Well, it all comes down to this. The Final Four of Season 9: Chris, Eliza, Scout
and Twila. No more rewards. Just the grueling finish to facing The Jury. Let's
look at each player.
Chris is the last man. He managed to stick around because Ami allowed herself
to be side-tracked by Leann. Chris benefitted from that blunder. He even got a
taste of power. Too bad he used it to burn a friend.
Eliza has certainly earned her way. Many would have dumped her long ago.
Some wish they had. Now she has a one in four shot at a million bucks. Love
her or hate her, she's done alright.
Scout has flown under the radar almost the whole season. Never any good at
challenges, she played the role of den mother. She acted when it was neces-
sary. Scout did well in her politics.
Twila has been out there all game. Playing hard at challenges. Making tough
votes when needed. Her social skills may leave some with a bad taste, but
one has to give her her just dues.
So, how will The Game play out? Who will win? CBS's official website offers
few clues, other than things get emotional and the winner is a surprise. We
know that Scout and Twila are tight. Chris was tight with Eliza, but who knows
now? The only way Chris and Eliza will make it to the Final Two is by winning
immunities or being taken along. Both Scout and Twila may see either as a
good foil. Eliza was considered generally disliked, BUT, most of The Jury are
her pals right now. Chris is almost the opposite, he was liked but he has few
allies on The Jury. Scout and Twila have neither. No allies and not well liked
by The Jury. They screwed too many people.
ENDGAME: Chris and Twila won't make it. Not sure of the order but I will go
with Chris being booted then Twila. Eliza wins last two immunities. She will
take Scout to the finals. She knows that Scout is least liked. Ami will not
vote for Scout. Most of the men won't, either.
WINNER: Eliza! I'll go with a 5-2 vote for her. Might be 6-1.