"He's Too Smart"

Andy Zarowny


Survivor 7

Survivor 6

Survivor 5

Survivor 4


"Survivor Review" is a private fan site and is no way affiliated with CBS or Mark Burnett Productions.  Many of the pictures and graphics are taken from the official CBS "Survivor: Pearl Islands" website, as well as other sites, such as "CBS Early Show".  This site's intent is not to infringe on any copyrighted or trademarked material, only to review and speculate on a TV series which has captured our imaginations.

We rejoin our band of thrill-seekers on Night #9.  A fierce storm rages
and assaults the castaways.  Our first visit is to Camp Chapera.  While
the shelter Boston Rob and Big Tom built is sturdy enough to hold up
against the tempest, the rain is so bountiful that it reaches up to the
raised-floor.  I think the floor is about a foot off the ground.  Now that
is a lot of rain!  But fear not.  All are comfortable.  Perhaps too com-
fortable.  Rob M and Amber snuggle with each other during the night.
Both Tom and Rob C observe that the couple is a couple.  It's only a
matter of time before they do couple.  Maybe in a couple of days?

Our next stop on Night 9 is Saboga Beach, or what's left of it.  The
house that Rupert built is completely flooded and useless.  The gang
seeks shelter in the jungle.  They spend the night soaked and chilled.
Rupert is not happy with himself.  He's knows he screwed up.  Jerri
is very depressed.  She's a complete mess.  The others attempt to
console her but Jerri is seriously thinking about bailing out.  As dawn
breaks, they regroup themselves and begin building a new shelter.
Day 10 at Mogo Mogo isn't too bad.  They survived okay, though their
fire pit was washed away.  Richard catches 3 large eels, feeding all
with good protein.  Lex looks forward to winning the rice crate, so
Richard is no longer valuable. 

Tree-mail announces the Reward Challenge.  It's the old Match Game,
minus Gene Rayburn.  Contestants each stand at a station with a box
full of items.  They must then match items with another.  For a while,
it appears as though the storm made them all psychic, as they are
very successful in matching.  Chapera wins a "Survivor-Bathroom"
set, complete with solar shower, toilet, and a basket of soaps and
such.  They, and Saboga, also get clues for the rice crate.  It's the
Chapera's final clue.  The last key is buried somewhere near their
tree-mail box.  Rob C strikes off on his own to be the hero, but Rob M
finds the key, and is rewarded by the fair damsel, Amber, with a warm
hug.  The crate not only contains rice, but also a bottle of whiskey.
Another party-night at Camp Chapera, beginning with a community
bath.  Naturally, Rob M and Amber wash each other.

Day 11 is a better one for Saboga.  Jerri is her usual chipper-self.  The
new shelter is a good one and all got a great night of sleep.  Rupert
catches fish and Ethan gathers oysters.  The hot food and rest are to
come in handy.  It's time for the Immunity Challenge.  "Blindman's
Puzzle Cube".  Three players from each tribe are blindfolded and then
coached by a fourth to locate and retrieve 15 large pieces to a puzzle.
When all are collected, the players may then remove blindfolds and
construct a cube from the pieces.  Jerri is coach for Saboga, Alicia
for Chapera, and Richard for Mogo Mogo.  Shii Ann, Rob C, and
Amber sit this one out.  The event is very physical, as there are plenty
of collisions.  Lot's of stumbling, too, especially Big Tom.  He also
get's hit twice by other players and is knocked to the ground.  Thanks
to their superior strength, and good coaching from Alicia, Rob M,
Tom, and Sue are first to gather all their pieces.  But the Chapera
Team is not the brightest on the block.  They struggle and lose a huge
lead over the others.  Saboga wins 1st place, and Mogo Mogo takes
2nd.  Chapera lost it's 1st Immunity Challenge. 

Day 12 and the Chapera's mull over their defeat.  Rob C believes that
had he played, they would have won.  Amber talks with Tom about
booting Rob C.  "He's too smart", she says.  Tom agrees that he is
the smartest one of the bunch.  Tom tells Uncle Cameraman that he
wants to use his vote to make the Tribe stronger.  He's not convinced
that booting Rob C would accomplish that.  Alicia also makes noises
about booting Rob C.  Meanwhile, the two Robs chat.  They discuss
an alliance and targeting Alicia first, then Sue.  Cesternino isn't sure
he can trust The RobFather, but what choice does he have?  Boston
Rob tells Uncle that there are three people vulnerable tonight, Rob C,
Alicia, and Sue.  He doesn't know which is going, but when HE makes
up his mind, that's the one who will be booted!

Tribal Council and Chapera lights their torches for the first time.  Jeff
teases them about their formally winning ways.  They then talk about
how this season is more difficult than their previous experiences. 
The topic then switches to the budding romance between Mariano
and Amber.  Rob M admits they have been flirting.  Amber admits to
very little, though she is blushing at Jeff's questions.  Tom and Alicia
set Jeff straight about what's going on.  Finally, the topic falls on who
is vulnerable.  Rob M admits that he is due to his attitude.  Likewise
so does Sue.  It's time to vote. 

Rob Cesternino votes to boot Alicia, but is completely blind-sided by
the others.  The vote is 5-1 to boot Rob C.  He is visibly upset.  Jeff
snuffs out his torch and sends Rob C down the Walk of Shame.  As
the RobFather smirks, Jeff teases the remainder that The Game has
just begun.  Oh really???

SPOILERS:  The next Reward Challenge is a raft building event, we've
seen this one before on "Survivor:  Marquesas".  Rupert hopes to
redeem himself in this competition.  At Chapera, Tom gets drunk on
whiskey and oogles Alicia.  Jeff gathers the tribes at some point to
announce their first 'twist', presumably reducing the three tribes to
only two. 

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