Johns Poems

A Walk In The Sand

There once was a woman. She came up to me.

She said Hi, How are you, how have you been?

This is a wonderful day. Please won't you walk

With me into the night. Oh, come on please.

Yes, you're a wonderful Man. I can tell by looking

Into yours eyes My friend. Your words are so sweet they
must come from heaven.

Come on my friend take my hand and show me. Your

Passion. Let's walk in the night sand and enjoy each other.
Lets make this one of many my friend.

We don't have to touch each other . Not in a sexual Manner.

We can just learn about one another.
Oh, come on smile at me in that loving soft way. You
know we are the only ones that matter.

Yes, this world is full of such pain. But right now

I am full of such pleasure and passion. For you're here
with me and we are all alone. Crowded but still be
alone with one another.

We are on the surrounded by many. But, in

our own peace of heaven. God, graciously lets us use
his garden to walk around this world and meet one

We are both adults you see . And are past the

wild passion of our teens . We an enjoy each other on
this night and in the future.

As we look into each others eyes and see such

a joyous sight. We see each others souls and watch
their love for each other.

Come lets sit down in the sand. Looking in each others

souls. Finding peace and joy in each others arms.

Yes, my friend You know what you do to me.

I blush when all you do is speak to me. Let alone when you
touch or kiss my face. You lift me higher and higher.

When you touch my hand I defiantly Blush. But you hardly

ever notice. I smile and enjoy your touch. Your such a poet.

And went I look deep into your eyes . On this night of wonder.

I see a land of pure love and Glorious passion.
Sometimes I long to be filled by your words. They are
are such a joy and wonder. They seem to have their own
Mystical magic.

Subject: Wings of wisdom

On Wings of wisdom she Fly's's with in my sight.

Holding her hand out with joy and delight.
She is my friend above all and this we both know.

She is there to help me in my time of trouble. Don't you know.

So come here my friend hug and hold me a while. Let me
send you a not and see if you can make it out.

It is not much just for or five line. But, your friend

he doesn't like threats perceived or otherwise.
His question is simple . What should he do.
Just ignore it or pass it around..

Asking his friend if they have heard of the guy.

Or just rub him away like he was smoke in my eye.

Of one think I am sure. You will tell me truthfully.

just as Sia would. I Don't want much just for the
person who doesn't want to chat with me to stand
up and say.

Please don't IM me. Please stay away.

but this guy will not even tell me who it might be

I have run of people thru my head. Of all I can think

of Only three would get this way. Here is my list I hope
you don't mind, It could be o Daisy o, suzeeQo, or
hog jane no, less.

Now, I haven't comfronted any of these yet. It would be

so easy if they would just stand up and say. Don't talk to me
I have No, time for you. Who know it might make them even
more of a woman. Who know.

Thank you , My friend for listening to me. I will find time later

to write you again. My next note will be more up. But, have
to get this off my chest.

I hope you slept well last night. I hope your healthy joyous

and proud. Come on smile for me for even I am deep in side
for you're my friend and a joyous woman.

Your not any color to me your all woman with a wonderful glee

Yes, I now you your have your hands full right now. With the
IRS and work on your hands.

But look at the calender this is April 1st. It is a most glorious

day in Texas. There are No rain clouds around we had them
last night. They came thru out town. Washing the ski.

Washing the atmosphere of all free floating elements.

a bit of hale we had but no major damage was done.
Just losts of rain thunder and lightening. I wasn't
scared but the dog sure was she spent 90 minute
in my lap. Keeping me warm.


Wisdom, is wonderful.

Wisdom is like a gentle breeze as it hits our face.

Wisdom take time to acquire

Wisdom is something that some of us take for granted

For you cant acquire wisdom in a pill.

No, Wisdom come only with time.

As time passes we see wisdom and all it does for us.

Its Beauty as it take hold and makes our decisions easier for us.

There was a lady, who fell to earth

I found her and picked her up off the Ground.
She looked up at me and smiled a lovely smile
and as I looked in her eyes I saw both of them
Twinkle at the same time.

We walked together for a while hand in hand

just as good friends which we were becoming and
Had become.

The lady suddenly stopped and looked back up at me

She said would you really like to know where I am from
Sure I said.

She then pointed up to the only cloud in the ski,

There she said. I am from there. I call it cloud nine

she walks in the day and in the night...

she opens up her arms and sayes.
Come her my friend your quite a sight.

You look like you have been thru a battle

all on your own.. Come here My friend
I will protect you from the raging storm.

Come here let me hold you.. Come to

my arms.. come here and let me hold
you to my bussom So warm.

Oh, doesn't this feel much better to you.

She says as wraps her arms around him
Holding and rocking her too an frow..

Ohhh he groans as he sight in her arms.

He was with a tender woman now and
out of the storm. There was nothing that
could hurt him.. while he was here.

No, there was only love from this.

Woman, his freind. He felt so small and
chidish laying here. Just soaking up the
love that she was giving him. What a lady
What a dear friend.

Yes, come to my friend . Forget your worries

and cares.. For when your here with me nothing
exist. I will hold you and help you get thur the
pain I know you feel.

It will be over and soon you will be ok.

You will focus on something else and
your pain will go away. Trust me my friend
I know what I say. I am talking from
expericene and years. This will go away.

Wisdom is wonderful. It is a magical thing. It is a joyous thing.

It can lift us up. Bring us to places that we would never dream of.

Wisdom is like the wind. It blows all around us.

If we listen just right. We can hear the winds of wisdom blowing telling us

We are wonderful. We are always each special in our own ways.

We don't need two Hundred dollar shoes. We don't need to look up to

Others outside of our family's. Wisdom is like a little bird. It sings to us.

All, we have to do is take out time and listen. Listen to the wind and the good

People in our lives. Listen to the wisdom of their lives. Listen to what they have

Been thru. For not all of it is good. But, we can listen to them and if we Listen we can

Learn and there by hopefully not make the same Mistakes again.

If we do things like this we will each be better for it. We will in

Times be better as not only a small family. No, we will all be better

As a Nation.

We all have to remember it all starts by listening.

If you were to ask me. How I came to this conclusion.

I would tell you. It was from listening. Listening to others.

Listening to my family. And yes, listening to others. Taking

From them what I thought was good. Doing my best to incorporate it into

My life. If it should fit into my Life. No, I don't see any need to point a gun at

Someone because I don't agree with them. Usually, I just walk away from people like

Those. I don't need them in my life. Though there are time. When it will take me time

to actually see what they really are. And when I do I find that I am extremely disappointed

not only in my self but in the Human race as a whole. Then it take time for Me to recover.

The best thing for me at this time is to turn to not only my family but my other friends. They will

Help me to see the light and that , that person is not worth bothering with. That is really when

My friends come in to help me the most. They point out that I should get back into life and just

ignore those like that. But, usually I just step back.. And re access my self. What I have been

doing weather. I should continue on down this path.

John E. Yeatts Jr

February 2, 1998

This is written with a special friend in mind

Women are Wonderful

Women are wonderful or at least the good ones are.

Women are sweet and kind and loving and bright.

Or at least those are that I want to be around.

Women are wonderful, the good ones treat me with

respect and I respect them. They never give me any
reason to doubt or mistrust them.

When I talk to a woman it doesn't matter to me

weather she be White, Black, Green or Gold.

What does matter is that she treat me with respect

for I will do my best to treat her with the same.

Women are wonderful delightfully so.

I love for women to feel as if they can talk to

me as a friend. When they do that I have really made
a friend. When women can feel as if they can turn
to me. Can tell me what is own there mind.

Then they are telling me they trust me.

They respect my point of view.

Women are wonderful when they touch my soul.

They do not know it but it is done so easily,

When they call me Sweetie, or Hon, or even sometimes darling.

When they tell me I am not bugging them.

When they are kind to me. This is when they touch my soul.

I have been so lucky in so many ways to find

Good Wonderful women in person and on line.

Now, I will admit I do not know many women real time.

..It is my fault, I just haven't taken the time to get out.
But, those or most of those I have met on line have been good to me
They have shown themselves to me. Show me there loving caring ways.

Isn't life grand to be able to say.

I know all these kind loving women and yet I haven't
ever met hardly any of them.

It is not my fault, I have been busy and haven't

taken the time to get out and meet women.
Those, I have been around have been married
Or Divorced with kids and, I wasn't in the Dating
or looking mood.

You stay the way I am Celibate when you

are not in the mood to look.

return to friends poems
