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The Forbidden Fruit

I long to taste the yield of her vine

to touch her tenderly, and to call her mine
every waking moment she's the one I think of
lost in dreams of vanity, nourished by love
raptured in visions of her beautiful smile
one kiss from those lips would surely drive me wild
one touch from her and my troubles ease
the brush of her skin like the soft summer breeze
one look into her eyes, and time would stand still
one gentle caress, and I would lose all will
inside my soul mourns, my heart broken at the wall I see
sorrow and woes encompass about me, my remorse
deep for what seems can never be
my love will never be given the chance to take root
yet I will forever yearn for the sweet taste of her forbidden fruit.

copyright © By Bill Dixon

The Indentured Heart

You have captured my heart,

in your hands my heart and life doth rest
be ye ever so gentle,
for the fate of my soul you posess
every waking moment tis your love
and touch I crave
linger yet awhile, whilst I tell thee of m'love
that defys both death and grave
under your sheltering wings,
is there and there alone that I find peace
your embrace brings rest to my weary soul,
and your kiss bids my tumult cease
for without your love my heart would forever bleed
I, desirous of your love, hungering,
upon your every word I feed
an indentured servant to your heart I shall always be
not shackled by mere mortal chains,
but by cords of love, ne'er to be set free
I beg of thee, listen to my every word,
m'love please do not spurn
for within this heart o'mine desires flame doth burn
nations shall rise and fall,
but my love eternal shall ne'er die
for though death seize o'er my soul,
your sweet name thru paling lips I shall cry

copyright © By Bill Dixon

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