Poems By Claudia

Do You Know?

Do you know?
How, in my heart
Fires spark
When I hear your name,
Your voice,
In my listening heart.
Do you know?
How I crave,
To feel you near,
To be close,
For us to touch,
I want to hear,
Your sweet words.
I want to feel,
Your sweet passion.
I want to know,
Your very soul.
You are the fruit,
I need to consume.

copyright © January 1, 1999
By Adele Fulcher

Love Affair

The passion inside
Grows and burns
As the fire of love
Begins to draw
Them near
To each other
The touch,
As he pushes her hair back.
The feel,
As she carresses his shoulders
Then the kiss,
The feel of their tongues, their lips,
Listening to each other's
Signs of life
The passion, the fire
The energy inside
Soon, together
Builds to the moment
Of pleasure for both.

copyright © Dec. 31,1998
By Adele Fulcher

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