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Poems By Nicole

Little Old Lady...I Love You

Little old lady walking through town,

Found a seat and watched leaves blow around.
She sat there thinking for a while,
The expression on her face could almost pass as a smile.
She sits there & watches the world go by,
Thinking of past years and her husbands last goodbye.
She remembers sitting beside his bed,
And wiping the sweat from his forehead.
She sat there by him day after day,
Until he grew weak and slipped away.
She can remember clearly his last breath,
And with it the last words he said,
"Little Old Lady I Love You"

Copyright © 1998
by Nicole Gray 4/4/98


I know that you may not believe me,

But, in time I hope you'll see.
That of course you have lots to live for,
I'm telling the truth that's for sure.
Give it time to heal your pain,
Then you'll be able to live again.
Someday, somehow you will pull through,
This is because I have faith in you.
C'mon mate I'm on your side,
C'mon mate just give it a try.
Have faith in yourself & all that you do,
So others will learn to trust in you.
I know that it is hard to deal with the pain,
Some day , somehow you'll feel like yourself again.
I know it wont happen overnight, But, don't give up without a fight.
Listen to your heart it speaks the truth,
Try your hardest not to stay aloof.
The heart takes a while in order to heal,
it helps to talk about how you feel.
But through all this the heart goes on,
And hurt by hurt is made strong.
So listen to what your heart has to say as it grows stronger everyday.

Copyright © 1998
by Nicole Gray 21/01/98


How on earth do you let someone know,

Just how much they hurt you so?
How do you say thanks for all you have done?
How do you say sorry but I'm seing someone?
How do you say thankyou for showing you care?
How do you say thankyou for just being there?
How do you say sorry for pain you have caused?
How do you step back and say it's your fault?
How on earth do you let someone know,
Just how much you care so?
How do you let someone know you care?
How do you say you'll always be there?
How do you say I'm so sorry to hear.....?
How do you say there's nothing to fear?
How do you admit that you can't cope?
How do you say sorry it was only a joke?
How do you show friends their true value,
Just how much they mean to you?
We all know life is no easy ride,
And this should all be taken in our stride.
unfortunately there will always be difficult days,
That you have to deal with in your own little ways.
Sometimes simply smiling is the only way,
To get you through the awkward bits in the day.

Copyright © 1998
by Nicole Gray 16/3/98


There will always be those days,

When everything seems so wrong.
When those close to you say,
"Put on a smile and be strong"
When everything seems to spin around,
And little things get you down.
But it's good to know that although there's pain,
Everyone sometime has been through the same.
At times it may be hard to cope,
But...try to laugh about it as if it's a joke.
At times you may feel like running away.
Or screeming out "Why did this have to happen today?"
I often have days where things go wrong,
And often find I don't know where I belong.
But...someday , somehow I do pull through
, Believe in yourself and you will too.
In time you will look back and say,
"Why did I feel bad and act that way?"

Copyright © 1998
by Nicole Gray 19/3/98


Why does it seem so very strange

That bad things happen which result in change?
Sometimes these situations seem very bad,
But...they help us realise the good ones we've had.
Why is it that we can't be sure,
What we had until it's gone?
For then it is all to late,
And unfortunately we may have to lose a mate.
But...that should not be cause of fret,
'Cause your life is far from over yet.
There are many people out there to meet,
So...stop feeling sorry and get on your feet.
Go out there and have some fun,
And just be nice to everyone.
'Cause out of kindness comes friendship ,true,
And this is what others are attracted to.
So...let others know that you do care,
And then watch the growth of the friendship you share.

Why is it thst when things are going fine,

No one is bothered to take the time,
To truly appreciate the little things in life,
Until something happens which results in strife?
Little things are often overlooked,
As our lives become hectic and overbooked.
And with these hardships we are overcome,
And don't always get along with everyone. time you get the chance,
Don't just accept things at first glance.
Look beyond the mask fascade,
It isn't really all that hard.
Look for inner strength in those you meet,
As picking out strengths puts people back on your feet.
Now a thought to ponder and leave you with,
"The simply things in life are often the best!!"

Copyright © 1998
by Nicole Gray 20/3/98


People are like rock pools, shimmering in the sun,

Their deepest secrets hidden out of sight of everyone.
What we see is what glistens on the surface of them,
Instead of looking deeper and finding out what makes up them.
We should each take the initiative to be bold enough,
To search deep within the rock pool and find what makes them such.
Rock pools tend to vary in size and in their depth,
Just as people vary in personality and the rest.
One thing that is for certain,
No two rock pools are exacly alike just like two persons.

Copyright © 1998
by Nicole Gray 15/5/98


Sadness is when you are always crying,

Sadness is when you are always tiring.
Sadness is picking the good from the bad,
And pondering all the bad times you've had.

Happiness is when you are always smiling,

Happiness is giving without ever tiring.
Happiness is laughing at the good and the bad,
And remembering all the good times you've had.

Copyright © 1998
by Nicole Gray


I really did believe back then that fairy's took your teeth,

I'd kindly lift my pillow and slip them underneath.
I really did believe back then that deer and sleigh could fly,
That once a year on Christmass Eve Old Santa crossed the sky.
I really did believe you loved me, boy how wrong was I,
If only I had learnt back then that fairytales are lies.

Copyright © 1998
by Nicole Gray


Smiles should always be a welcome sight,

Many of them help you feel right.
It doesn't take much effort to smile,
Look how good you feel in such a short while.
Especially when you are feeling down,
Smiles are so much better than a frown.

Copyright © 1998
by Nicole Gray


Life viewed through rose coloured glasses,

Shows that life is perfect with no surpasses.
Some people chopose to live in disguise,
And refuse to believe that this is all lies.
These people are of a foolish kind,
As it is obvious it is all in their mind.
Of course life isn't perfect in every way,
And we all have at least one bad day.
So who on earth are you trying to kid?
Try to see life as what it really is.

Copyright © 1998
by Nicole Gray


Through her anger she looked in the mirror,

And she saw a monster staring back at her.
She knew that reflection staring back at her,
Was reflecting the anger trapped within her.
She didn't like what she saw,
So she threw the mirror against the wall.
The mirror broke, the mirror shattered,
And like her heart is bruised and battered.
She attempted to pick up the broken glass,
And tried to set aside her past.
But..each piece of broken glass she saw,
Just emphasised the pain and awe.
For each tiny piece of broken glass,
Mirrored a tiny bit of her past.
She managed to scream and shout in pain,
As she glued the mirror together again.
For after viewing herself in the meded glass,
She was left with only scars of her past.

Copyright © 1998
by Nicole Gray


What's the definition of perfection?

Is it looking in the mirror & seeing your reflection?
Somehow I do not believe this is so,
As we search within it's our faults that glisten & glow.
For our faults are all we tend to see,
They are what stop us going forward in a way to succeed.

Perfection I think is impossible to achieve.

As we are all unique individuals so I believe.
If only people would notice the pleasures in life,
Instead of the faults which cause some strife.
If only people would ponder all their gains,
Instead of choosing to dwell on their pains.
If people looked for virtues & faults refused to see,
What a happy dear old place this world would be.

copyright © 1998 Written by Nicole Gray


A rose is the most delicate flower,

Especially with the sun on them after a shower.
When a bud opens it's the most perfect thing,
It's perfume the sweetest of anything.
Red ones,white ones and pink ones too,
First thing in the morning all laiden with dew.
When the petals fall it's as though it cries,
But...A rose is a rose, it withers and dies.

copyright © 1998 Written by Nicole Gray


Life to many is like a field of dreams,

Many impossible to achieve so iot seems.
But...dreams are something you should never supress,
All you can do is give it your best.
You may not get there at attempt number one,
But...the achievement process has just begun.
You mustn't get discouraged, you must stay strong,
And soon enough you shall hear your victory song.

copyright © 1998 Written by Nicole Gray


Sitting on a rockledge on the edge of a cliff,

Looking out at the view below throughout a very fine mist.
Down below boats are slowly sailing along the stream,
It's such a beautiful picture,you'd think it only a dream.
Gumtrees in full blossom is such a beautiful sight,
So is seeing a flock of birds easily take to flight.
I close my eyes and take in the sun,
And thank the Lord for what he has done.

copyright © 1998 Written by Nicole Gray


Friends are there to pick up the pieces,

And bring you back on track.
They are there to comfort you,
And put a smile on your face.
They are there to take you out,
And show you a great time.
They are the ones who stick by you,
Through good times and the bad.
It's not the number of friends you have,
It's the relationship you have.

copyright © 1998 Written by Nicole Gray

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