Poems By De_Scribe Page 2

A Mysty Meadow

Peace prevails in passive pastures
Where wave the wanting wildflowers
Softly slowly with soothing sunlight
Green grasses do gracefully grow
Crystaline colours in constant charest
Begin bringing the beautiful bounty
Drifting down to drowsy dunes
Aroma's all and azure amaze

A Day In The Life...

Morning dew on sleeping grass, sliding down the blades
Cascading beneath earth's collar, tickling sleeping roots
Fluid soil, nourishment aplenty, for all things green and more
One by one each blade skyward reaches, freshly
Yesterdays bends straightened, crinkles gone too
...all the while...
Transient worms and centipedes skitter snakes and ladders
Daddy long legs, beetles and more all caught in the maze
Grasshoppers eating, mosquito's nesting, crickets chirping
Dragon flies swooping, black flies resting, ants marching
Gophers burrowing, cat calls, dog growls, anxious tree top birds
...all the while...
Drinking in the mid day sun, each ray promising hope
Scampering clouds, whispering breeze, hardening soil
Strengthening blades row upon row, straight and tall
This bladed jungle, fully alive, fully aware
Hosting life forms, big and small, all
...later on...
Small feet stomping, big ones crushing, bike wheels slicing
Rays at high noon blazing, piercing to the earth
Starkly dry as dry can be, parching every row
Genocide by lawnmower blade, heavy clippings fall
Within this bladed jungle, all life slows its busy pace
...evening ushers in...
The blade world slows its pace, in sunset soliloquy
All inhabitants prepare for dark, as dark as dark can be
Twinkling stars wink all night, the only light there is
Dew begins to from, dripping to the roots
As night waves, morning arrives, another day begins

. . . No Cream No Sugar
An Extra-Large To Go Please

Golden sunlight fills the early morning air
Droplets of crystal shimmer here and there
Songs of blue jays whispered from the trees
We start our days with the buzz of honey bees

Each stretch we take the day grows brighter
One after the other our steps become smarter
Our heads held higher our lips turned up
Freshly awake we reach for our morning cup
(I know what yer thinkin, just wait, its not coffee)

Not at all like coffee this mornings cup of sunshine
Only the very essence of our life sublime
Oh Father Sun without you we are nothing if not blind
Accept our homage we mean you no harm, our devin'd

If I Were The Wind

I'd swoop down and tickle you my love
And carry your laughter away with me
To a safe place at the end of the day and
Get drunk on each giggle again & again

I would cover life's screams with my howl
And craddled in my soothing breeeze
Return the sweetest love songs
Your feeling soul has ever felt

I would chase away all your worldly fears
To a place very fast and very far away
Which would turn them into beautiful dreams
Of soft colours and comforting smiling faces

I would whisper your name to the sunlight
Each ray will warm you each shadow brighten
Transforming thistles into velvet pedaled roses
Warming the clouds so the rain on you is warm

I'd whisper to you the sounds of love
Of children playing with virgin doves
And bring you the sweet scent of flowers
. . . Oh but that I could be your love

She Dreams For Us

With all the charm of lucifer's sword
This day's storm has strolled away
Come with me...we'll sit beneath this tree
Let's watch as mother nature spins her spell's

Where thunder had caused throbbing heart clouds to wane
Now a gossamer veil of rainbow ribbons grace the heavens
And glassy obsidian sunlight seeping through the indigo blue
Will surely be the lure of all clear moon's tonight

In reverent awe we absorb this oasis of pristine beauty
Unfolding as a flower under her silvery power
A bevy chorus of virgin songs her birds do sing to us
No man can copy this sweet smell of carefree paradise.

Through her these gift's do endure
So that when we are old and frail
Our grand children and their's
Will smile when mother nature winks

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