Poems By De_Scribe

Eternal Damnation

Praise and homage to my western god,
Her Darkness…Black Raven Magik
She who exults so mightily, and from
whom supreme power begets its will
She straddles your heavens nightly, as
Lucifer's oracle presides over this, the
occasion of His holy night, rising past
sight in those acrid skies above you

In death's air of freezing despair, my
wings spread for flight, talon's sharpened,
carefully precision honed, tremendous
fang's in massive jowls, rippling hulks of
anxious leaping muscle, infrared eyes
seek, scan and secure, the object of my
blood-curdling thirst…you. Such a night
is to behold, everything has a touch of
cold, as all my gods lust for your juices.
Through me they will be quenched.

Past charred souls restless in flaring nostrils
and haunting moans filling pointed ears,
beside long since dead minions of mine,
row upon row steady in line, from your blood
they were drained, never to be contained,
they need not be clothed housed or fed,
they just obey and deliver me the dead,
cradled by screaming blackness, we fly
bedside to mount your dream, where your
very last thought will have been me.

Sweltering breath across your ashes is left,
cindered fumes, of singular feelings and
plural emotions, regret is too late, the creed
of my Fire Gods offering satisfies their hunger
your soul begins its upward drift, my backward
breath draws you inside, my emptied
chasm now gestates a seed, for my life
ever after, and your's too, within me.

Evolution of a Tear

The oceans are made of tears from broken hearted souls
from all the .." I'm sorry(s)" shed at heavens doors
They are caught by fluffy clouds and ushered to and fro
each one full enough to submerge eagles nests galore
The wind will tickle leaves on trees giving pretty please
in the darkness of night leaving them to moan and rustle
Oh, to hear her whispers gently back to the ocean on its knee's
and icy cold breath screaming out against the forests open neck
Back through the earth to where the soil meets the sea
bring nurturing thriving love and life along the way
Upon the oceans quench your tears are back once again
no more "I'm sorry's" and I promise no more tears.

Still Again, Yet, Again Still

When once we say yet again
if twice are we saying it still
repeat we must define again
the same answer always still

The word again means the same still
therefore . . . still it does yet again
if... again does not change will it still
be the same still or yet change again

So then if these words can just sit still
then or again
If they don't should they try again still
again or still

Should one say "I'll see you again"
I miss you still
As one is to the other yet still again
again and again

Finally, the other answers again
could it be the same answer still
I miss you still
again and again

Loved That Dream

Beyond the chasms of our minds protected,
brighter than the sparkle of a unicorn's horn,
deeper than the darkness of Lucifer's soul,
softer than heaven's own symmetric tears,
lay the greatest mysteries of times gone past.
We venture out, new worlds behold

Earth's memories race backwards
faster and faster, dizzying our heads
past the wars, the plague's, the times of ice
to the dinosaurs, caves and sparks of fires
flooding our thoughts, dreaming our freest
been a long day, really getting hungry

Chasing our prey, as nervous predators
our loin cloth's bloodied, a successful hunt
lightning strikes, a branch in cinders
precious flame cradled, smoking the kill
inside our mountains walls, blood is our ink
large bones for weapons, claws for tools
fur for clothing, always nicely dressed

On our way back, history racing forwards
Africa, Roman Empire, Renaissance
Shakespeare, North America, on the couch
today, right now...geting back from the store
bbq beef stick, watching A&E's 'Time Traveler'
we are woken by the front doorbell
and the after taste of Mastodon

copyright © 1998 By De_Scribe

May you hear me howling from the guts of hell
for as much as your soul wanders eternally
May you see my face in every reflection
even after you have closed your eyes
May you never sleep or rest at all
and your stomach forget to eat
May you be repaid 1,000%
and your debt never end
May you never smile
nor, ever laugh
May you die
No, never

Evolution of a Tear

The oceans are made of tears from broken hearted souls from all the .." I'm sorry(s)" shed at heavens doors They are caught by fluffy clouds and ushered to and fro each one full enough to submerge eagles nests galore The wind will tickle leaves on trees giving pretty please in the darkness of night leaving them to moan and rustle Oh, to hear her whispers gently back to the ocean on its knee's and icy cold breath screaming out against the forests open neck Back through the earth to where the soil meets the sea bring nurturing thriving love and life along the way Upon the oceans quench your tears are back once again no more "I'm sorry's" and I promise no more tears.

something's fishy about this flu

i feel like i've swallowed a rancid, festering, half-dead, diseased, fish

the after taste in my shorn throat is that of warm, skunky, fish milkshakes

the porcelin pot i puke in, takes all the dead fish slime my cat guts can spew

droplets of sweat splash the water, remindful of warmed over dead fish egg's

my stomach turns like that of a feeding frenzie of sharks rippiing and charing

if it weren't for the free seconds at that quiant (dingy) little restaurant

i'd still be on my feet and not laying here sipping my fish head soup

The World's First Punctually Correct Prose .

i said...you said i wasn't smart(period)
you said...you think you are(?,) about all you do is talk to yourself(!)
me...i am {punctually correct(,) politically(,) and rhetorically correct(,) too(.))
you...being correct doesn't mean you're smart(,)
me...ok(,) folks who talk to themselves are the smartest people in the world(.)
you...how can that be(,) with only one listener(?)
me...that's simple(,) space(!)
you...space(?!) how can that be(,) space doesn't value brains(!?)
me...yes(,) aren't you smart if maximize space(?) you...yes(,) but...
me...yes(,) because(...) the entire world becomes one listener(.)
you...that's crazy(,) there is more than one person in the world(.)
me...in your world there is(,) but in mine there are but two ears(.)
you...you really need to visit reality(!!!)
me...are you saying that your's is the only reality to be found(...)
me..you may actually be the smallest mind in a big world(.)
you...oohh(,) please(...)
me...you see(,) in my world i share everyone else's reality the same as you do(,)
you...yes and your point is(...?!)
me...there is a huge difference between us(...)
me...you just agreed that maximizing space was a smart thing to do(.!)
you...technology also maximizes space(,) but in itself is not smart(.)
you...are you saying you are smart because of technology(!?)
me...no(!) i am saying i am smarter than technology(.)
you...ok(,) this should be good(.) please explain(.)
me...i maximize space more efficiently than technology(...)
me...i don't need to(,) waste my space(,) servicing others' desires(...)
me...or feeding the hungry people around the world(.)
me...in my world(,) i need feed only one(,) me(.)
me...in your world(,) you cannot talk to everyone at once(,)
me...in my world(,) my entire constituency is one(.)
me...in your world(,) you can either talk or listen but not do both(...)
me...in my space-effecient world i can talk and listen at the same time(.)
me...in your world(,) decisions you make are defined by the many(.)
me...in my world(.) i am the sole boss(.)
me...i made this prose while you were talking to me(.)
me...did you do anything besides talk and listen(.!)
you...you are talking of one small world(...)
me...yes(,) you can call me a big fish in a small pond(.)
me...whereas you are a small one in a huge ocean(.)
me...doesn't that make me the smartest man in the (my) world(!?)
me...but my world wouldn't be what it is without you
you...so you need me in your world(,) but i don't need you in mine(?)
me...exactly(,) for me to be the smartest man in the world(,) i need you in my world(.)
me...without you(,) i would just be the smartest man in my world(.)
you...well(,) since you put it that way(...) i concede
you...ps) you are also{punctually correct(,) politically(,) and rhetorically correct(,) too(.)
me...i knew you would end up seeing it my way(period)

Loved That Dream

Beyond the chasms of our minds protected,
brighter than the sparkle of a unicorn's horn,
deeper than the darkness of Lucifer's soul,
softer than heaven's own symmetric tears,
lay the greatest mysteries of times gone past.

We venture out, new worlds behold
earth's memories race backwards
faster and faster, dizzying our heads
past the wars, the plague's, the times of ice
to the dinosaurs, caves and sparks of fires
flooding our thoughts, dreaming our freest
been a long day, really getting hungry

Chasing our prey, as nervous predators
our loin cloth's bloodied, a successful hunt
lightning strikes, a branch in cinders
precious flame cradled, smoking the kill
inside our mountains walls, blood is our ink
large bones for weapons, claws for tools
fur for clothing, always nicely dressed

On our way back, history racing forwards
Africa, Roman Empire, Renaissance
Shakespeare, North America, on the couch
today, right now...geting back from the store
bbq beef stick, watching A&E's 'Time Traveler'
we are woken by the front doorbell
and the after taste of Mastodon

Lucifer's Love Potion

Poisonous vipers, coil then strike
lazy venom, seeping through
sleeping organs, lurch hot and shrivel
one by one, infest others then die
boiling blood, cooking your brain
burning memories, charring your soul
death's relentless potion, mission bent
Lucifer's dark serpent, moves on

Mountains From The Heart

Moonbeams descend upon us.
Stars rise and fall in the nocturnal sky.
Trees and mountains, which nearby,
fill the imagination, go to sleep,

Mountains in the myst.
The cold, low lying fog at night.
A zillion stars light their tops.
Lost meadows craddle their laps
where all are blessed to dream.

Stars winking their delight.
Streams and clouds mingle along.
Passing each mountain, a long goodbye,
but not soon to leave our minds eye.

Memories to recreate, mountains in our hearts.
Air so clean and crisp, a life upon itself.
Scented pines, beaver brooks, birds of prey on high.
Morning dew to light the way.
When one top stops, another beckons
showing us the way.

These bumps on our landscape, majestic
alive since the beginning of time, gracefully eld.
Everything on this earth, aspires to ascend.
When once we pass and wave goodbye
within our hearts, they live forever


Satan's Oracle, Slave Eternal ...

A pox on your life, may it cut like a knife
You horrible bitch, oh to watch you twitch
Of all dark diseases, the blackest to you
Bringing blue heat, your breaths to a few ...

From demon spawns belly, it will be your brew
Drink Dark heats groul, and leave not a drop
Whence you swallow, your system shall stop
No prayers be answered, Lucifer wants you ...

Your skin shall crawl, as snakes do on heat
Where nothing is spared, like meat well done
In distance you'll cry, farther than you see
You will never forget your treatment of me

Meet your match now, Satan doesn't lose
Bring on the torture, blistering eternal death
Be you enslaved, no matter you choose
Everlasting Hell, past your very last breath

Pox of no end, unlike this verse quickly penned
Your black heart, acid breath and dead lost eyes
Roaming His dark dimension, without an end
Your voice of pain, of mercy, of guttural cries

A pox on your life, on everything you want
When next you gasp, your chest tight and taunt
Death will not grace you, no mercy it hears
Only then will suffice, and bring out my cheers

{]xxxx[):::::::::::::::::::::: end ::::::::::::::::::::>

A Mysty Meadow

Peace prevails in passive pastures
where wave the wanting wildflowers
softly slowly with soothing sunlight
green grasses do gracefully grow
crystaline colours in constant charest
begin bringing the beautiful bounty
drifting down to drowsy dunes
aroma's all and azure amaze

Friend Turned Foe

Who's friend am I
Surely not my own
Not when I look
And see what I've done
Having thrown my life
To all the emblems of hell
My needs from vices
So relentlessly served
Empowered to worship
A soul of despair
The heart of a coward
I formidably mold
Convulsing with passion
To protect this caged pain
Orphaned of courage
Powerless to change
Oh, what a life
This mad living Hell
To its treachery I bow
The all-cunning drink


At what depths do we see
without reflection
That when the end, becomes the bottom
we see no more

At what favour do we want
without chaste
That when it arrives, becomes the need
we want no more

O0o~~~~~~~~~Body Language~~~~~~~~~o0O

Safe in each others arms,
Securely holding the other,
Secretly speaking without a word

Soothing beacons seek, we cannot deny
Savoring each with all our senses
Saying everything we need to see

Ensconced for eternity, safe for hearts
Every contour, every cell caressed
Entwined bodies, as our minds

Nar even utterance, nor sublime
Nor any feeling better described
Not necessary, no words could say more,

Your warm, full, sensuous lips,
Yet cover mine so knowingly,
Yust as a blanket in the mist

The treasures your body holds, angelically
The sweet smell of your hair, spicey rose
The nape of your neck, so tender and soft

Your shoulders, elbows and hands massaged
Yearning hands long and roam for your breasts
Yes, the nippled centers, firm and quivering

Onto your skin, a sensous oil is gently spread
Over belly-button, down to your nest
Only the legs are left to be swooned

Rolling you over, cool satin beneath
Rubbing your feet, legs to your hips
Relishing ecstasy, quivering your cheeks

The small of your back knurled so slightly
There are no knots left, supple muscles all
Then to your neck, relieving all tension

Yet not a whisper, not even a sound
Your breathing speaks volumes, moaning
Yes my dear, yes ... as I enter you

Our eyes locked in an erotic dance
Over your mouth, I press my lips
Out of our throats, come guttural moans

Hearts are racing, motions are strong
Having reached the sky, just as it explodes
Hearing our bodies crash together, spent

O0o~~~~ This is climax, this is end ~~~~o0O

What's in a number

two groups of us set forth in three's
we had agreed to meet back here at five
my three fore-thought to take the first path
four other three's paired off in sixes

the fourth in our group said, "just a second"
so we three sat as one and took a five'er
one said, "hey look at that...a three-winged bird"
the second it took to turn, was one second too long

"three winged birds have only one foot," panted four
said three, (that's me) "my watch says five to six"
at that we turned all six at once and then broke into three's
five after six...oh my how time fly's with a three winged bird

Ying and Yang

Sometime ago, I kicked a stone on the walkway, in front of me
I watched, as it briefly took flight, spinning around in the air
Just before it returned to the walk, I saw another stone
At the precise moment the first hit the walk, I kicked the second
This one didn't have the penchant of flight, it was a skipper
It must have skipped on the walk a couple of dozen times
Before passing the first, it jumped in the air, missing it by only a hair
I thought how appropriate, two stones holding the mysteries of life
The first, I thought, would be a metaphor for all the highs in life
The second, a fitting transposition for all the lows
They play leap frog, every step of the way, fluctuating ups and downs
Just when one is about to pull away, the other catches up and passes
They are each, the ying and yang, of how we feel and don't
That when we get too high, our second stone, will keep us in check
When the first is in the air, it must eventually come down to earth
While the second skips, never really able to grace the path of the first
No matter how we feel, we follow each and nudge them both along
For when we rest, we fall too far behind, we must always be on the go
We feel sad for a while, then we don't, the second trudges along
The flight of the first, our happiness soars. but still we must come down
When both are at rest, only for a moment... do we follow a set routine
We aren't in the middle long, before we feel up or down again
If one falls off the walk, we scoot to get it back on track, always
No matter if its up or down, without it we aren't complete
Our days, yea our lives, are always up or down, as are the stones
After we learn to temper ourselves better, the better we kick the stones
Our aim improves each step of the way, our distance suffers neither
Just when we think we've got it figured, onto a lawn one will go
We try to look nonchalant, by quickly kicking it free, or so we feel
The walkway is straight and narrow, as is life's tenuous path
Sometimes the flight is short and the skipping few, prefer a balance indeed
So that when we round the corner for home, these two stones are not lost
A huge pile of past stones, mountains the walk to the front door
Into the house we go, no stones do we take, cause mom will let us have it
From in our pockets, only sand do we stock, sprinkling it on the floor
We can't do any more kicking, but if we water, maybe they will grow
These granules to stones one day, may lay in front of you
Be sure to kick them once for me, and from my mom a hello
Start your own pile away from here, then count your ups and downs


Fickled judgment, as a coward

lies, or

a nail driven bent

So indicative of soul

are actions of the mind

What other thought

for every action pondered

shackles such

moral contempt

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