"Strictly Business"

Andy Zarowny


Survivor 7

Survivor 6

Survivor 5

Survivor 4


"Survivor Review" is a private fan site and is no way affiliated with CBS or Mark Burnett Productions.  Many of the pictures and graphics are taken from the official CBS "Survivor: Pearl Islands" website, as well as other sites, such as "CBS Early Show".  This site's intent is not to infringe on any copyrighted or trademarked material, only to review and speculate on a TV series which has captured our imaginations.

Night 19 finds Kathy alone at Camp Mogo Mogo.  She's just returned
from a day of fun and frolic, courtesy of the Chapera Tribe.  It's a
stormy night and she struggles to keep the fire going.  Kathy ponders
how the other 'Mogans' will react when they see her.  As they trudge
back from Tribal Council, she gets her answer.  Nobody hugs her. 
Chapera hugged her immediately during her yachting romp with them.
But M-M is a tribe of a different flavor, and sour at that.  Kathy doesn't
seem too concerned about Colby being gone.  She thinks he held the
tribe back with his mistrust, causing disunity.  As dawn breaks, Ethan
feels like a fool.  His best pal in real life, Lex, misled him.  Jerri is on
Cloud 9!  All her emotional baggage from Australia was exorcised by
Colby being blind-sided. 

Day 20 and both tribes get tree-mail, in the form of a bottle containing
a message.  Each tribe must select one member to take the bottle to
the other's camp where they may open and read the message.  Over
at Chapera, they are all paranoid, worried that whoever goes may
have to stay with the other tribe.  They draw straws and Jenna gets
the short straw.  M-M chooses Kathy to revisit her new pals.  Jenna
arrives and Lex breaks open the bottle.  Jenna reads the message. 
She, and likewise Kathy at Chapera, must select three items from the
opposing camp to be the prize for the next Reward Challenge.  No
personal items may be chosen and the choices must be secretly writ-
ten down.  She and Kathy rummage around the other's camps and
make their selections. 

Reward Challenge is a log roll.  The prizes selected by Kathy from
Chapera are a blanket, the tarp, and the parachute.  Jenna selected
a bag of rice, the grill, and the Hawaiian fishing spear.  First tribe with
five victories wins.  Tom sits out for Chapera.  Shii Ann dumps Alicia
first.  Ethan then rolls Rupert.  It's looking bad for Chapera till Jenna,
Rob, and Amber get Kathy, Lex, and Jerri wet.  Shii Ann does Alicia
a second time.  Rob then dispatches Ethan, putting Chapera up with
4 wins to M-M's 3.  Amber then wins the day over Kathy.  The Chapera
Machine rolls on again!

Mogo Mogo is depressed, again.  Lex is pissed.  Maybe he is having
seconds thoughts about booting Colby?  Jenna arrives at night to
take the loot.  She comes bearing gifts of some soap and toiletries. 
Kathy and Shii Ann convince Jenna to leave some rice.  Jenna feels
sorry for them.  She can tell just how down M-M are.  Chapera is very
happy, especially Rupert.  He has big plans for the spear.  As night
wears on, we are treated to the blossoming relationship between Rob
and Amber.  She admits to having real feels for him.  Rob admits to
liking her booté! 

Day 21 finds Chapera preparing for a fishing adventure.  Rob disses
Rupert with Tom while Rupert catches fish.  The big guy returns with
a sack full.  Rob then takes a stab with the spear (Ha-Ha!).  He catches
just as many as Rupert.  Rupert feels vulnerable, he no longer has a
monopoly on being a provider. 

Immunity Challenge Time!  It's target practice with blowguns, spears,
and bows and arrows.  Each tribe member gets a shot with the blow-
gun first.  The tribe with the best score gets two arrows, the loser gets
one.  The same math is then applied with spear throwing.  In the final
heat, each tribe selects one member to use the bow and arrows.  The
one with the best score earns immunity.  In the first heat, Jerri is the
only one to show any proficiency with a blowgun.  (I could say some-
thing REALLY nasty here, but I won't.)  In the second heat, Rupert
gets the best score with spear tossing, beating Tom and Ethan.  So
both tribes earn three arrows for the final heat.  Chapera chooses Rob
to represent them, Jerri volunteers for M-M, claiming proficiency with
archery.  Unfortunately, watching Errol Flynn as Robin Hood doesn't
count.  Rob's brother is a bow hunter and showed him how to do the
job.  Chapera wins again!

M-M returns to their camp.  Jerri is worried, feeling that she is now a
prime target for being booted.  But Lex talks with her and assures her
that he and Kathy are all for booting Ethan.  Lex then explains to Shii
Ann the strategy for booting Ethan.  Since Lex and Ethan are buddies
in real life after their African experience, Lex decides that the honor-
able thing to do is to tell Ethan that he is going.  Lex explains that this
has nothing to do with friendship, it's just strictly business.  Ethan is
upset and pouts off to Kathy.  After his whining, Kathy nods and says
she'll think about what he said.  She agrees in part that she doesn't
want Jerri around any longer, but her alliance with Lex is solid. 

Tribal Council had Jerri apologizing to the group for her loss at Immu-
nity.  Jeff explores her vulnerability with Kathy and the others.  He
then takes on Ethan concerning his being the last of the 'Previous
Winners'.  Ethan claims that while he is worried, he also points out
that he would be a logical choice for taking to the Final Two, since the
Jury would not vote for him to win again.  Lex stabs him in the back
stating that some might consider Ethan's overcoming all obstacles
to reach the Final Two as cause for awarding him with a second
victory.  It's time to vote. 

Ethan votes for Jerri, the rest vote to boot him.   At least Colby will
get his hat back, since he failed to take it to the last TC.  Ethan carried
it off on his walk of shame.

SPOILERS:  Mogo Mogo sinks into a deeper depression.  The tribes
undergo a switch-a-roo, randomly pulling new buffs out of an earn.
Will they both be 5-5?  Amber says she got screwed!  Hmmm? ;-)

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