"He's Like A Cancer"

Andy Zarowny


Survivor 7

Survivor 6

Survivor 5

Survivor 4


"Survivor Review" is a private fan site and is no way affiliated with CBS or Mark Burnett Productions.  Many of the pictures and graphics are taken from the official CBS "Survivor: Pearl Islands" website, as well as other sites, such as "CBS Early Show".  This site's intent is not to infringe on any copyrighted or trademarked material, only to review and speculate on a TV series which has captured our imaginations.

Day 13 and our happy castaways find  bundles of bamboo at their
tree-mail boxes.  They are instructed to build rafts for the up-coming
Reward Challenge.   At Chapera, Rob says that he went through the
same during the Marquesas season.  Sue points out that Tom is big
and heavy, so he should sit this one out.  Tom mumbles that he's an
anchor, but is happy to just hang out and watch the rest work while
he partakes of some whiskey.  Over at Saboga, Rupert designs a very
rational raft, capable of carrying heavy loads, as in the Marquesas
Challenge.  Jerri is skeptical of the plan.  She dreds another Rupert
foul-up.  Mogo Mogo has no plan at all.  They simply lash the bamboo
into one large bundle.  Colby remarks that their raft must support the
bulk of Richard Hatch.  Back at Chapera, Tom comments on how well
built the rack is, on Alicia!  He then stumbles through a correction and
says raft.  Sue is disgusted by his drunken, sexist remarks.  Tom then
wants to christen the raft with whiskey, but Sue beats him by peeing
on it.  Tom names the raft the "Suzy-Q" in her honor, and has a snort
of whiskey to celebrate.

Reward Challenge is slightly different this time than during Marque-
sas.  Two members from each paddle their rafts off shore to pick up
two others, each on a floating platform.  All four then paddle further
out to a bouy to retrieve a team flag, then race back to shore and
cross a finish line on foot.  The event begins fairly even, but then Lex
and Colby begin pulling ahead of the others.  They reach Kathy first,
then head towards Richard.  Jeff comments several times how ugly
their raft is.  He also remarks that while Saboga's is the best looking,
it's the slowest.  Mogo Mogo build a huge lead over the others.  They
are already returning to shore with their flag when the rest are just
getting their fourth team members.  Saboga continues to lose time as
Rupert has trouble pulling the Saboga flag out of it's bouy.  Chapera
comes in second.

The prizes are fishing hooks, gear, and a spear.  Mogo Mogo also gets
the last clue they need for the rice chest.  The losing tribe is dissolved.
Chapera and Mogo Mogo pick which members they want.  Colby tells
Richard to choose Ethan first, so they can vote him off right away.
Chapera picks Rupert.  M-M then chooses Jerri, because Colby fig-
ures that she and Ethan have not bonded.  Jenna then joins Chapera.
Each of the two tribes now has 7 players. 

Jerri is ecstatic about joining M-M.  She hated being with Saboga.
She especially likes the shelter at Mogo Mogo Beach.  Ethan, on the
other hand, is disappointed.  Now he must re-invent himself once
again to fit in.  The same is true for Jenna at Chapera.  She had been
calling the shots at Saboga.  Now, she's just a cog in the wheel. 
Rupert is impressed with the Chapera's shelter, and loves the swing.

Day 14 and M-M hunts for the final key to the rice chest.  Jerri finds it.
She and Shii Ann open the chest and find the whiskey, and that half
of the rice is rotten.  Colby is discouraged, he knows what it's like to
be without rice.  They will still need to fish in order to eat regularly.
Ethan tries his hand at fishing and catches one.  This causes Richard
to get nervous.  He goes out and comes back with a bunch of fish.
Kathy says they'll all eat well while the roosters battle each other.

Day 15 and it's time for Immunity.  Only one tribe will get it now.  This
causes Colby to observe that Mogo Mogo's strategy of just trying for
place will have to change.  The event is Battle-Planks.  Contestants
must race across a grid of planks to retrieve 20 flags.  In the middle of
the grid, the plank crosses a pool of water.  The middle is painted
white, and marks where players of each team must start to go one-on-
one with each other, should a battle situation occur.  Most pass on
this, till Rob lies in wait to block Ethan's progress.  They wrestle and
Ethan loses and must give up his flag and return to the starting plat-
form.  Jeff was concerned as Ethan's head struck the wall of the pool.
Ethan later loses to Tom, too.  With agile players like Rob, Amber, and
Alicia, Chapera build a lead in getting more flags.  Richard and Jenna
then square off and Jenna loses.  Richard decides to lose his shorts,
and plays the rest of the event naked.  Much to Sue's angst as he tries
to taunt her with his unmentionables.  Rob taunts everybody, espe-
cially Colby, as he battles and dumps Colby into the drink.  He is like
a madman, showing great ability on the grid.  The other Chaperas all
bail out to let him dominate.  But then Kathy challenges Rob as he
grabs the last flag for Chapera.  Kathy  just sits on the plank and
forces Rob to do the same and wrestle her on equal terms.  Kathy
struggles hard, but Rob over-powers her.  Chapera wins!

Chapera returns to camp gloating over their victory.  Sue is upset with
Richard's antics.  Rob is glad he showed Colby who's boss.  But over
at Mogo Mogo, Colby shows he's still the boss.  Their original idea of
voting off Ethan first has been changed by Colby.  He tells Ethan that
Hatch is like a cancer, and the longer he's around, the more he festers.
Colby gets Lex to agree, and then they work on Jerri and the other
ladies.  Jerri goes along, but supports Shii Ann's doubts about allow-
ing Colby, Lex, and Ethan to call all the shots.  Kathy is also dubious.
She doesn't like the idea that Colby can just arbitrarily change the
plans by himself.  After Colby assures Richard that all is well, Shii
Ann and Jerri tell Hatch what is happening.  They agree to target
Colby.  Rich then talks with Kathy, who seems sympathetic, but will
not commit to an answer immediately. 

It's the first real Tribal Council for Mogo Mogo.  Jeff agains brings up
the Ugly Raft.  The topic then shifts to voting strategy.  Colby says
that whatever happens, somebody is going to be duped tonight.  And
so he is.  Richard votes for Colby.  The rest boot Richard, 6-1.  Hatch
exclaims, "I've been bamboozled!"  He then gleefully dances off,
knowing he has a  big check, hot food, and a warm bed waiting for

SPOILERS:  Shii Ann and Colby bicker over remarks Colby made at
TC about "… some people are skating ..".  Sue is furious about something, presumably Richard's behavior to her. 

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