Poems By Coyote-Tear

Sometimes you may think I don't listen
But your words are so many
For I have to take the time to find their true meaning
As one paints it takes time to complete the whole picture

As we have just met there are uncertainties
For our moods have been swayed by others
Our love for another never dies but the time perishes
As complex as things may seem
For it is a rainbow you see
The colors are there
Just waiting to be painted you see

As the clouds grew
The tears started to fall

Copyright 1998 By COYOTE-TEAR

As I have journeyed through life,down one of those path
There are many I have met,their colors are like a rainbow
There are beggers, thives and a ocean full of sex
Walking down on one of those paths

Every now and then I find a friend just like you ,on one of those path
As we Journey on we talk about our woes, about happiness too
There are many, and one came by and lit up your heart, this I saw too
But our freindships still journey on, for our work is never done

Some of us are depressed, some of us are happy
Some of us are poor and others are rich
Some of us seek love other's seek knowledge
But our freindships still journey on, for our work is never done

Walking down that line a little further
There is a lady having a baby in a field of rice
With all that in mind, she puts it on shoulder for all her labor hasn't been done.
As I journey on another life was born, with all the cries of a new life

Copyright © 1998 By COYOTE-TEAR

Heart beating by the tempo of the drums
Scented by the midnight fire
Shooting stars as the fire crackles
Swaying into the shifting sands
Challeged by the tempests of Eros
I'm enchanted with all our glowing years
As vivid as this moment is, it will forever last

Copyright © 1998 By COYOTE-TEAR


One day I was walking
Alone, all alone
Then I came across
A nut store

I stopped,
I felt like
Everyone was nuts
So I went in to buy some

As I paid for them
The lady gave me a smile
I smiled back
For I had all my nuts

As Im walking
I reached inside
To get one of my nuts
I cracked it open

It was a gift of life
Walking along
With my nuts
In hand

I'm in the park now
With my nuts in hand
I see this bench
Where I can start eating,my nuts

A few min when by now
And I see a few squirrels
So I decided to throw them
A few of my nuts

They went running after them
Like they were nuts
And then I had to smile
For they were nuts just like me

Copyright © 1998 By COYOTE-TEAR


As im off in the horizon
To far to ever be touched
As I stand there all alone
It is only the hurt that keeps us apart

As the people pass by
I can only wave good bye
Many tears were left behind
It is only the hurt that keeps us apart

Every now and then one will stop
But they move on just like all the rest
I use to feel bad
But it is only them who can't hang on

Many times it was said
There is someone very special
But not one was special themself
I'm truly amaze by all this

In some of there eyes I'm Gods Great gift
In others
I'm the devils advocate
Some where in between
Is where I wish to be

Copyright © 1998 By COYOTE-TEAR


As I sit here with a smile
Looking out the window
The birds are surrounded
By a clear blue sky

As I sit here in silence
And another smile came over me
I knew your spirit was with me
You can run or hide

You can even find another
But you can't take away
What you already gave me
Some would say

Your a shadow is in my soul
Dark and cold as ice
But the center of the earth
Has a few hot spots of its own

Every now and then and eruption
A towering inferno appears
With all the warmth
And array of fireworks too
Just as if it was Independance day

Copyright © 1999 By COYOTE-TEAR

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