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More Of Mikes Poems

A Tulip

I could feel the warmth above me calling me to join the first glimpse of spring. For it had been a long 10 months since I had known the brightness and wonder of the outside world. As I grew upwards towards the suns warming embrace and the clear blue skies. My mind was only on one thing, my spring time love, my reason for living, the purpose of my existence. For when we had last parted some time ago, I promised her I would hold her love in my heart with tenderness and compassions known only to me. What is it about the spring time? Perhaps thats why our love is so strong, for we only know the spring. Its our time of year for though we can only meet for a few short weeks, the fire dances though my soul throughout the year. And with each passing day my loves grows much like the flowers that are nourished by the rain and the sun. But I wonder where she is, for I don't see her golden petals glistening in the sun. For among this rather large group of flowers, she always stands alone amongst a thousands tulips I can only see her. I can feel her warmth, her unending love for me, for she is my only flower, my only hearts desire. Where could my love be? For this my dearest flower, I would give you my last drop of life, my only lifes mission is to spend time with her throughout eternity. How is it she captivates me in such a way? Where could she be, has something happen unthinkable to her? For now it has been several weeks and still no signs of my love anywhere. As each passing day of sun, followed by the cool nights evening air went by, my heart fire never dimished, nor my quest to be along side her golden petals never died. Sure there were other flowers there with me, but I was all alone in a world of many. For without her love, I was nothing, just a whisper in the wind, a blade of grass in the lonesome prairie. She gives me life, a reason to grow, without her love, not sure if I have a reason to exist. With each passing second, I can feel the life being sucked out of me. For I miss her so, my passions in life are diminished, my hearts fire slowly burns, and the summer rains add only to my aching heart. Farewell my love, for I am coming to join you amongst the depths of the soil. I am returning to my roots, where I can be with you. Fear not my one and only flower, as we are not together in life, I will always be with you in my heart, my soul, and love that strong can never die. And perhaps the spring of the next year, we will be together again, brought back by the miracle of life and true loves one and eternal voice.

copyright © 1998 By Mike Mal

Sunset Conserto

I settle myself down high on the sand dunes.

and patiently wait for her peaceful magnificent tunes.
For this was a concert, of an incredible view.

For you have to look and listen sometimes it doesn't seem true

the waves are the base sections of trombones and some drums,
as old Lake Michigan crashes to the same there of

A hawk is the Mistral, who flies high above,

he conducts all the music, for it's his true love.
the sandpipers sections totally composed of all birds,
are like the music from heaven,
beyond all words.

Warm summer breezes as the sails pass my ears

sounding like wind flutes, to wonderful it appears.
This sets the stage, sit back and enjoy,
the skies fill with notes of colors,
of crimson and gold.
As the clouds dance lightly to the music as it unfolds.

Can you hear the thunder of the waves as they sound,

creating a colorful mist in their wakes with no bounds.
the hawk oh so careful, not to make a mistake,
he soars oh so freely, conducting the waves.

I set oh so contently, and watch it take place,

for it only lasts a few minutes,
to short a time to waste.

For now comes the time, when she enters the scene,

with music from heaven, blasting the dreams.
She sings of so softly,
painting the sky with her colors and words,
she orders the sandpipers to sing,
as they dance across the sky spreading music with there wings,
as they fly.

Just when you think, you have seen it all

she opens her eyes as she streaks from beyond a cloud
emitting a light, wow oh so loud
It deafens my ears,
and my eyes cant believe.
what they see and they hear.
a rainbow of colors, begin to appear.

In one last high note,

as she slowly goes down,
setting beneath the horizon,
hardly making a sound.
the waves sing oh so softly,
in tribute it seems,
and the day is at last over.
good nite my lady, sweet dreams

copyright © 1998 By Mike Mal


Climb with me this mountain,

Leave all your cares behind.
Lets climb to the highest summit.
A place where we can unwind.

Lets look across the valley floors,

Thousands of feet below.
Leaving all our worries behind,
Laughing as we go.

Can you smell that mountain pine?

Let it cleanse your soul.
Breath in the fresh mountain air,
Let it take control.

Lets take a dip in this mountain stream,

Wash all your fears away.
Let the waters flow around us now,
While we swim and play.

Lets the suns warm rays, dry away our tears,

While bathing in its ultraviolet rays,
Let the heat of the afternoon, warm our hearts and minds,
Leaving all the pain of yesterday far behind.

Take my hand, and climb with me,

Onward towards the sun.
Forgetting all our mortal faults,
One by one.

Looking across the mountains views,

Watching a eagle soar.
Asking us to fly with him,
High above the valley floors.

Were almost to the mountain top,

A place I have never been.
A place of wonder,
Free of crime and sin.

Passing the last tree lines,

Gasping for each breath of air.
My mind is clear and content,
Free of all despair.

Wonder if this was meant to be?

A place where men do climb,
Trying to find a secret place,
Escaping from all time.

For here is where my mind runs clear,

Forgetting all my woes.
Forever will this gift to man,
Enjoy it as we go.

Just one more rock to the summit,

Before we end this climb.
Sitting on top of the world,
Lost here together for all time.

For this must be Gods gift to man,

For how else can we see,
A place so wonderful,
anything better than I could ever dream.

copyright © 1998 By Mike Mal

Rat Race

I first started this race

back in 1972
A gallant young rat of 17
for this is what I was told to do.

Visions of grander entered in my mind

I sprinted ahead in full stride
hoping to stay ahead
can't bear to fall behind

Each day for many years

I ran my daily chore
Not sure where I was running to
or what the hell for

Did this til my 30s

wore out many shoes
always kept running
this I was destined to do

Late into my 30s

I started slowing down
my feet got tired
Where am I running to?

On my 40th birthday

I sat and watched the other rats run instead
they had no ideas where they're running
just keep running to stay ahead

Just then it hit me

what the hell what was I doing in this race?
We're on a neverending treadmill
not going any place

So if you think your winning

Just remember who you are
Just one of millions of rats
chasing a falling star!!!!!!!

copyright © 1998 By Mike Mal

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