Come and fight me fair you creep
I don't care that you're so small
And I'm a giant when compared
I really think that you should come
And fight me fair and square
I know that I can swat you
Annihilate that buzzzzzz
If only I could get a chance
To make you the bug that "was"
But everytime I swat and swear
I miss you by a fraction
My hands are waving in the air
A tiny bug creates such action
Finally You've bested me
I'm tired of the fight
I'll just sit and sacrifice
My wrist to your sharp bite
Then when you think you've won
Happily you fill your need
Fatter and fatter you do get
As on my wrist you feed
A wicked smile spreads on my face
For on my blood you've fed
I raise my hand above my wrist
And smash you bloody dead
Who's the winner of this battle
I don't think it was me
Because the itch will drive me mad
From a damn bug I could barely see
copyright © 1998 By Sheila Lynn
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