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Mikes Poems

Dancing In The Moonlight

Put your hand in mine,

let the passions flow.
Open your heart and mind,
let your love go, Waltz with me.

As I whisper sweet nothings in your ear,

hold me close till your eyes meet mine.
Look deep into my soul,
until we both go off into a trance
as we gently sway forever to dance.

We are two people dancing as one,

close your eyes,
Listen to the music thats begun.
The chords of a melody so peaceful and so fine,
we find ourselves floating off together into time.

Lost in each others dreams

we continue our journey
out into the nights cool evening air.

Where we discover each other

no worries, no cares........
for we care not where were going,
nor where we have been.

Wrapped in the comfort of each others arms,

Forever dancing to the music from above,
I look into your eyes and sing of my love.

Forever dancing will our love be,

It is like the wings of an eagle so careless, so free.
Two lovers whose fates lies in the heavens above
we learn to adore each others true love.

So complete are we now,

that mere words can describe
the inner feelings we both have inside.

For now my dream lover,

this is how it was meant to be
two lonely people whos love is so strong and so true
Forever dancing together in the world of the moon.

copyright © 1998 By Mike Mal

On The Wings Of An Eagle

On the wings of an Eagle is where I first learned to fly, soaring deep into the clear moonlit sky. High above the city lights is where my mind runs clear. This is where I belong up over the tree lines, among the clouds, just me and the eagle oh so devine. As I set on a snowcovered mountain peak, I look at the world below and often think. What it would be like to have you here, that would indeed be heaven. So come with me, enjoy the grandeir mountains view, come soar with me over the Arizonias majestic canyons. As we fly we can discover each other, where we can soar to new heights where man has never traveled. Oh so carefree it would be for gliding along a mountain stream, cascading down a waterfall, where we can come to rest along side the mountains stream, on a bed of flowers petals espescially for you. Than as we lay I can look into your eyes, and then truely know where natures spendor truely lies. For having your love would be the greatest treasure to me. More precious than the earths great treasure, more spectaclar than a mountains waterfall. Is the wonder of true love.

copyright © 1998 By Mike Mal

A Secret Pond

Our Secret pond far away from the stress of our lifes. Where I lay on its green carpet banks, and admire its quite beauty. I can hear the frogs jumping in unison to the music of the bluejays peaceful song. And the fragrance of the fresh wild flowers as they make there way toward the suns warm embrace. As the butterflies dance across the way, forever dancing it seems. Makes me wonder of my life, would be nice just to flutter from flower to flower, floating on a warm summer breeze. Carefree and forever dancing would I be, if I were a butterfly. But I am not a butterfly, nor a frog swimming in the pond. But just a Man trapped in my loveless world. My heart aches for someone who like the butterfly is forever dancing. Oh how I wish I could grow wings and dance on the leaves of the golden dew with you. But its just me and the butterflies In our golden pond of love.

copyright © 1998 By Mike Mal

Country Dreams

Sitting here at my keyboards,,, staring at my screen.

Lost in my world of adventures, tying to express in words my dreams.
Not sure where my words come from, as I set and paint these views

For images just come to me,,,, and I write so your can to

Can you see the pictures, I draw out with my words.
creating sounds, sights and smells, with adjectives and verbs.

Driving down this country side, blasting my favorite tunes.

my mind runs wild with the sights around.
Can you see it to?

Open your mind to the moment, smell the fresh spring air

can you feel the wind blow by us, forget all your cares.
seize the moment, enjoy this gorgeous day.
reminds me of my childhood, laughing as we played.

Erase all thought of being you, let me take you for a ride

a roller coaster thrill event, blasting down the country side.
over steep hills , creating cheap thrills. we can thus create
Image yourself in heaven, at the pearly gates.

For our only limits are our negative thoughts within.

toss these out the window, let love and life begin
So in this dreamworld, we can be all we can and will
so close your eyes were in paradise enjoy this country thrill.

copyright © 1998 By Mike Mal

Time machine

1972 Camero z-28

On my 42nd birthday
I brought myself a time machine
a 1972 camero Z-28, deep forest green

Four on the floor, bucket seats and more

for this was the car exactly in every way
I owned back in my high school days

For every last detail on this time machine

had to be perfect if you know what i mean
This what was going to take me back to a time
when life was so simple and kind

I even went as far as to buy some eight track tapes

buying the same one I once owned , careful not to make a mistake
For if anything was different in any way shape of form
the care may not work right this I was for warned.

Excited and willing to take this big chance, I

dressed myself up in some bell bottom pants
a tie tee shirt and underpants to match

As i told my wife i was taking a ride

out the door i flew in full stride
for this was the moment i was so tense
I fired my baby up she was ready to dance

Off into town my baby and I did roar

blasting the tunes of 70s galore
cruising the streets of town u.s.a.
life wasn't to exciting for my to stay

something was missing when at last in did click

hell i need to get my good buddy "dick"
when it came to hell raising we made quite a team
so off I went to share in all my dreams

Out in the yard my good buddy did set

grab your wallet and off went
stopping for brewskies and some premium gas
faster than you could say jackrabbit we were in a flash

for what direction we had not a clue

but the time machine was headed back to 1972
back to the time where trouble was free
and nothing much mattered but love and just me

so cruising down 131 toward my old stomping grounds

it brought us much closer to yesteryears sweet sounds
of days long past and buried in my mind
a peaceful loving wonderful time

Looking for my driveway I pulled in so many times before

now sets a burger king those memories are lost forevermore
lets go find our party spot high on sunrise hill
surely that has to exist there still

pulling into sunrise hill much to our surprise

sets a group of condos , three stories high
bewildered and somewhat troubled i put my baby into gear
gravel smoke tires burning as we left the scene

surely something has to have remained the same

i once again burned my tires till they smoked
started feeling better as we talked of old times
completely reliving those memories in our minds

as we left our old stomping grounds

I glanced over to see a tear in dicks eyes
what's the matter good buddy
oh nothing just a little dust i surmise

As i dropped off dick at his home

he turned and smiled lets do this again sometime
as i drove my time machine off
back into my own time

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