Challenge and once again it is
the family members who must eat the delicacies.  Five rounds of elim-
ination, last one done, or not done, is out.  No water may be drunk un-
til Jeff declares that you have swallowed all of the item. 

The 1st Round is fishheads, and Amber's mom loses.  Round 2 is
flying cockroaches, and Shii's mom is out.  The 3rd Round is Farfaru,
that disgusting smelling treat from the Marquesas.  Laura loses. 
Round 4 is baked tarantula, during which Jenna's brother is disquali-
fied for drinking water.  He though he could.  The Final Round is a
live caterpillar larvae.  It's between Rob's brother Mark and Tom's son
Bo.  Bo wolf's his down in seconds.  Tom and Bo do a victory jig. 
Jeff then announces that they will spend the night at Chapera Beach.
And, that Tom may invite one other along with his/her relative.  Some
point to Rupert, who's eyes are full of hope.  But Tom ain't biting.  He
invites Rob and Mark along.

Chapera Beach is well stocked with pizza and beer.  The guys bash
all night, slamming down the beers in a drunken frenzy.  Tom says
there was no way he was bring Rupert.  He thought it unmanly how
Rupert slobbered over his woman.  Tom trashes everyone left behind.
He's smashed and in a royal mood.  As the evening wore on (watch
"Harvey" to understand that pun), Rob and Mark excuse themselves
to take a walk.  While away, Tom tells Bo the whole game depends on
his relationship with Rob.  Rob tells Mark his only true alliance is with
Amber, and doesn't trust Tom at all.

Day 32 and the Boys return to the tribe along with their guests.  Bo is
immediately thrust into manual labor, fetching wood.  Just another
day of hard work on the farm.  Mark hangs out on the beach with Rob,
Amber, and Jenna.  Rupert feels sorry for Bo and takes him spear
fishing.  At first, Rupert didn't give Bo a spear, but Tom handed Bo
the second one.  Bo is a terrible swimmer, and winds up losing the
spear tip.  Rupert doesn't comment like last time, but Rob observes
that both Tom and Bo are idiots.  The guests finally leave.

Day 33 and it's time for an Immunity Challenge.  Shii Ann knows she
must win or be booted.  It's the old Fire-Tower challenge from Austra-
lia.  Each end of a pivot has a large bucket.  One end is for filling with
water to raise the other end up, which is to hold a roaring fire.  Raise
the fire high enough to ignite a fuse and illuminate their tower.  The
water bucket has a hole on the bottom, so it will only rise for a short
moment.  Everybody but Amber gets a fire going.  Rob raises his 1st,
but by that time, the fire is out.  He tries relighting it but runs out of
matches.  Amber then runs out of matches, followed by Rupert and
Jenna.  It's between Tom and Shii Ann.  Big Tom wins immunity!

Back at camp, Tom revels in his good fortune.  Shii Ann scrambles to
persuade everyone to boot Jenna.  Tom says he's okay with that, as
does Rupert and Amber.  Shii Ann approaches Rob.  He turns down
the plan.  He has his alliances and he will not change them now.  Shii
threatens to expose the tangled web of alliances at Tribal Council. 
Rob looks somewhat concerned. 

At Tribal Council, things get nasty.  Jeff first asks about who does the
most work around camp.  Jenna pipes up that Rupert and Tom do
most of the heavy labor, and Rupert catches the most fish.  This then
brings up the earlier incident.  Rupert is worried that others may hold
his outburst against him.  Shii Ann then butts in with her opinions on
the true nature of the tribe's paranoia.  She openly exposes Jenna as
the person she dislikes the most.  But Shii only alludes to who she
believes is the most powerful game player.  That will have to wait till
she casts her vote.

Shii Ann votes for Amber, paying homage from one she-devil to ano-
ther.  The rest vote to boot Shii Ann.  Game, set, match.  The Rob-
Amber-Jenna alliance now rules.  Rupert and Tom have become ex-

SPOILERS:  The paranoia continues to increase as Rob overhears
Rupert talking about booting either Rob or Amber.  Rupert accuses
Tom of having discussed this with him.

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