"You Under-
Estimated My Power"
Andy Zarowny


Survivor 7

Survivor 6

Survivor 5

Survivor 4


"Survivor Review" is a private fan site and is no way affiliated with CBS or Mark Burnett Productions.  Many of the pictures and graphics are taken from the official CBS "Survivor: Pearl Islands" website, as well as other sites, such as "CBS Early Show".  This site's intent is not to infringe on any copyrighted or trademarked material, only to review and speculate on a TV series which has captured our imaginations.

Day 19 begins at Mogo Mogo.  Jerri had a bad night.  Her back aches
from sleeping on the bamboo floor.  Shii Ann and Kathy have no sym-
pathy.  They ache, too, but aren't complaining about it.  They dish her.
Colby doesn't like Jerri, either, naturally, though he doesn't care all
that much for Shii Ann, too.  Jerri knows she has no friends but that's
okay.  She's got a Zen-thing going and is it peace with the universe.
Chapera fetches their tree-mail, which is a bag of puzzle pieces.  The
upcoming challenge is for immunity.  Rupert gives the gang a pep
talk.  They are primed and pumped, ready to win!

The first 'Super-Challenge' is the Floating Boat Puzzle.  Large pieces
are anchored below the waves and must be retrieved, then put toge-
ther to build a boat, then use it in a race.   The reward is not only iM-
munity, but also a barbeque with trimmings, desert and an open bar.
The winning tribe also gets to take one member from the other tribe
as a guest, and pump him/her for info. 

Chapera begins with an early lead due to Jerri having trouble releas-
ing her puzzle piece from it's mooring.  But Mogo Mogo fights back
and makes up for lost time.  They are first to build their puzzle and
first to paddle shore.  But Chapera is right on their tail, and Rob is
on Ethan's as they both race into the jungle to release a flag and un-
tie three remaining paddles.  Ethan has trouble with his knots, and
Rob is back at the beach first.  Chapera and Mogo Mogo are now
nearly even as they paddle back to the starting platforms.  For some
reason, M-M veers off course and loses time as Chapera paddles
straight to their objective.  Chapera wins!  They select Kathy to join
them for the reward.  A 90 foot yacht appears off shore and sends a
Zodiac boat to gather the winners. 

Aboard the yacht, Kathy ponders on her being selected.  She knows
it may endanger her back at Mogo Mogo.  But she's grateful for the
meal.  Chapera eww's and aww's at their accommodations.  They
feast on burgers, brauts, salad, corn, etc.  The beer and liquor flow,
mostly into Tom's mouth.  Kathy knows she could easily be the swing
vote in a post-merge situation.  Chapera is seducing her with song,
alcohol, and goodwill.

Meanwhile, Mogo Mogo sulks back to camp.  Ethan feels bad about
his failure to untie the knot quickly enough and losing their lead.  He
apologizes to the tribe.  Jerri tells him it's not all his fault, everyone
failed.  How Zen is that?  LOL!  Colby flashes Jerri a "speak-for-your-
self-b!tch" glare.  Captain America does not take defeat lightly.

Chapera and Company are taken to a lovely island where a table full
of yummy deserts await them.  They stuff themselves.  Amber spots
a cove of crystal-clear water, complete with waterfall.  The gang goes
for some diving action and plays in the water.  Kathy is having fun.
She likes her new pals and enjoys being with them.  There seems
little doubt that she'll swing when the time comes.

Back at Mogo Mogo, Jerri is annoying everyone, especially Shii Ann.
Jerri's constant complaints on the food and chores are wearing thin
on all.  Ethan sees this as his moment to grab the brass ring, and
makes a pitch to Colby about booting Jerri.  He's fine with it.  Colby's
been rehearsing his boot-Jerri speech for days.  They talk with Lex
who says it's okay, but in reality, Lex has his own brass ring to grab.
He sees this as the perfect time to boot Colby.  Lex plots with Jerri,
who naturally is agreeable, and with Shii Ann.  Shii Ann has also been
preparing her boot-Jerri speech all day, so she's reluctant to go along
with Lex.  He is now worried that the whole scheme may backfire on
him instead.

Chapera is back on the yacht, headed for home.  They take a stab at
driving golf balls into the ocean.  Rob accidentally tosses a driver.
Tom then tries his hand at deep-sea fishing.  He gets skunked.  All
the while, Alicia, Amber, and Jenna, ply Kathy with more drinks and
strategy on how she'll fit in with Chapera come The Merge.  They've
got her landed, hook, line, and sinker.  The trip ends with a round of

At Tribal Council, Ethan again apologizes for blowing Mogo Mogo's
lead.  Jeff delves into the animosity between them and Chapera.  Both
Colby and Ethan hate losing to Rob.  Hmmmm?  Could it be that Rob
is scoring with their ex-girlfriends?  Or do they just think he's a class-
less punk?  Jeff then steers the conversation into boot-choices.  Lex
admits that he is already thinking about The Merge.  Jerri plans to use
her vote against her biggest threat.  Colby interrupts her, giving a rah-
rah-teamwork position.  Jeff asks Shii Ann who's the weakest and
strongest?  Shii Ann confesses that she and Jerri are the physically
weakest and that Colby is the strongest.  Colby is now worried that
Shii Ann has just painted a target on his back.  It's time to vote.

We watch as they vote. It's tied 2-2 with Colby and Ethan voting
against Jerri, and Jerri and Lex voting off Colby.  We don't see who
Shii Ann votes for, but we hear her say, "You under-estimated my
power.  Jeff reads the votes.  It's 3-2 against Colby.  He's stunned
but takes it well, like a MAN.

SPOILERS:  Amber and Rob finally "make a connection".  Hahaha!
I guess that explains the empty condom wrappers Chill-One found
when he visited the beach after filming.  Each tribe sends ambassa-
dors to the other's camp.  The Merge is on!  Meanwhile, the Alpha-
Males at Chapera square off.  It's Rob vs "Aqua-Boy" Rupert in a no
holds bar event.

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