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Poems By Brianna

The Spoken Word

Consider the power of the spoken word

The overwhelming potential of each
Those that inspire and bring hopefulness
Others that demean and defeat

Some inform and raise consciousness

Some a greeting...brief
Others express our sorrow or pain
An outlet for our grief

There are nationalistic calls to arms

Words that inflame and incite
And over imaginary boundaries
Urge global brothers to fight

There are erotic, passionate utterances

Whispered quietly in the night
And the often neglected encouragement
Perhaps just an oversight

There are countless double entendres

The paradox.....the simile
Words that enable us to see the unseen
Through vivid imagery

There are love words so freely spoken

They're meaningless from over use
Much better expressed through actions
And subject to far less abuse

There are words spoken with hatred

And those that bring us shame
And perhaps the most cruel of all
The ones that bitterly blame

But of all the words I hear spoken

I hold these higher than the rest
When sincerely and simply offered
Tis the kind word I truly love best

Copyright © 1998 By Brianna


"Tis not my part to wonder why

The ocean's deep....the mountain high
The valley narrow.....river wide
Nay, merely to accept it

"Tis not my part to bargain with

The fates denying kinder kiss
Or simple pleasures, treasures missed
Nay, merely to accept it

"Tis not my part to question if

I'll be granted earthbound breathing gift
Or given o'er to silent drift
Nay, merely to accept it

"Tis not my part to tempt the fates

Who giveth much, but also take
"Tis part of plan and not mistake
Yea, thus I must accept it

Copyright © 1998 By Brianna


Down at marsh's edges teeming

Winged and webbed foot tenants preening
Sun o'er water timid gleaming
Casting light to Earth once more

Nature sighs with no agenda

Save but impart boundless splendor
Luring me to sweet surrender Beckoning through open door

Drinking of her vision deeply

Savouring her nectar sweetly
Merging with her o completely
Faith and hope once more restore

Speaking now this 'lusive gypsy

Come to me and gently kiss me
When I'm gone o won't you miss me?
Leave me as you found before

Adieu! Farewell o fairest maiden

Twighlight comes the day is fading
Ankle deep in water wading
Trav'ling home along your shore

Copyright © 1998 By Brianna

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