

Condensation forms from nothing,

it sticks onto warmth to say it’s okay
it’s okay until the heat tops off,
the towel hangs and the wet

It is a tongue lapping across

an envelope damp with perfume,
falling in a locked metal box
to a jeep and is then locked at night
and thrown into another box opened
with a key or coat hanger or hammer.

The dried gum cannot be opened

by anything but a knife, cut along
the line, so careful not to dash the perfume,
not to slice the insides.

It is everything because it is private,

me to you, tearing along lines,
folding ourselves into two pieces bent
and torn at the end of a table before the close, a straight line
separating our strut from our spine,
stationary and scent, sweat from our
tongue, distance drying the ride,
the destination, all the things
that have gone wrong, the time,
the time,
the time.

Copyright © March 1995 By Carl Bischof

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