Episode 10:
The Dissidents

Andy Zarowny

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

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Night 24 and the troop returns to Alinta-Lopevi Beach.  Chris tells all that he
had voted for Sarge.  That Sarge had told him to before Tribal Council.  The rest
seem unphased by this.  Amy and friends obviously know that Chris is trying
to butter them up.

Day 25 and Scout wakes up early.  She leaves the shelter where the women
sleep, and wanders over to the fire where the guys are.  She has a plan.  Take
out Eliza first, then Amy.  Scout is mad about Julie apparently being the new
4th in Amy's Final Four.  She tells them to talk with Twila. 

Reward Challenge time, and this week, it's Sacrificial Lamb.  The 8 players are
split into two teams of 4.  One from each is connected to a guide-rope and has
their hands tied.  The other three from each team must help the Lamb negotiate
a series of obstacles which the guide-rope is strung through.  Eliza is the lamb for Amy, Chris, and Chad.  Julie is the lamb for Twila, Scout, and Leann.  At
some of the obstacles, the others had to lift, pull, carry, and jerk their lambs
about, making this event fun to watch and painful to play.  Eliza's team built an
early lead and never looked back.  Their reward was a night away at a nearby
island for a taste of culture and a feast. 

A small plane carries the winners to a neighboring island.  Then through the
jungle by SUV.  They take the pig along, as Jeff instructs them that the pig is to
be their gift to their hosts.  Chris carries the pig and hands it to the village
chief, who in turns gives Chad another pig.  They are then treated to a large
dance and are invited to join in.  After the dancing came the kava ceremony.
Each got a full bowl of the murky stuff.  They are all intoxicated, with Chad
stoned out of his mind.  Finally comes the feast, of half-cooked beef.  The meal
was lousy.  After this, they were serenaded by the village children who learned
a song just for the occassion.  Amy is touched by their charm.  Meanwhile,
back at camp, the losers contend with a vicious storm.  They struggle all night
to stay warm and keep the fire going.  They are very jealous of the others.

Day 26 finds Scout busy chatting up the others about getting rid of Eliza next.
As the winners return, they are greeted with complaints and cold shoulders.
This doesn't stop Amy, who brags about the great time she had.  Amy knows
that something happened while she was away and she begins to re-assert
herself in control.  Scout tells the guys that she has the support of the rest
to boot Eliza next, then Amy.  Chris is very happy that the women are divided.

Immunity Challenge is pole hugging.  Each climbs a ladder to the top of a tall
pole, about 20 feet high and maybe a foot in diameter.  There are grooves and
ropes at certain points.  It's a straight forward endurance challenge.  Last one
to stay on their pole wins.  Julie is the first to go.  Chris then looses his grip
and is the 2nd out.  Scout goes next, followed by Amy.  Eliza, then Leann go.
It's between Chad and Twila, with Twila winning immunity.

Day 27 and the New 4 (Scout, Leann, Twila, and Julie) discuss booting Eliza
with Amy. Amy shakes her head, No!  The men are still too dangerous and they
must be booted first.  She decides that Chad is the target.  Scout tells Chad
that all is not well, that they others may not vote for Eliza.  Chad goes and talks
with Twila, who doesn't commit to anything.  She goes and asks Amy what the
plan is, and gets her orders to vote for Chad.  Twila then talks with Scout.  She
tells Scout she does not want a tie, and does not want a purple-rock situation.
When Scout asks Twila how she intends to vote, Twila says she hasn't made
up her mind yet.

At Tribal Council, Sarge arrives as first member of The Jury.  He is looking
good, all cleaned up and shaven.  Jeff asks about the rain storm.  Leann said
that it was driving her crazy.  Chris, and then Chad, talk about how they now
sense that the women's alliance is fractured.  Both Scout and Twila admit to
talking with the guys.  Jeff questions Amy about her smug face, and she says
that she's not worried one bit.  It's time to vote.  Chris and Chad vote to boot
Eliza, the women stick together and toss off Chad.  Jeff points out that with
just one man left, his vote may decide who remains, and becomes part of the
Final Four.

SPOILERS:  Chris betrays Scout and Twila to Amy, and Scout is forced to
defend herself before the Queen Bee of Vanuatu!