Selling Fire and Brimstone

by the facade of belives of a fallen apostle
lost ones are luried blindly
by a hidden appealing deception
the darkest one is dsiguised
covered by a mask of a decons smile
the stench of sulfer surrounds him
the reaping vendor barks
vending the life of eternial pain
the dark one is perched upon his throne
a throne of ill gotten gains
carved from the bones of holocaustic ideology
from the remains of decayed flesh
he places himself at the gates of hell
he peddles his debtors sin
to covenant the innocence of youthen fools
with a debauhery of selfish intentions
using our own selfish greed of sinful additions
he obtains the payment of eternial missery
agreed upon parchment of innocent sheep
slaughtered and sacrificed
to glorify his brimstone world
of the bark of the jackel
deafen yourself
be deaf to the vendor selling hell

Copyright © 1998 By James Sciandra

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