"I've Got Friends"

Andy Zarowny


Survivor 7

Survivor 6

Survivor 5

Survivor 4


"Survivor Review" is a private fan site and is no way affiliated with CBS or Mark Burnett Productions.  Many of the pictures and graphics are taken from the official CBS "Survivor: Pearl Islands" website, as well as other sites, such as "CBS Early Show".  This site's intent is not to infringe on any copyrighted or trademarked material, only to review and speculate on a TV series which has captured our imaginations.

Day 4, and the lack of drinkable water is a common malady amongst all the
tribes.  We begin with the Sabogas, who are depressed from attending the
first Tribal Council of the new season.  They thought they would get fire
after the vote by carrying their torches back, and left a pot full of mucky
water out while away.  Had they left it empty, it would have been filled with
clean rain water when they returned.  Moving on to Mogo Mogo, they were
wallowing about when it began to rain.  At first they scrambled for shelter,
except for Richard who choose to get a shower, but then they realized that
this was their chance for a cool drink.  Colby comments on Richard's nudity
and how it scares him just how comfortable everyone is getting with it.  Over
at Chapera, it's raining hard and they are taking full advantage of the fresh
water.  Tom leads the gang in song.

Tree-mail arrives in the form of a large crate with three locks and a message
to handle with care and not open.  Rob M tries to convince his tribe to dis-
regard the warning label and just bust it open now, but the others decline.
Everyone gathers for the 1st Reward Challenge, Stairway to the Stars.  Five
logs are anchored off shore, and each tribe must swim out to recover them
and build their stairway leading up to the top of a platform.  The 1st tribe
with all members on top wins.  Reward is a pile of blankets.

Rudy struggles during the first leg of the event, suffering from a bad ankle,
but after each log, one less member of each tribe continues, until only one
retrieves the last log.  So when Rudy takes a seat after the first log, Saboga
comes to life and passes up the other tribes, building a lead, and then win-
ning.  Ethan did an outstanding job, and paired with Rupert, they could be-
come an unstoppable force.  Jeff then offers Saboga a trade.  The crates
each tribe had been given are full of rice.  If Saboga gives up the blankets,
then Jeff will give each tribe the first clue to locate a key to unlock the crate,
as well as a cooking pot and a flint for making fire.  The others glare at them,
hoping they will agree.  Rupert speaks up and says he's all for it.  Jerri and
Jenna L look less so, but Saboga does agree and all are happy.  Another
Rupert-Moment, brought to us by Mark Burnett.

Chapera tries out their flint right away upon returning.  Big Tom fails, follow-
ed by Rob M.  Alicia is nagging them about the right way to use a machete
on the flint.  She reorganizes the attempt over more kindling and coaches
Rob M step-by-step.  It works, but Rob M still complains to Uncle Camera-
man about Alicia's nagging.  At Saboga, Rupert and Jerri combine forces
and get theirs started.  It's been a good day for Saboga.  But not so at Mogo
Mogo.  They began their attempt later in the day and then were forced to
stop when a rainstorm washed them out.  It's another wet, cold night for
them.  But in the morning, all is well, as they, too, now have fire.  They even
search for the first key to unlock the crate, which is found by Richard.  He
observes that the key, fire, etc, are not what The Game is about.  It's about
personalities.  Day 5 at Saboga is one of concern, as Rudy's bad ankle is
not healing.  They all worry about the upcoming competition.

Immunity Challenge time, and it's our old friend, "Float the Boat".  Off shore,
each tribe has a boat, submerged and weighted with 2,000 pounds worth of
crates.  Tribes must untie ropes and remove the crates, then raise their
boats.  After emptying the craft of water, paddle the boats to shore and
carry it across a finish line.   Saboga, with renewed spirit, gets an early lead,
and floats their boat first by doing the 'tip-out-the-weight' trick we saw in
"Survivor: Marquesas".  But then things go awry.  Instead of bringing the
boat upside down on their platform, thereby emptying it of water, they chose
to bail it out with pales.  A series of other mistakes causes them to lose the
lead they had.  Chapera eventually wins, with Mogo Mogo finishing a distant
second.  Saboga is doomed to face another Tribal Council.

Saboga sulks back to camp.  They know they all made errors and contri-
buted to the loss.  Ethan feels very vulnerable.  He suspects that he is going
next, despite vague assurances from his ex-girlfriend, Jenna L, that he may
be allowed to stick around for a while.  The J-Girls try talking with Rupert
about how Rudy is their weakest link.  If Rudy were booted, then maybe
they'd start winning more challenges and stay in The Game.  Rupert admits
that he understands this, but informs them that he has a pact with Rudy and
will never write his name at TC.  Rupert tells Uncle C about how being there
is killing him, and can only imagine how hard this is on Rudy.  Ethan tries to
score points by going fishing, but fails to catch anything.  Rupert then dons
the scuba mask and arms himself with a spear he fashioned and catches a
nice triggerfish almost immediately.  Ethan frowns.

Tribal Council has Jeff exploring events of the past few days.  Rupert was so
elated when they won the Reward Challenge and gave everyone fire.  Then
the mistakes of the IC are hashed-over.  Rudy tells all that his ankle still is
bad but thinks it'll be okay in a week.  The J-Girls look unconvinced.  Ethan
admits that he feels scared about being booted.  It's time to vote.  Rudy and
Rupert vote for booting Ethan, but the rest cast their ballots against Rudy.
Jeff praises Rudy but concedes that it was probably a wise decision.  At the
confessional, Rudy is P-O'd!  He let's the J-Girls know that he feels betrayed
and that he is coming after them.  "I have friends", he warns.  Way to go,

SPOILERS:  Rupert and Jerri square off with each other, which makes Ethan
very happy.  Meanwhile, Richard tangles with a shark over food. 

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